
La Bourse和La Vie Paris Bistro的Steak Frites

当丹尼尔·罗斯(Daniel Rose)开业时Spring,这是一家在第9座不明的街道上的一家小型季节性驱动的餐厅。这位才华横溢的厨师迅速传播了一句话,他帮助助长了巴黎烹饪中年轻厨师的革命,其中大部分以法国为灵感,但额外的重点是采购最好的季节性水果,蔬菜,鱼类和肉类。

As an American, Daniel didn’t have fixed ideas about how things should be, and used ingredients that were decidedly French – part of a now full-blown movement in Paris amongst a younger generation of chefs, who are putting more vegetables forward on their menus, accenting plates with unexpected seasonings, using less sauces, and lightening up plates, which eventually became part of an international conversation about the current and future state of French cuisine.

这些较小的地方大多数都被包装了,但丹尼尔采取了重大举动,采取了行动Spring到另一个社区,提供比以前更复杂的菜单。(他还在附近重新开放Chez La Vieillein Paris, and opening another in New York.) Spring restaurant had been a success in its spiffier incarnation, but Daniel Rose decided to take a look back at classic French bistro cooking in his new place, applying the same insistence he’s known for in his other restaurant, on the quality of ingredients and careful preparation of the iconic dishes that many of us know and love. It’s obvious onthe menu,在盘子上,厨师玫瑰也对他们有着深切的感情。

Gougeres at La bourse et la vie paris bistro

I’ve had a couple of meals atLa Bourse等La Vie,这个名字是“您的钱包或生活”。(读者巴黎的甜蜜生活会想起我的困惑Le Bourse,这也意味着法语中的阴囊。)我肯定会放弃(尽管我会坚持自己bourse,非常感谢……)另一个奇妙的Gougères坐下后不久,带到桌子上。金色棕色的脆皮奶酪泡芙是巨大的,就像您得到的奶酪一样Chablis的面包店。他们将一半切成薄片,这是一件好事,因为如果我有自己的话,我可能会没有余地吃晚饭。

Foie Gras aat La Bourse等La Vie Paris Bistro


La Bourse和La Vie Paris Bistro的韭菜沙拉

Poireaux vinaigrette是一块可爱的婴儿韭菜,上面放着来自皮埃蒙特(意大利)的烤榛子,被广泛认为是他们的流派中最好的。并且我同意。你们中有些人知道我为他的韭菜醋添加了一些培根的责备,“有人”最终来到了,榛子是我下次要尝试的。

La Bourse等La Vie Paris Bistro


La Bourse等La Vie Paris Bistro


La Bourse等La Vie Paris Bistro

在我第一次访问时,我有Pot-au-feu,法国经典的英语翻译 - 煮牛肉晚餐 - 并不是很公正。(这不是单词的字面翻译,而是英语的菜。)法语版本通常在课程中提供,一碗汤开始。然后,肉和诸如第二芥末,玉米琴,粗盐和辣根等调味品以及旁边的调味品一起出来,欢迎您按照自己的意愿挑选嫩牛肉和蔬菜的碎片。

Pot au feu在La Bourse和La Vie Paris Bistro

La Bourse等La Vie, 这Pot-au-feucomes out in a well-used copper pot and is lightened and brightened up with a flurry of fresh herbs, a clever touch that you won’t find in a stodgy bistro. Because the dish came from humble beginnings, it usually includes a beef bone, served with a narrow spoon to dig out the jelly-like marrow.

La Bourse等La Vie Paris Bistro

我喜欢这道菜,然后再订购。(一次又一次。)实际上,昨晚我和一个朋友共进晚餐,当我们谈论这家餐厅时,我们俩都同意Pot-au-feuwas the dish to have. I did try a fried quail with buckwheat that was on the menu, on a subsequent visit, that were pieces of deep-fried quail which had been dipped in a buckwheat batter (Caille Frite Au Sarrasin),这更像是即兴演奏炸鸡,这是我在地球上最喜欢的东西之一,而不是在小酒馆里找到的东西。我不太期待它,花时间试图偷偷溜走罗曼的口味pot-au-feu,我敦促他订购,这是几次零食比一盘鹌鹑轻的次数之一。

