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I discovered this drink in The Auberge of the Flowering Hearth, a book I seem to reread every couple of years. Written by Roy Andries de Groot, it’s an ode to a charming艾伯格(inn), nestled in the French alps, where two women created magical meals for their guests. Like most meals in France, their menus began with an开胃酒。书中的一个是一杯Dubonnet,等量柯希,,,,topped off with a dash of soda water.

It was quite a drink, which I refashioned since after all that kirsch, I didn’t know how anyone could have made it through one of their multi-course dinners. At the艾伯格,,,,each course had its own wine pairing (at lunch晚餐),例如在书中开始这片apéritif的一顿饭,其中包括猪肉肝陶器,番茄汤的奶油,一个Tourte(enclosed pastry tart) of wild boaràlaCrème,然后是三种不同种类的奶酪,然后 -- 一种甜的奶油新鲜奶酪,可作为甜点。我不认识你,但我只读了它。难怪我读了这本书很多次。这让我同时饿了,充满了。


The apéritif that I used here isByrrh。它有一个有趣的名字,紫罗兰兄弟于1873年以药用滋补品发展。他们紧迫,他们迅速提出了这个名字。作为织物商人,他们在商店的盒子里看到了随机的字母,将它们放在一起,然后拿出Byrrh。它的名声蔓延,在鼎盛时期,它是世界上最受欢迎的法国Apéritif。

一种lthough the name is pronounced likebière(啤酒),它是基于葡萄酒的,注入了橙子,肉桂和奎宁等植物,并具有类似樱桃的音符,与浓郁的蔓越莓配对。其他可以使用的法国红apéritifs是Dubonnet,,,,Cap Corserouge, or even sweet vermouth. Each has its own flavor profile, but availability can vary based on where you live. So feel free to swap out one for another.

说到名字,法语中的蔓越莓一词是Canneberge,听起来像艾伯格。一种lthough the fresh berries are in short supply (however they usually appear around the holidays, forLesAméricians), the juice is available. I thought there would be a good mash-up name for this apéritif that combined the two words, and cultures, but ‘Canberge’, didn’t quite sound right, nor did Auberge, which was a little too on-the-nose. So I called it Cranberry Auberge, and then we drank up.


Byrrh在美国的储存良好的酒店中出售。大昆奎娜通常是出口的东西,据说是原始食谱,更精致。较大的瓶子(在帖子中显示在大昆奎那(Grand Quinquina)的前景中)是在法国最广泛使用的瓶子,在超市出售。代替Byrrh,可以随意使用另一种法国红apéritif,例如Cap Corse Rouge,Lillet Rouge,Dubonnet或Sweet Vermouth,例如Dolin。作为换成eau-de-vie的交换,请改用杜松子酒。
服务 1drink
  • 1 1/2盎司Byrrh,,,,或另一个法国红apéritif葡萄酒或甜苦艾酒
  • 3/4盎司eau-de-vie,,,,最好是Kirsch
  • 1盎司蔓越莓汁
  • 闪闪发光的水或干葡萄酒
  • 橙色扭曲和新鲜的蔓越莓,,,,装饰用
  • 在短的玻璃杯或岩石玻璃中,将Byrrh,Eau-De-Vie和Cranberry Juice混合在一起。
  • 加入少量冰,然后用闪闪发光的水上顶。装饰有橙色的扭曲和一些新鲜的蔓越莓。


    • Bricktop

    我认为没有一本书比“开花壁炉的艾伯格”重新阅读。人们经常写评论,说书是令人回味的,但这是运输工具。当我阅读它时,我在那里。我想知道de Groot的盲目是否是一个因素。尽管如此,我不能更高度推荐这本书。实际上,我将在假期重新阅读它。

        • 大卫

        Yes, I don’t know of a book that’s more evocative of a certain place, and time, in France. I also wonder if his being blind, if having someone describe things to him, he was able to be more imaginative when he wrote his descriptions of places and foods? When I went to Voiron last month, back to Chartreuse distillery, I re-read it again. No one there knew anything about the book, and the place is gone, but it’s nice to image what it was like back then…

            • 玛莎

            The place is not gone, I was there just last year. It’s just no longer run by the two ladies, and the people who do run it know nothing about the book or the inn’s former owners.

                • 大卫

                该建筑仍在那里,但并不称为同一名称,也没有由同一人经营,他们对原始旅馆或Auberge的参考为零。但是,是的,从技术上讲,您是对的 - 建筑物仍然站立,所以我错了。

            • Jenne

            那“ cranberge”呢?

