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La Maison du Chocolat

I was excited to finally visit the famed kitchen of La Maison du Chocolat, just outside of Paris.罗伯特·林克斯(Robert Linxe), who was born in the Basque region founded La Maison du Chocolat. He was one the major proponents of usingganachein his chocolates; that slightly-airy amalgamation of chocolate and cream. Then he went on to develop a flavor palette ofganache基于巧克力……其余的是巧克力史上最成功的故事之一。

还有什么更好的方法巧克力味帖子比一盒完美La Maison du Chocolatresting smack-dab in front of me. I couldn’t take pictures in the production facility but I will say that everything I saw was extraordinary, from the wild fennel branches infusing in cream forGarrigue,对于崇高的,在您的口中融化焦糖慕斯之前融化了您的手Rigoletto。看着专注但又开朗的巧克力蛋糕开始工作,这对我来说是另一种享受。在努力考试的同时,遇到了他们的头部装饰者,看着他在巧克力中塑造各种各样的东西。是的highest honor那个法国赋予了手工艺人,这使厨师可以在厨师的夹克上穿红色,白色和蓝色条纹的衣领:我可以肯定的是,他的外观,他不会有很多困难。他的巧克力雕塑是机智和嬉戏的,但最重要的是绝对华丽。

一边鞭打焦糖 - 搅拌慕斯(或者我应该说“下降”,就像“孵化”……),我书中的另一个顶级味道是Zagora;融合了新鲜的鲜艳薄荷和苦乐参半的巧克力。但是作为Cerise Griottescame moving through the chocolate enrober, the chef plucked one off the belt and stuck it in my mouth. Inside was a tender, tiny candied sour cherry (watch out for the pit, my litigious compatriots…), which melted into a flavorful mouthful of dark chocolate and cherry madness. Is it about the fruit, or is it about the chocolate? Why fight it? It was a perfect alliance of both.

La Maison du Chocolat的其他口味包括一种ndalousie, whoseganache有着含糖橙皮的异常味道,味道还不够完全,所以小柑橘类皮有很好的结晶。

我倾向于将La Maison du Chocolat视为理所当然。毕竟,他们在巴黎以及东京和伦敦都有商店。I go by them all the time, and although I peer in the window to see what’s new (note: If you come during Christmastime, the chestnut mousse-filled mounds are not to be missed) I don’t stop in as often as I should.


La Maison du Chocolat
225,Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré(8号)


一种lso read:La Maison du Chocolat



    • barbara

    You know the scene of Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally. Well that’s me after reading this post.

      • 鲜味

      我告诉人们我不是巧克力迷。但是,我的梳妆台上总是有一个藏在我的塞里斯·格里奥特斯(Cerise Griottes)。在离开公寓之前或漫长的一天后我回家时,它是快速的早餐。

        • Tai – Tai




          • Taina

          您提到的栗子穆斯巧克力是我最喜欢的巧克力,可从10月至3月开始。我认为它们被称为“ Marroncini”或类似的东西。您可以选择牛奶巧克力或黑巧克力(或选择将两者结合在一起的盒子)。该死,我们已经进入四月了!

            • melange


              • Deb

              Ooh! Je suis très jalouse. La Maison du Chocolat is my absolutely favorite place to get chocolate, but all I ever get is their plain and/or champagne truffles. They’re so rich and perfect, it’s probably the only chocolate in the world that I can limit myself intake to just one piece at a time. Okay, I’m totally lying.

                • Madcarlotta

                Okay, that’s it….you are now officially禁止从我的电脑屏幕直到我减掉20磅!

                冰淇淋books, friendship bars, chocolate chocolate chocolate…GAH!

                  • 马里奥

                  We are blessed with TWO Maisons du Chocolat in Manhattan, isn’t that incredible? I don’t know where this country would be without New York, I tell ya.

                    • La Reveuse

                    You suck.



                      • 路易莎

                      好主 - 野茴香?Griottes?清新薄荷?参观Linxe Laboratoire?这可能很明显,但我认为您有史以来最好的工作。

                        • Jennifer Jeffrey

                        I am utterly consumed with envy. Consumed.

                          • Mary

                          I’m not as envious as your other readers, I say bully for you. I bet you’ve always dreamed of being invited to visit Willy Wonka and I’m sure that you’d be the one he’d single out to inherit the chocolate factory. By the way, I’m rethinking my “can’t afford to make better coffee at home” statement from the other day. I’ve decided to add a qualifier, I can’t afford it right now. This stuff just takes over brain, ya know?

                            • 一种lexandra

                            No Maison du Chocolat in Toronto :(

                              • Tokyorosa

                              当我住在东京时,我的一位学生是La Maison du Chocolat的巧克力(?),经常带来最精致的巧克力供所有人尝试。她的情人节礼物给我一年是两公斤巧克力松露……。我当然想念她!

                                • Jessica “Su Good Eats”


                                  • Loulou

                                  Thanks for the link to “Keeping it Real.” I sent my note to the FDA.

                                    • Jane


                                    It’s a great pleasure and a great honor to see how much you love Paris and the nice way you describe it.


                                    Jane (Paris Batignolles)

                                      • 釉女士

                                      Jealous? Naaaah! Last week I got a private tour of Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory and not only did I get to swim in the chocolate river, but I also got to play with the oompa loompas! Top that Monsieur Lebovitz! Btw, I was in a SF production of the opera Rigoletto. We had to go topless on the stage. Quite embarrasing really. I wonder if the chocolate maker saw our performance per chance, hence the name?

                                        • 奥克兰的莫琳



                                          • 塔特莱特

                                          When I went home for Christmas, I could not ge enough of the Rigoletto and Andalousie…as well as their chocolate eclairs…Lucky you!


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