Pot au feu在La Bourse和La Vie Paris Bistro

Dijon Mustard在La Bourse等La Vie Paris Bistro

人们很难想象一个小酒馆没有Steak-frites甚至是角落TABAC菜单上会有。正确完成时 - 牛肉和一堆新鲜制作的炸薯条煮至酥脆,这是我最喜欢的菜之一。

La Bourse等人的牛排和炸薯条

La Bourse等La Vie Paris Bistro

On the initial visit, a group of friends and I had reservations for the second seating and I am pretty sure we were the only Americans in the place. (Even though two of us live here.) The second time I was at the first seating dining with Romain, and he was in the minority. I like a mix of people and it’s encouraging to see people traveling who like to eat well, since I’m one of those kinds of travelers myself.


La Bourse等La Vie Paris Bistro

我是简单法国甜点的粉丝,焦糖焦糖位于该列表的最高点。与我的一小群朋友一起用餐时,一个人拥有一家很棒的餐厅in the United States, and she’s a terrific baker, too. We both agreed that this was one of the best versions of crème caramel that we’ve had.


La Bourse和La Vie Paris Bistro的Creme Caramel

La Bourse等La Vie
12 Rue Vivienne(第二)
tél:01 42 60 08 83





    • P. Adams


      • 安吉拉 - 糕点店变得完美

      多么美妙的餐厅。整个帖子让我垂涎三尺 - 午餐时间阅读不是一个好主意!

        • ksenia @在移民桌上


          • Nadia@Maisontravers


            • Martinn Key2Paris

            2到3周前和一个朋友一起去过那里。小房间装饰着味道,微笑的团队,我爱我的pot-au-feu de veau和têtecroustillante,我的朋友爱她的牡蛎。它已经在我的网站上,在我的推荐列表中,我已经派出了一些客人和朋友。不幸的是,我们关闭了……。

                • Nadia@Maisontravers


                    • Martinn Key2Paris

                    嗨,纳迪亚,不要嫉妒,来,我很乐意认识你。我记得我们已经在David.martinn的另一篇文章中交换了info atkey2paris.com

                  • 苏珊·希尔


                    • 迈克尔·拉莫特


                        • 大卫


                        • 南希·怀尔德(Nancy Wilder)

                        Delicious looking, all of it. Steak and fries for brekky, please!

                            • 卡罗琳·曼

                            南希·怀尔德(Nancy Wilder),绿色可能是黄油加上草药。有很多变化。一个用于4种牛排的黄油配方是4吨未盐的黄油,1/2葱,1个丁香大蒜,1T新鲜细香葱,1吨新鲜欧芹,盐,胡椒粉。将所有东西捣碎。可以立即使用 - 每煮熟的牛排1吨,或霉菌变成冷却。切成4块,顶上煮熟的牛排。

                            • 比尔·弗洛丁


                                • 大卫


                                • Jen

                                每当我为朋友和家人做猩猩时,他们都会爱他们!我总是在面糊中添加帕玛森奶酪,然后像您在帖子中一样撒在上面 - 谢谢大卫!

                                  • 劳里

                                  我有一个问题,请澄清黄油。这是一个简单的过程,我已经做了很多次,直到我从Trader Joes那里购买了黄油。它通常闻起来像……黄油,颜色是金色。这次不行。这是我见过的最苍白的黄色,除了低芥酸菜籽油之外,闻起来都不多。我没有从任何类型的黄油混合开始。我应该用什么来澄清黄油?谢谢,劳里

                                      • 大卫

                                      I don’t know about that butter but I do know TJs carries Kerrygold, which is excellent. I’ve not used it to make澄清黄油,但我确定它运行良好。

                                        • 希望安德森

                                        The butter that Trader Joe’s sells under its name is very poor quality. Not only does it taste like nothing but it has a very high water content, which is evident when you melt it. It’s particularly bad for baking.


