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坦率地说,除了我以外的任何人参加比赛,我感到有些惊讶……但是大多数的临床怀疑论者似乎都赢得了胜利。参与者来自世界各地:意大利,爱沙尼亚,法国,苏格兰,西班牙,德国,加拿大和美国。感谢大家向我发送您的条目,我鼓励读者访问他们的网站,以了解他们的修剪 -aliciousadventures.


In spite what I now see as a highly-organized, internationally-recognized conspiracy against prunes, here are entries from all over the world.
Hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

Judy托斯卡纳炉has a savory and amazing recipe forCinghiale in Dolce Forte,改编自一个古老的食谱。她的野猪炖肉有漂亮的丰满李子……以及怀疑巧克力!

The zesty red-headed劳拉Cucina Testa Rossabegan a torrid love affair with, what she writes, “the most expensive prunes in the world”, the famed Stuffed Prunes from Agen. Then she went on to make a creamyGlace de Pruneaux d’Agen et Armagnac, Prune & Armagnac ice cream, making full use of her new ice cream freezer.

Fellow ParisianChristinewho resides atChez Christinepresents a stunningTerrine de Canard Aux Pruneaux et a l'Armagnac(带李子和Armagnac的Duck Terrine)以及食谱,听起来值得假期。

Zorra,来自西班牙安达卢西亚,做了一些神话般的小吃培根雪利酒浸泡的李子, a variation of the delicious bacon-wrapped dates which I’ve had grilled and served in many小吃bars. I can’t wait to try it with prunes and it’s simple enough for anyone to make…no matter where you live.


彼得at茶叶found his own translation forpruneaux d’Agen。和even if a scholar of the French language might take exception to his method, his entry如何吃李子had me eying my prized bottle of Armagnac in anticipation of making his boozy infusion.

我几乎害怕打开林迪的post atToastsince it was titled “Nightingale with Prunes”. But instead of something ‘fowl’, I found a delicate and delicious prune-presentation inspired by a recipe from pastry heroPierre Hermé

Pille, an Estonian living in Scotland, who’s captivating blog presents anI Am So Good For You Prune Cakehapukoorekook kuivatatud ploomidega, (although she slipped once and called it ‘plum juice’ when she meant ‘prune juice’). In spite of the,er, high-fiber benefits of prunes, her recipe packs in some extra wheat bran!

我的Amateur GourmetSurvivor,Melissa, survived her search fortwo prune recipes和discovered an Iranian Prune Stewa ‘Plumb’ Cake that I could almost smell just looking at the pictures.
Merci Melissa!

Marc gave prunes, what he calls, “some X-appeal”, and he re-created my pal and baking guruNick Malgieri’sX-Cookies, using a gift from hisex。嗯……他看起来像是在制作饼干中成为X-Pert。

Ulrikemade a stunningCouscous Tabbouleh with Glazed Prunes, a trans-Atlantic combination of organic California Prunes cooked up in Germany. (Check out the swirlyapfelrezeptecarving off to the side of the blog too!) Ulrike wasn’t the only one who looked to the Middle East for inspiration…

Another Scottish import (seems like a trend, Scottish food bloggers!), Iain, presents a Beef in Beer with Guiness-Soaked Prunes that looks like just the thing for that blustery winter coming soon to Scotland.

Over in LA, Rachel makes one of my favorite snacks,Dried Plum Financiers和的fers an explanation of their mysterious journey from ‘prunes’ to ‘dried plums’.

Sarah Loufrom Canada made a flaky MoroccanBasteeya Pie, which is one of my all-time favorite dishes; layers of filo dough brushed with butter then filled with shredded chicken, cinnamon, and a touch of sweetness.

米歇尔said I gave her the courage to tackle prunes in a羊肉Taginewith Prunes。While I appreciate her kinds words, I think comparing me to her grandmother in her post means I deserve some delicious gift, don’t you?
Perhaps some salted-butter caramels Michele?

Melissasaid ,“Okay, David, you’ve won.Then she came out with a lovely搅拌rune和蛋c这是一种多汁的梅作填充物,从片状的蛋tart馅中溢出。她确实提到她在用李子做饭时仍然感到不安(等待明天,如果你想感到不安,梅利莎…)

当我不将他的博客用于我的社会政治咆哮时,Brett炖了一个可爱的梅拉格masala chai偷猎李子它将崇高的印度香料与烟熏阿萨姆茶结合在一起,为巴塞罗那的Casa Gispert创建了一个不错的疗法,这是我世界上我最喜欢的美食之一。

I will forgiveFatemehfor calling me神经质(after all, Woody Allen’s made a career out of it…why can’t I?) Especially since she’s driving me across the Bay Area soon in our pursuit of the best Chinese点心soon. So I was afraid she might make Prune点心,但相反,在她的童年时期的食谱中找到了灵感,该食谱周四修剪博客很高兴地重新点燃:Toss Kabak,添加木瓜的咸肉和修剪炖肉。

莫莉我想,奥兰吉特会浸入美味的黑巧克力中的李子,而是用Stewed Prunes with Cinnamon and Citrus, which she’s going to “stew us into submission” with. Glad she overcame her friend’s giggling fits when she told them about prunes. I mean, when her friend gets old and wrinkly, I hope no one’s giggling at her!


