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chopped salad


People and restaurants in Paris don’t eat or serve raw vegetables much, except inles crudités- 通常三个简单的沙拉胡萝卜丝,芹菜remoulade,西红柿,黄瓜,有时甚至是一些甜菜楔子。从技术上讲不是原始的(除非它们被磨碎),但是如果他们愿意,欢迎棍棒与当地人大惊小怪。但是每个人都在le régime(饮食)在这里,您会认为蔬菜会更受欢迎。



You never see raw garlic being served in Paris restaurants, or anything too garlic-heavy, most likely because of the smell. Humorously, when I ate at a Korean restaurant on the rue Saint-Anne with some friends recently, on the way out, the hostess offers each of us a piece of minty chewing gum. (I noticed quite a few declined and simply lit up a cigarette, which something tells me doesn’t have quite the same effect.)


I’ve noticed folks here often makes salad with canola oil, rather than olive oil, too. A friend who is a good cook said that ten years ago she never would have dreamed of using olive oil in her cooking. And in fact, if you look at a lot of classicaïoli食谱,许多食谱都结合了橄榄和中性糖的油,因为橄榄油的味道如此强烈。(记住“ trop degoût”?)我一生都在沙拉敷料中使用了橄榄油,我从它们那里得到了一个提示,现在有时会玩葡萄籽油或其他有趣的品种。




One of my favorite tricks is to use a玫瑰式刨丝器to prepare the garlic, so I don’t need to worry about getting my cutting boards all garlicky. It’s my small effort to keep everything in the city less-fragrant. Well, just a little.


I guess I’m more French than I thought because I’m not a fan of very hard vegetables raw, like broccoli, cauliflower, or green beans. So if I use them, I blanch or steam the vegetables lightly, to make them a bit more palatable.


  • 2丁香大蒜,剥皮,磨碎或切碎
  • 2汤匙fresh lemon juice
  • 1茶匙犹太盐或海盐
  • 1/2茶匙第戎芥末
  • 1/4cup (60ml)olive or grape seed oil,or another favorite oil

For the salad - 6 cups (700g) mixed chopped vegetables and other additions such as:

  • 培根碎
  • 鳄梨丁
  • 立方体烤鸡
  • Batons of baked tofu
  • Crumbled feta,goat, or blue cheese
  • 切碎的romaine,Radicchio或宝石生菜
  • 切成薄片或四分之一的萝卜
  • 磨碎或朱利安(Julienne-Cut)胡萝卜
  • 红卷心菜
  • Minced parsley or chives
  • 轻蒸或变白的西兰花,花椰菜,绿豆或芦笋
  • Diced hard-cooked eggs
  • 南瓜子
  • 四分之一的樱桃番茄
  • In a large salad bowl, mix together the garlic, lemon juice, salt, and mustard with a fork
  • 加入橄榄油,用叉子搅拌,直到敷料混合在一起。(我觉得它变得太重和厚。)
  • 加入沙拉成分并拌匀。





乔安妮·威尔(Joanne Weir)的黄瓜 - 富特沙拉




    • Cathy


      • 天空


        • 塔米

        访问巴黎时,我遇到了同样的问题。渴望蔬菜24/7,但到处走到任何地方,他们都将蔬菜煮沸到糊状的地步,否则萨拉德·佛特(Salade Vert)是一份小的菜。

          • 三煮


            • Charis

            That looks amazing!

                • 大卫

                Hi Charis: It’s a very sharp, small-holed grater with a handle. I added a link to the one I use in the post (which I like because the holes are larger than some of the others and it tends to grate the garlic into little pieces rather than mush) – but there are a variety of them on the market now and you can find rasp-style graters in stores that sell culinary equipment and online. They’re something that has become indispensable for grating hard cheeses (and some people use them for chocolate, too), and now I use mine for grating fresh garlic and ginger as well.

                • 梅里西


                  • Belles Lettres

                  I tasted a salad just like this at a picnic prepared by French friends in the park at Sceaux last weekend! I have never, ever been a fan of cauliflower in any of its incarnations (as tried by my dear mother), but trying it lightly steamed, in a mixed salad, I though it was delicious.