                                              • 诺拉签名者

                                              Hi David-Hi David’s community-The label on Trader Joe’s Organic Sweet Butter states that where other butters have water they have a higher percentage of milk which only leaves more milk solids in the bottom of the pot when clarifying the butter or cooking it longer for ghee, not a great surprise when it happens. So I no longer use TJ’s butter. My problem is when there is a new batch of ghee I end up using it for practically everything. I’d clearly have a lot of trouble if I had easy access to Normandy butter!

                                            • Kit Williams

                                            有趣的是,这个时机。I made a creme caramel last night and, as I was trolling the internet while it was in the oven, I suddenly realized that I had forgotten to add the vanilla (I didn’t have a bean, so meant to add the extract after adding the milk to the eggs). Ah well — my subconscious was making it the French way! Anyway, David, at what point of the cooking do they add the cream? Is it heated up with the milk? Is it added after the milk and eggs have been combined? DO tell, if you know the secret! Many thanks!

                                              • Jen

                                              PS, they don’t just love them, they go crazy over them! It’s my favorite thing to make for parties for that reason. :)

                                                • Alison

                                                这个地方听起来很吸引人,但是在哪里?我们住在几个街区之外,并在Rue Vivienne上上下寻找这家餐厅,无济于事。它没有迹象吗?

                                                    • Martinn Key2Paris

                                                    非常谨慎,我几乎也错过了它和我的朋友……当您从Bourse前往Galerie Vivienne时,在左手方面。我想他们希望在几周内如此出名,以至于他们不需要“炫耀” :-)

                                                        • Alison


                                                        • 大卫


                                                          • 亚历克斯


                                                              • Alison

                                                              谢谢。一旦我们得知没有迹象,我们就走过并找到了这个地方,却发现它们已经关闭到3月7日!叹气 - 将坚持不懈。令人高兴的是,这个社区是一个有目标的好食物环境,所以我想我们会生存直到回来。

                                                                • John Talbott


                                                              我上周在巴黎 - 希望您在此之前发布!!!不过,我在Zeyer(Alésia)吃了一顿美餐,并将在下次保留此地址,希望五月下旬!

                                                                • 克雷格·舒马赫(Craig Schumacher)

                                                                wow….i just ate and now i’m hungry again….thanks a lot…i love your writing and taste, david…i’ve been living in france now for 4 months and have developed a wonderful addiction to camembert…i was told by an “expert” that the only camembert to eat is properly labeled “camembert de normandie”…just wondering what your thoughts are about that and could you tell me who makes the camembert in the above photo…can’t make out the name…again, thank-you so much for taking the time to share your experiences…i’m a fan….

                                                                    • 大卫

                                                                    Yes, Camembert de Normandie is the true, raw-milk cheese. I think there are only 7 producers of it left, and I always choose it over the standard Camemberts, the ones sold in supermarkets and perhaps in some cheese shops. I don’t know which brand of Camembert de Normandie they serve but any reputable cheese shop should be able to point you towards a good one. (Often they will open it and smell it for you, or at least feel it, to check the ripeness before selling it.)

                                                                      • Martinn Key2Paris


                                                                      • Jennifer


                                                                        • 凯茜


                                                                            • 大卫

                                                                            Most of the places in Paris now do two seatings. It’s rare that a restaurant can afford to only do one seating, especially one like this that only has 29 seats. I think they had 6 people on staff, and it’s extremely expensive to have employees in France due to very high social charges. (Some say the high costs are the reason some restauranteurs are using冷冻食品维持生计。这里的一切都是无可挑剔的。)不确定您是否住在法国,但是由于巴黎租金,公用事业账单,高劳动力成本和食品成本,大多数小型粮食企业都很难维持生计。

                                                                            Last night I went to Au Passage and they do two seatings, as do places like Frenchie and Ellsworth, too, for the same reason – and also because so many people want to eat there as well. Generally only the higher-end places do one seating per night and while it’s nice to go to those places, they are more special-occasion nights for most people.

                                                                            • Italiangirlcooks

                                                                            I’m taken with the gougeres…they look amazing. My mouth is watering, too. Am downloading the recipe right now!