Cathy从她的博客上寄出她的食谱和照片的修剪面包我的Little Kitchen

Spicy Prune Mole fromJocelynatBrownie Pointsusing Dagoba organic chocolate, which is one of my favorite chocolates.

Alanna来自素食公司有一个Prune Tsimmes

并来自巴雷特在太多的厨师中,Bleu奶酪,修剪和洋葱蛋, and from梅格,实际上喜欢李子,已经60岁以下(这是我们访问巴黎的农场博览会,促使修剪麦芽麦无麻),并张贴了她的想法The Best Thing To Do With Prunes。在Too Many Chefs

并来自伊丽莎白, there an IcelandicPrune Layer Cake和a savoryChicken (or Lamb) Couscous with Prunes and Apricots来自世界的另一部分。修剪爱好者团结!

修剪博客星期四给完善我制作食谱的勇气chocolate French-styleMacaronswith your choice of a creamy chocolate ganache filling, or an Armagnac-scented prune filling.

Thanks again to everyone for participating in the first, the original, (and the only)修剪博客星期四

(PS:我所有的巧克力macaronsare gone! They were quickly wiped out at my friendHeather’s30th birthday party this weekend. Thanks for asking.)



    • judy witts

    大卫, what a pleasure to meet all your friends .. rather like coming to a potluck isn’t it!

    I’ve been inspired!


    Another time!

      • judy witts

      What is that all about?

      I moved to Florence from SF in 1984..what about everyone else?

        • 米歇尔


          • laura @ cucina testa rossa


            • Lil


              • Melissa (:


              (Was there a problem with the link I sent you? I see you have folks aimed at Adam’s site, but not mine. Unless… you were keeping my recipes all to yourself… bwahahahaha- er *cough* (; )

                • 盖尔

                I’ll be eating my french prunes on my Thursday flight to West Palm Beach, land of no electricity, no hot coffee, no hot showers, while I read David’s great article in Hemisphere. For the 2nd time, I might add.

                  • Mariann Vandenberg, CTC

                  大卫, I’ll be in Paris next month. Where’s the best place to buy some good French prunes. Also, that wine tasting review about O’Chateau looks like a great fun experience. I think we’ll try it!

                    • Luisa


                      • Melissa (:



                        • Iain

                        There’s a real feast here! Well done prune fans. Together we can defeat the conspiracy!

                        顺便说一句,戴维(David) - 那个巨大的冬天即将到来苏格兰……。已经在这里!(但是啤酒中的牛肉有帮助;-)

                          • Melissa


                            • 雷切尔

                            ACK! Late as always. Oh well, it was fun. My dried plum financiers were sinfully delicious. Thanks for inspiring me to dust off that recipe!


                              • Fatemeh

                              Nicely done.


                                • Brett

                                Great round-up and lots of international participation1 Glad to see I’m not the only fan of the little prune. I’m sorry (yet also relieved) to see that nobody made Fergus Henderson’s Eel, Bacon and Prune Stew.

                                  • McAuliflower




                                    • Alanna

                                    另一个晚期,但是嘿!仍然是这个星期四在美国中部。这很有趣 - 感谢您的主持。Alanna哦,帖子在这里。

                                      • 壳牌

                                      So…ummm…if Fatemeh needs a relief driver, can I go dim sum tasting too?

                                        • savorybaker

                                        Here’s one more prune recipe:

                                        Slit sausage lengthwise, insert 3 or 4 prunes, wrap entire sausage in bacon…and grill it until

                                        Easy and tasty too.

                                          • Elise

                                          How in the world did I miss this event? I LOVE prunes! (Self flagellation commences…)

                                          Great round up, lots of ideas here. Thanks!

                                            • shauna





                                            Thanks for all the recipes, David.

                                              • 苏珊·坎贝尔

                                              I am confused. In all of the prune recipes it doesn’t designate if the prunes are dried or fresh. I have a tree full of fresh prunes and don’t know what to do with them. Should I dry them first and then make them into something. It sounds like the chutneys are made from dried prunes. I think these are French prunes. The match the description.

                                                • 大卫

                                                Susan: The recipes all use dried prunes, as shown in the photo.

                                                Italian Prune Plums是各种新鲜李子。用于干燥的李子称为Prune Ente



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