                    • 梅里西


                      • sneh |厨师共和国

                      That looks fresh and tasty David! I love purple garlic especially if I am using it raw .. somehow I find it sweeter and gentler on the palate. I am pro blanching too :-)

                        • Barbra


                        As for olive oil, extra-virgin can become bitter with a lot of mixing, actually, which is one reason to temper it with another oil. It’s true, I swear!

                          • 塞伦


                            • Nuts about food


                              • 凯伦·布朗(Karen Brown)

                              Avocado oil! Here in NZ we produce the most delicious avocado oil, and anything raw tastes divine dipped in avo oil. Especially avocado. Must say, those little butter lettuce look particularly tasty. It’s winter here in the Pacific, that and the floods in Queensland, Australia have pushed the prices of salad greens to new highs. I could kill for a crisp asparagus spear or a ripe tomato. Cheers from the Icey Antipodes, Karen Brown

                                • Magda

                                我无法想象 *不 *在沙拉中使用橄榄油。没有什么比它了。

                                I too used to believe that a cigarette after dinner can get rid of garlic smell, or onion smell, or any kind of smell. Talk about self delusion ;)
                                Thank god I quit. Both smoking and deluding myself, heh.

                                  • angela

                                  沙拉中有很多东西,一顿饭……..爱柠檬调味料,柠檬使一切变得如此新鲜……。法国的鳄梨在里面往往很坚硬或棕色,它们似乎从来没有成熟……。用橄榄油和大蒜轻轻炒……完全是一种沙拉(由我的市场供应商送给我的,卖给我土豆和豆类!)。Bon Bastille日!


                                      • Kitchen Voyage


                                        • 玛丽(a.k.a. Gardenfreshtomatoes)


                                          • 安妮


                                            • 希瑟


                                              • Annabel(Redboots夫人)


                                              法国人曾经以闻到大蒜的声誉而闻名 - 笑话是,在地铁中上一流的唯一原因是因为您在那里有更好的大蒜……。

                                                • 艾米·卡姆(Amy Kamm)

                                                看起来很美味!!! Can’t wait to try it tonight.

                                                  • Jenny


                                                    • 甜点


                                                    I’ve been playing with grapeseed oil too lately. I’m loving it for frying–better than canola, in my opinion.

                                                      • 约翰娜

                                                      我希望为Bastille Day提供红色,白色和蓝色食谱。
                                                      Bonne fete anyhow.

                                                        • chrissy @

                                                        在巴黎时,我总是在每家餐厅都有相同的沙拉调味料。它似乎是蛋黄酱和醋和其他东西的混合物 - 非常基本。我试图复制它,但我似乎无法钉住它。有人知道如何偶然做到吗?


                                                          • Kalyn


                                                            • Tricia

                                                            There used to be a sign at La Coupole, maybe still is, “Une Salade n’est pas un repas”
                                                            Must have been all the Americans asking for just a salad.

                                                            Bonnes Fetes!

                                                              • La Domestique


                                                                • 琳达


                                                                  • JimmyJay


                                                                    • 大卫

                                                                    克里斯西 - 在许多法国咖啡馆的调味料中,有很多dijon芥末(尽管许多人已经准备好了) - 这也是因为他们使用普通油而不是橄榄油。


                                                                      • 诺琳

                                                                      当然,我的一块大蒜 - 我的duh。我确实有一个小的塑料切菜板,可以弄脏,但是为什么当我有一个小奇迹之一时。我只是将生豆和西兰花放在沙拉中。他们必须被正确地涂抹。


                                                                        • 凯西



                                                                          • Pennyloper

                                                                          I had the same vegetable problem during a 2 week visit in Barcelona. I just didn’t see any fresh vegetables when eating out. Everything was deep fried and heavily salted. And I love meat. By the 3rd day, I just wanted a simple salad of mixed greens for dinner and I finally found it at – of all places – McDonald’s. That Salad Shaker was one of the best meals during that trip. That and the vegetable paella at The Seven Doors restaurant.

                                                                            • Alana d


                                                                              • 斯蒂芬


                                                                                • 凯利·莫纳汉(Kelly Monaghan)

                                                                                对于那些在巴黎渴望沙拉的人,我愿建议第11位的Le Funambules,12 Rue Faidherbe。


                                                                                  • Steve

                                                                                  A perfect salad during the summer when veggies are fresh (and local)… thanks – we will look forward to preparing this, soon!