                                                                              • 维多利亚


                                                                                  • 纳迪亚


                                                                                  • 苏珊·艾伦

                                                                                  单击第二段的第二段中的“大餐厅”的链接。发现这是我们自己心爱的Al Forno,但不知道Jo有一个博客。亲爱的朋友的侄子也是糕点厨师。罗德岛人总是回到这里是有原因的。这里可以找到各种餐馆,当地市场以及几乎各种食物的范围。我记得有人试图在我们的宿舍厨房里制作沿海,在60年代后期如此充满异国情调

                                                                                      • 大卫


                                                                                      • 彼得·L

                                                                                      So, don’t go. In defense of the two seatings at LBetV, as David mentions it is compact; I remember it having about 30 covers max. If that place did only 30 dinners a night it would not be in business very long. Another thing, the place has a lot of repeat customers.

                                                                                        • 福特·康奈尔




                                                                                            • 纳迪亚


                                                                                                • Martinn Key2Paris


                                                                                              • Barbara

                                                                                              I bought Kerrygold butter in awhile Foods, Santa Monica, CA, & think they had back East in DC area, so I’d check in your local WF’s–if u have.

                                                                                                • Barbara

                                                                                                That’s Whole Foods!

                                                                                                  • Jackie

                                                                                                  关于a hundred years ago (2008), I ate at la bourse ou la vie (at least that’s what my notes say – I have no French. Same spot, new owners? It was such a lovely meal, but the place was empty. Might have been the day or time or rainy weather. I have seen reference to this new place a couple of different places and am hoping if they are related, the old owners are doing well. They were exceedingly kind to two clueless young Americans and fed us very well.

                                                                                                    • 彼得·L

                                                                                                    杰基,这是相同的(物理)空间。您是正确的:是LB OU LV,现在是ET而不是OU。曾经是一个由前建筑师拥有的非常好的牛排餐厅。几年前,我们上次在那里,写作显然是在末日的墙上。顺便说一句,对于如此狭小的空间,内部改头换面非常好。

                                                                                                      • John talbott


                                                                                                        • 米歇尔

                                                                                                        First attempt at making your linked gougeres recipe is now in the oven, thank you! I love reading your blog.

                                                                                                          • 劳里




                                                                                                              • Martinn Key2Paris

                                                                                                              嗨,劳里(Laurie),是巴黎人,我想说我想为巴士底尔节(Bastille Day)表现“皇室” :-)
                                                                                                              Going to Versailles, having luxury food just to be “controversial”
                                                                                                              在第13和14号寻找丹塞(Danse)在街上的地方Bal des Pompiers,Bals Populaires…
                                                                                                              您应该在第12个OR13(在第14位,大多数事情都关闭)去Bastille。前往大道Daumesnil,在PromenadePlantée上行走,参观下面的工匠商店,前往MarchéD'Aligre,在早上享受食物和跳蚤市场,然后前往Ducasse rue de la Roquette rue de Chocolat de Chocolat;发现许多与家具设计和艺术相关的工匠(Xixth Century历史)。如果您愿意,我有一个清单。迷人,历史,必看。

                                                                                                                • 大卫

                                                                                                                Most places in Paris don’t book that far in advance. Usually two months is normal for popular places but you could certainly call and inquire. Unlike the celebrations in America, “Bastille Day” in Paris isn’t celebrated with the same gusto. (It’s the beginning of vacation season, so most people are preparing to head out of town.) There is a military parade down the Champs-Elysées and some events. More info is at the巴黎网站

                                                                                                                    • 劳里


                                                                                                                  • 巴黎的阿德里安·德食品

                                                                                                                  I love this place. A lot. And at first sight you could say that they had not created anything.
                                                                                                                  但这是他们擅长的地步:丹尼尔·罗斯(Daniel Rose)做了一件了不起的,显然是简单的工作,但是一切都做得很好。简单的细节使一切都不同。我强烈推荐这个地方,尤其是在这个冬季,您想吃这种饭菜。

                                                                                                                    • 巴黎的阿德里安·德食品


                                                                                                                      • 尼古拉斯(Nicholas Ng)


                                                                                                                        • 丹尼尔·罗斯





