

Or so they say. I obviously don’t get out much, but last year when I went toCamp CassouletChez Loulou的Jennifer也出席了会议。尽管我以前认识的所有邀请的人,但她是我唯一没有的人。勇敢的女孩!


她在她的博客上写了一个有趣的食谱Sour Cherries with Bay Leaf并在页面上添加了书签,假设我不会在巴黎看到酸樱桃:它们在这里和美国的难度一样难。


所以当我看到新鲜Griottes,,,,I almost lunged at the stand, and walked away with 2 kilos (about 4½ pounds).


实际上,在看台上有两个垃圾箱。一个酸樱桃是另一个酸樱桃的两倍。当我问有什么区别时,那个女人指着更昂贵的人。“这些都是加上美女“。I’ve learned that the French often see things that I miss (like why my mobile phone plan at 20€ for a measly 60 minutes of talk time is a good deal), I took my chances and since they both looked exactly same to me—one wasn’t prettier than the other—I bought the less-expensive ones.


I find the best way to pit sour cherries is with my fingers. Aside from being a good way to ensure that you’ve extracted the pit, it’s also very effective for finding any tiny cuts you might have in your fingers as well. I spiced-up the recipe a bit, adding some allspice.

sour cherry jam

显然,我不太担心我的朋友。但是我关心你。因为我的食谱page reverted back to its 2001 status when I upgraded my system last week, causing me premature hair loss (from pulling what’s left of it out), I thought I’d be nice and point you to some of my favorite cherry recipes, which you can make with sweet or sour cherries.


Pickled Sour Cherries

改编自配方Chez Loulou
  • 1/2杯子(125毫升)白醋
  • 1/3cup (180ml)water
  • 4盎司(115克)sugar
  • 20黑胡椒
  • 2海湾叶
  • 1/2pound (225g)酸樱桃,,,,冲洗,茎剪成两半
  • 将醋,水和糖煮沸,直到糖溶解为止。
  • 从火上取出,加入胡椒和月桂叶。
  • 用销钉刺樱桃,然后将它们放入热液体中。
  • 将内容物倒入一个干净的罐子中(我将沸水倒入其中,或将其通过洗碗机运行,然后先干燥),盖上盖子并冷藏直至准备食用。



Other Cherry Recipes on the Site


    • 芭芭拉

    Sour cherries are the best! And you’re right: Those little suckers get slimy in no time. When you pit them by hand do you just press the pit through the flesh or do you split open the skin and then pop out the pit? I’ll have to try your method next time, because the pitter really crushes the fruit. But wait, how did the pickled cherries turn out? Did you like them?

      • Loulou


      Thanks for the mention. Over the weekend I gave three jars of the Pickled Sour Cherries to different friends, one of whom has the tree that half of the cherries came from.
      他们闻到天堂般的味道,但我还没有用肉品尝它们。希望它与马格雷特·卡纳德(Magret de Canard)因为那是我这个周末要做的。
      Merci David!

        • 蒂法尼

        Maybe this is a dumb question, but what kind of cherries are the fire engine red ones? I had never had them in the States before and recently experienced them in France. Where I live they have mostly Bing cherries.

          • l

          Hm my brother bought me a cherry pitter last year because he likes to buy the most useless junk ever. (note: from what I know, he has never cooked a single meal since moving out to NYC 4 years ago). So when I saw cherries at my local supermarket I couldn’t resist buying them. And then I looked for my brand new unused cherry pitter and it was nowhere to be found. So I pitted them by hand after all. Oh…well. For all I know, that was probably easier anyways.

            • 艾米丽


              • Jesse Gardner


                • David

                艾米丽: For sour cherries, which are soft, I find my fingers work best. But for plump, sweet cherries, a pitter is a good investment. They usually run less than $10, but you can often find them at tag sales if you’re a good sleuth.


                  • kimi @滋养美食

                  Hmmm….they sound great. But I doubt I will be able to find any in my area. I am afraid that my farmer’s market isn’t very great. They just stick with the basics. Some of the recipes you linked to sound incredible.

                    • David

                    Kimi: A lot of farmers don’t raise sour cherries (or sell them) because they’re so fragile and there isn’t a lot of demand. In SF, I used to pre-order them from a farmer who wouldn’t bring them to the market because they would sit there and turn brown if he did.


                      • 琳达




                        • 杰西卡


                        如果我没记错的话,那是来自金芽农场。我的事他们在渡轮广场市场上有一个立场。比尔(Bill)在伯克利(Berkeley)的蒙特雷市场(Monterey Market)上面也倾向于在可用时获得它们。-dl

                          • 克里萨利亚(法国)


                            • 桑德拉

                            几年前,您不是在今天的演出中使用拉直的纸剪辑,并与凯蒂·库里克(Katie Couric)做了一点?我似乎记得看着你挥舞着剪辑,也不是pitter,也不是手指。我猜怎么着。我喜欢Chop Sticks的想法,如果樱桃较软,尽管我确实必须承认我有小东西。
                            Cherries are in season, but they travel from long distances to New England and they aren’t sour. But your recipes are exploding in a binder I have and will have to just make room for a few more with cherries, etc–or another binder.

                              • 丽莎


                                • 希望安


                                  • 特里纳


                                    • 查克

                                    大卫,我找到了您在SF Excelsior区的两棵树的好处,以追求您的2棵树。(我从来没有意识到它们是Griottes,直到我在您的网站上看到照片!)昨晚在法国3周后昨晚返回家中,发现树木准备好采摘。(上周的热量似乎使它们比平时更加​​多汁)。我用大约5磅的水果拖了,并制作了无染色的果酱,它现在很好地凝固了。非常感谢。

                                      • Devlyn

                                      Oh goodness, thank you so very much for the No-recipe jam recipe… I came across some sour cherries at the Farmers’ Market today, and even though they were ridiculously expensive compared to the rest of the cherries (Bing and Ranier were $3/lb, whereas the griottes were $8.75/quart), I purchased a basket and just made the most lovely jam. I’ll be spreading it on some homemade bagels this weekend, I’m sure. ^_^
                                      I’ll have to get some more and try the pickling as well.

                                        • 理查德



                                          • David

                                          嗨,理查德:我在理查德·莱诺尔市场(Richard Lenoir Market)上了我的,但大约一个月前,这个季节可能已经结束。皮卡德(Picard)出售它们的袋子,凹陷和冷冻,这很好(很容易!),尽管我认为它们不适合腌制,因为它们解冻时可能会倒太多果汁。