                                                                                    • everyday-vegetarian-recipes


                                                                                      • frances @ foodess文件


                                                                                        • Jacqueline


                                                                                          • Kelly


                                                                                            • Shari


                                                                                              • 阿曼达

                                                                                              I’ve never thought to use the Microplane for garlic – I guess I’d have to watch my fingers, though.

                                                                                                • 6月2日

                                                                                                My mother was notorious for embarassing us (until we passed the age of teenage mortification) by asking for a wedge of lemon or a branch of parsley after garlic meals out…She would eat the lemon peel or the entire stem of parsley, swearing it cleansed her breath of the garlic. It worked – until the next day when her pores exuded whatever garlic she’d eaten.

                                                                                                  • 安娜

                                                                                                  i do love raw garlic…french people are on le regime?? i thought they were thin naturally and easily, while eating loads of cheese and wine? my world (and ambition to move to france as a weight loss technique) is crumbling around me…

                                                                                                    Hi there David! It looks absolutely delicious and I’m a fan of Olive Oil…I love the nutty taste. When it gets too hot in the summer – a nice, fresh, tasty salad is a delight! Lovely – as always!

                                                                                                      • 菲利斯·基里金(Phyllis Kirigin)


                                                                                                        • 加夫里埃尔

                                                                                                        我从来没有理解过效果太强的事情 - 我什至不喜欢橄榄,但是即使我在其中浸入东西时,Evoo也永远不会对我味道橄榄色。我第二@Karen Brown推荐了我们可爱的新西兰鳄梨油,包括沙拉/蘸酱,也用于烹饪(它的烟点比橄榄油更高)。

                                                                                                          • 卡罗琳Z


                                                                                                            First time writing from Mill Valley, California , one of the iconic centers of organic veggies and meats… this was my “after work” exercise today: walked downtown for an hour stroll of the village with a stop for a local cocktail, then into the Mill Valley Market for the Sonoma goat cheese and a package of their in house made carmalized almonds to fill out my Marin Organic lettuce/arugla chopped salad with Hass avacado, homegrown radishes, grape tomatoes (still lots of fog here in the SF Bay Area), shaved carrots and scallions…..vinagrette with a bit of sugar…Paris, you do not know what you are missing! Indeed 2 weeks in the Marais this May going to the Marche Aligre…could not replicate what we have here in the Bay Area. David, you are an inspiration (and a very fun author) but I am sure this lack of fresh raw veggies in salad thing drives you crazy. Plus lots of chewy food satisfies the “full meal: factor and leaves you at your normal weight! On the other hand, the cheese, the chocolat, the saucisson…such a treat!

                                                                                                              • Judy

                                                                                                              嗨,大卫 - 感谢您在您的出色博客中分享自己。我是一个较晚的开花器,最近刚刚进入美食博客的世界。我喜欢谈论食物,购物(我已经观察到在市场上抚摸茄子),准备它(当然包括甜点),阅读它并与之共享并与他人分享。
                                                                                                              您切碎的沙拉非常接近我喜欢做的东西。I also like to omit or lessen the lettuce and add a grain/carb like brown rice, orzo, Israeli couscous or quinoa (just started using that and love it and yes, I know it ain’t a grain which makes me love it more). Also I usually add sliced green onion and maybe a fresh herb like dill, Italian parsley or basil.
                                                                                                              几天前,我从您在美食博客营地的演讲中阅读了您关于美食博客的文章。哇 - 真的很全面和洞察力,我很高兴有像您这样的慷慨的人,是像我这样的新手的绝佳资源。Blogger Camp听起来像是一场令人兴奋的活动,可能是一场令人难以置信的活动,我不禁会看到很多坐在树林里野餐桌子周围的绒布衬衫的人的视觉效果。也许有一天我会加入,但是首先,我必须提高相机技能,致力于名称并找出所有这些计算机的东西。是的,我打算加入已经肿胀的美食博客作者,感谢您和其他人激发我的启发。