                • 大卫


                • 同性恋贾德森


                  • 海伦S.

                  我不拥有您提到的书,但还有同一位作家罗伊·安德里斯·德·格鲁特(Roy Andries de Groot)的另一本书,在所有季节里都有盛宴。我喜欢阅读。就像有电视节目的一集一样。

                      • 拉加塔蒙特利尔

                      如果我记得(法语),但我有很多书,尤其是食谱,因为它们很容易重新制作。现在在蒙特利尔图书馆系统中可用。除了Canneberges之外,这里还有蔓越莓的另一个词,“ atocas”是一种来自土著语言。


                      • 卡琳·佩雷拉(Karin Pereira)

                      I remember de Groot showing off his skills how to use the Cuisinart when it first came out. He demonstrated that it was easy to operate despite his blindness. Amazing.

                        • 珍妮丝·林哈雷斯(Janice Linhares)

                        大卫– It’s means it is. Its is different. Check it out. You’ve got it wrong.

                          • 希拉


                            • 赫恩

                            一种wonderful post, with a terrific recipe for an aperitif.
                            当我在巴黎的Le Cordon Bleu学习时,我读了《开花炉膛》。这是一本奇妙的书,唤起了美妙餐厅的精神,对现在已经消失的食物和传统的热爱和尊重。
                            I can’t find my copy to reread, so I’ll look for it online, and well as his other book.

                              • 南希·萨顿


                                  • 大卫

                                  I used to be surprised when I’d spent a few days developing and testing a recipe to share, writing it up, taking pictures, then coding and uploading it…then would get a comment that simply read, “You forgot a comma.”

                                  现在,我认为这很有趣(尽管这里没有编辑器,所以最好有另一个眼睛找到傻瓜) - 但是,谢谢您,很高兴您喜欢这些帖子!:))

                                  • DG


                                  would love to see you try some of the sweeter recipes from that book someday — maybe even the flaming mountain of chamechaude? ;)

                                      • 大卫

                                      I made theGâteaudesavoiefrom the book a few years ago, but I sort of have a policy of only sharing one recipe from a book, out of fairness to the author, but yes, some of those recipes are pretty over-the-top…or at least close to it!

                                      • Sinjin

                                      大卫,感谢您的饮料食谱。您的时机很完美。我们在11日庆祝,制作了黑森林蛋糕的版本。因此,我们有这瓶Kirsch,您就在那里。我们称其为lebovitz,很美味。Merci Encore。

                                          • 大卫

                                          Happy you liked the drink. Nice that you had a bottle of kirsch handy. I always do :)

                                            • 莫莉·R。

                                            现在,我已经用Cap Corse Rouge(当时可以找到的)和Byrrh Grand Quinquina一起做了几次饮料。这两个版本都是令人愉快的。我喜欢Byrrh的温暖和帽子的苦味。因此,我真的认为这仅取决于某人的心情。感谢您分享这些食谱。在可预见的未来被困在美国,这是一种生活在弗朗西河的好方法!

                                                • 大卫

                                                可以将许多红色apéritifs(或白色)(例如Cap Corse,Dubonnet和Byrrh)换成(或与)苦艾酒。它们都有相似的概况,但是Byrrh会给您带来更多多汁的果味,而您提到的Cap Corse增加了奎宁的苦味。将它们交换很有趣,但也很高兴能与不同的法国Apéritifs一起玩!

                                              • 珍妮

                                              一种wonderful book, and the drink sounds perfect for Christmas, after the egg nog, that is.

                                                • 艾伦·萨菲安(Ellen Safian)

                                                Hi David, Thanks for delicious brisket recipe for Chanukah. Just like for baking, your cooking instructions were perfect. Might you have a shareable noodle pudding recipe? My mother only made a savory one.

                                                  • 一种my B

                                                  喜欢您的帖子和幽默感(尤其是在评论中)。期待在假期期间尝试这种食谱和变化。万博ios客户端您将使用这个组合使用什么?咸零食 - 加香料的坚果,橄榄?也欢迎其他人的建议!

                                                    • 西亚

                                                    几十年前,当MFK Fisher仍在附近提及这本Auberge的书,然后继续他的所有书籍。几年前,我很高兴看到您第一次提到这本书。那时,我给丈夫副本,现在他也是粉丝。他是制作我们在这里所说的勒博维茨的人。坚强而有趣的甜美。谢谢你。而DONTCHA喜欢那个血统:de Groot,Fisher,Lebovitz。


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