
前几天,我在想秋天和冬季友好的鸡尾酒。卡尔瓦多斯(apple brandy) of course is always in season, but I also had a bottle of spiced pear liqueur from St. George Spirits in California on hand that has a lovely pear flavor mingled with a bouquet of spices, that I’ve been meaning to incorporate into a cocktail.

I had a hunch that it would be well-paired with French apple brandy, and that hunch proved correct in this Far From the Tree cocktail, a nod to the expression that “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” as the apple brandy – and the sparkling apple cider – fell into my kitchen, which are quite far from any trees. But happily, they all made it into my glass.


Spiced Pear Liqueur圣乔治精神, a distiller in my old stomping grounds of Alameda, California. I knew the founder, Jörg Rupf, who started distilling European-style spirits in the San Francisco Bay Area in 1982. At the time, few knew what eau-de vie was.

Jörg was a wealth of knowledge and I always learned something when I spent time with him, and was surprised when he told me one day that it took around 50 pounds (23kg) of Bartlett pears to make just one bottle of pear eau-de-vie, and he laughed that his biggest restaurant account sold only a half bottle of eau-de-vie every two months. He reveled in the bounty of excellent produce in California, making eau-de-vie from everything, including kiwifruit, apples, raspberries, pears, and even holly berries.

有一天,他在酿酒厂的时候给了我一口苹果白兰地,他做了,但迅速忘记了,这与卡尔瓦多斯类似,但没有terroir。(要被称为“ Calvados”,必须在诺曼底制作苹果白兰地,只有某些当地苹果,并为其香气添加了一些梨,并且必须在木桶中陈化至少两年。)他的苹果白兰地已经坐在枪管里已经十年了,当他发现它时,很美味。约尔格最终从蒸馏厂退休,并出售了该公司,该公司仍在强劲,圣乔治精神在大师酿酒师兰斯·温特斯(Lance Winters)的带领下,继续制作出出色的利口酒,包括杜松子酒和其他蒸馏(他们现在称他们的Eau-de Vie为“白兰地”),Absinthe,Vodka(包括绿色辣椒One),Shochu和Shochu和Shochu和Bruto Americano这是我特别喜欢的植物性替代品,它没有人造着色剂,它是由当地植物和其他成分富有表现力的融合而成的。



If you can't get the spiced pear liqueur, you could use a good-quality triple sec, orange liqueur (such as Grand Marnier) or another good quality fruit-based liqueur.
Course 饮料
  • 2盎司卡尔瓦多斯
  • 1/2盎司甜苦艾酒
  • 1/2盎司圣乔治五香梨利口酒
  • sparkling hard cider or sparkling wine
  • 将Calvados,甜苦艾酒和梨利口酒加入鸡尾酒混合玻璃中。
  • 将装满冰的三分之二的玻璃杯充满,然后轻快搅拌直至易碎,大约15秒钟。过滤成冷藏的轿跑车玻璃。加入一个冰块和一阵火花苹果酒。


    • Rosary Lescohier


      • 新泽西先生

      “They drank the Kool-Aid” makes sense in any language only if you know the Jonestown story. Tell him that and then you can use the expression in English. There is even a Wikipedia page for it.


      一种pparently Kool-Aid got a bad rap. It was the best-known brand at the time, and the expression came into common use quickly after the massacre, perhaps partly because some writers had used it before. But it was not necessarily what they drank. Or so Wikipedia says.


          • 大卫


          • Linda H.


            • Sharyn Dimmick

            我不知道霍莉浆果是可食用的或可蒸馏的。- 我正在看一棵覆盖着它们的大树木。

                • 大卫

                它们不是可食用的,但乔尔说,当蒸馏时,eau-de-vie可以喝othersmakingit today.

                • Suzanne Femmer

                Does your French partner know the Jim Jones cult mass Koolaid suicide story? That explains the Koolaid slang. On the cocktail end of things – I’m not fond of apples in any form other than pies ; ) but will try the spiced pear liqueur with a substitute. I feel an adventure in the making!

                  • 克里斯蒂娜

                  I love St. George’s spiced pear liqueur! I usually drink it neat but this sounds like a fabulous cocktail to use it in (& a great excuse to stock up again). I prefer their Bruto to Campari in cocktails

                    • Carolyn

                    Commonly heard these days in regard to those sycophants who continue to believe anything that comes out of a certain President’s mouth.

                      • 伊丽莎白


                          • 大卫


                          • 来自温哥华的恩典


                              • jane



                                • 大卫


                                • phanmo



                                  • 莫莉·凯洛格(Molly Kellogg)

                                  Love the cocktail…and the reference to American expressions. I worked in Hong Kong for many years and every time I came back for meetings at my Warner Bros. headquarters there was a new expression that I never heard before…my favorite “whack-a-mole”. They had to explain it came from a child’s game; every time you whacked a mole, another one popped up. i.e. can apply to trying to solve most any problem!

                                    • 李·杰克逊

                                    Yes to this. I have everything but pear liqueur. I am prepared to take my COVID chances with a double mask to go find it! Thanks for the recipe!

                                      • Robin Bergman


                                          • 大卫


                                          • 鳕鱼角的帕姆

                                          If you’re really considering being “bi”, this girl is all for it!
                                          一种student from Shanghai once asked me what “wag the dog” meant. Yikes.

                                            • 希拉

                                            Sounds wonderful! My favorite holiday cocktail is also an apple/pear/spice combination: Chuck Taggart’s Réveillon with Calvados, Pear brandy, Allspice liqueur, sweet vermouth and aromatic bitters. Looking forward to picking up some spiced pear liqueur so I can compare them.

                                              • 艾玛

                                              This is delicious! We love the St. George’s pear liqueur and had some on hand. I picked up calvados and ended up using a bit of sparkling water + apple cider to top it off. Thank you for the festive recipe!

                                                  • 大卫

                                                  Glad you had a bottle of the pear liqueur on hand!

                                                  • Barbara Novello


                                                    • Jess Miller


                                                      谢谢大卫的精彩饮料食谱。我使用的苹果白兰地是汤姆的愚蠢,距离我与当地苹果一起住在俄亥俄州的地方30英里,上面放着原始Sin的Blackberry Apple苹果酒。我想我的风土是中西部饮料的风土。我使用了Orancello而不是梨利口酒,但是苹果酒中的黑莓添加了与Applejack搭配的奇妙复杂性。

                                                        • 凯特


                                                          • 海伦·克利夫兰


                                                              • 大卫

                                                              我没有。我敢肯定,苹果或梨派,脆皮或其他甜点像苹果或梨派的馅料一样飞溅一种pple Tart,将很有趣。如果您这样做,请让我们知道结果如何!


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