                                                                                                                • Bonoca

                                                                                                                尼吉拉·劳森(Nigella Lawson)(家庭女神)在烹饪节目中总是使用rasp风格的刨丝器。一直以为这是一个好主意(她还将其用于擦洗新鲜的生姜)。只需使用一个超大的大蒜丁香,这样就不会在到达小块时鞭打手指:-)

                                                                                                                  • Rene Bien


                                                                                                                  我已经使用了多年的Rasp Grater作为大蒜和生姜。最近,我一直在用姜煮茶,这是有效的,添加了一点蜂蜜和柠檬,可爱的感冒,一般的酸痛和疼痛。生姜。汤匙技术很快就取下了粗糙的去皮并保留了肉。

                                                                                                                    • 杰西卡

                                                                                                                    我今天为午餐做沙拉,很棒。浓郁的,并且有了完美的大蒜 - 之后我什至不需要口香糖!

                                                                                                                      • nilda

                                                                                                                      I love garlic, I find it gives a real kick to most recipes. And we can use the amount that makes us feel comfortable.


                                                                                                                      I’ve learned that when one travels restaurant research is as important as the hotels we might visit. Now that we are not longer in our thirties, when we go to Paris we’ve found various places where to eat healthy meals, cooked with not too much butter or cream.

                                                                                                                      巴塞罗那 - 当访问巴塞罗那时,您可以前往La Boqueria市场。我为这个地方疯狂。您会发现建筑物内部的五颜六色的蔬菜,鱼类,水果和许多小餐馆。他们在那里出售最新鲜的巴塞罗那食品。

                                                                                                                      Or you could go to El Corte Ingles, in Barcelona, which is a very large department store. In the top floors they have different style restaurants, cafeterias, bars, serve yourself cafeterias. The food can be affordable if you eat in the “serve yourself” section. You’ll enjoy your meal among the polite Barcelonians. We always go there when we visit.



                                                                                                                      - El Corte Ingles
                                                                                                                      eixample -
                                                                                                                      Passeig degràcia

                                                                                                                      –La Boqueria
                                                                                                                      –C/ LA RAMBLA, 91
                                                                                                                      933 182 584
                                                                                                                      Open Mon-Sat 8am-8:30pm

                                                                                                                        • Sarahb1313


                                                                                                                        First time I used the coarse microplane with garlic I took off quite a bit of skin- it brought them down so fast! But I do love it.

                                                                                                                        那种调味料也很棒 - 谢谢!

                                                                                                                          • Lynn


                                                                                                                            • 珍妮

                                                                                                                            这种调味料在冷扁豆沙拉上很棒:)有切碎的橄榄,切碎的胡萝卜和其他蔬菜……。我首先从朱莉娅·童(Julia Child)制作了扁豆沙拉Way to Cook从那以后一直被迷住(因为我爱扁豆);是时候分支了!

                                                                                                                              • 让·玛丽


                                                                                                                                • 帕蒂

                                                                                                                                今晚使这种敷料补充了我农民的市场发现(野芝麻菜,令人惊叹的樱桃番茄,绿豆 - 蓝色) - 戴上帕尔玛剃须的顶部 - 这是崇高的!

                                                                                                                                (the only change I made was to cut back a bit on the salt)

                                                                                                                                  • 梅丽尔

                                                                                                                                  当我在巴黎埃恩斯(Baris Eons)居住时,我有很多萨拉德(Salade)。我不记得其中的所有东西,但是我记得甜菜,玉米,西红柿,黄瓜,我认为还有萝卜和切碎的胡萝卜,还有其他一些食材。里面有鹰嘴豆吗?它总是用完美的醋汁轻轻地扔掉,并配上法式面包片。mmmmmmm。

                                                                                                                                    • 克里斯汀|像素化面包屑

                                                                                                                                    Well, it’s a good thing Kathy (or any French folks for that matter) isn’t coming over to my place for dinner because if she balks at 2 cloves, I don’t know what she’d do when she saw how much garlic we put in our food. We’re roasting a whole head of it right now for our garlic orange aioli….

                                                                                                                                    This salad is the perfect ode to a hot and sticky day like today (unlike turning the oven to 400 to roast garlic – what were we thinking?). Thanks for the inspiration!

                                                                                                                                      • amélie


                                                                                                                                        • 罗伊


                                                                                                                                          • 有理由季节


                                                                                                                                            • 玛丽Leon







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