
brushing olive oil

I’ve been on a bread-making bender lately, experimenting with various types of loaves. While testing recipes makes me learn a lot about how things work (and what doesn’t!), I’ve been facing an onslaught of bread. Since I’m having guests over tonight, and I just made a few trays, I thought I’d share my favorite way to use up leftover bread.

This isn’t great for using up leftover white bread, or anything fine-textured. But for country-style loaves, sourdough, or baguettes, it can’t be beat. Grainy breads work well, too.

橄榄油 - 面包



面包和大蒜 大蒜面包s

Bake the slices of bread in a 350ºF (180ºC) oven for about 5 minutes, until the bread is slightly toasted and browned. Remove from the oven and when cool enough to handle (but while still warm), rub each piece of bread with garlic from a peeled clove as firmly as you can without breaking the bread, to get little pieces of garlic melded to the bread.

Let the bread cool, and serve. If you’d like to save them for later, once cool, wrap them in an air-tight container. But they should be served the same day they’re made.


与最喜欢的蘸酱一起食用hummus,eggplant caviar,巴巴·甘努斯(Baba Ganoush), or烤山羊奶酪. You can also toss them in a mixed green salad, or use them as crostini, underneath the topping of your choice.


    • 砖波尔福德

    I skip the garlic and use with pâté.

      • 卡特里娜飓风 @温暖的香草糖


        • Randy Goldberg


          • Mimi


            • 迪安德拉

            Love the trick of making slightly firm bread soft again. Thank you David!

              • Jasanna


                • Sophia Twaddell

                感谢您的灵感。我一直坚持为Potage St. Germain制作面包丁,在芝加哥的这个时候并不是很有用。但是,这些看起来好吃的零食总有东西可以浸入。

                  • 将要

                  My first thought when I saw the title of this post was “What the hell is leftover bread:)”

                    • Nanci Courtney

                    我在七月和八月要给你一个字 - 潘扎内拉!

                      • Jennifer @ Peanut Butter and Peppers


                        • 缺口

                        I have been making a batch of 4 800gm loaves a week for the last 12 years or so. If I have a knob end, then I look on it as a cooks perk, slaver it with butter and enjoy. I do have a jar of ends which I must have been too full to indulge myself in and they are used for ribolita or other beany stews, especially in winter. (funny how how made bread never goes mouldy).
                        Also works as pudding – break them up, and pour custard, aka creme anglais and bake. You can put some dried fruit in there too, in case you feel the need for a bit of indulgence.
                        If I need croutons or am going to do the bruschetta thing, I usually have to make an extra batch.
                        如果人们来了,我会敲更多诸如Epi,Fougasse和Poccachia之类的花哨的东西。我将其直接涂在橄榄油中,从烤箱中涂上,因此可爱的粗sel gris粘在它上。这往往会在整个下午被选中,所以很少剩下。
                        Goes with out saying, the bought bread were I live is not nice.

                          • 维罗妮卡

                          在西班牙,您会服用一半的牛肉番茄,并在大蒜味的面包上撒上它。撒上少许盐和橄榄油 - 泛块。如果需要的话,您可以用Serrano Ham或Manchego食用它,但是就像早餐一样,也很棒,可以作为开胃菜。

                            • Ranchodeluxe


                              • 佩奇·伯格(Paige Berg)

                              What about freezing the leftovers? And, what kind of bread is in the pictures?

                                • 桑德拉


                                  • Holiday Baker Man


                                    • jamie @ green beans & grapefruit


                                      • 娜塔莉

                                      像Veronica一样,我立即想到了Pan Con Tomate!有时我有意吃,但是半面包,所以第二天早上我可以和另一半一起吃一些:)

                                        • Annaliese

                                        David, what bread recipe did you use for the lovely crisps? The bread itself looks so interesting! I doubt there would be any leftovers…

                                          • 芭芭拉|创意烹饪

                                          I make this all the time; great use for bread that has seen it’s prime. Just did some last week and topped it with mozzarella and cherry tomato halves for lunch and again yesterday with goat cheese and a mixed olive tapenade. This is my own version of vegetarian…I’m happy eating nothing else for dinner!

                                            • Svevo

                                            Sounds like a great idea for overlooked bread. Why is there ALWAYS leftover bread in the cupboard?

                                            Very lightly, sprinkle bread with a few DROPS of water. Place bread in a microwave on the lowest (bread) setting for 5 -15 seconds to revive it. Proceed with recipe.

                                              • 基因

                                              我总是喜欢快速简便的解决方案!我喜欢人们对如何用途剩下的面包提出的巧妙方式。Tuscans特别擅长于此,我喜欢他们的面包汤,Ribollita和Papa al Pomodoro,当然还有他们的面包沙拉Panzanella。但是,只是烤一些优质的面包,然后用鹰嘴豆泥或橄榄酱涂抹它们的声音真是太好了,尤其是拿着必要的葡萄酒!

                                                • fraley

                                                我爱你的东西。这是与Glee Cleariffed黄油一起使用的绝佳主意,其中添加了大蒜或罗勒/香菜。面包没有那么多Cal vs肉。而且,如果您吃了很多纤维,我喜欢它,这种类型的面包是昂贵的,我讨厌把它扔掉,因为好面包的发霉确实更快。

                                                  • 菲利普

                                                  If I’m eating alone (which is often) I use my panini press instead of the oven. The toasts are my favorite vehicle for steak tartare- ground beef, a little sea salt, some olive oil, and cracked pepper. Or tapenade. Actually, just about anything.

                                                    • Nancy

                                                    Thank you.

                                                      These ideas are always appreciated… My roommate brings home loads of bread from the restaurant where he works, so I’m always in a scramble to make ribollitas, panzanellas, and grilled cheeses. I think these will do for dips and fresh peach salsas.

                                                        • Annice

                                                        Left over bread? Are you kidding?

                                                          • 莉莉

                                                          A great yummy idea, thanks !

                                                            • Marianne

                                                            I agree with Veronica too – pan con tomate. In any case after the garlic rubbing, add some grains of fleur de sel too. Wonderful for an apero – so much better than peanuts.

                                                              • Sharyn Dimmick

                                                              Good to have the bread softening trick. Thanks, David.

                                                                • Maja Skorupska


                                                                  • 莫琳

                                                                  I rarely have leftover bread so I’m either

                                                                  a) too fat from eating it all



                                                                    • 苏珊 @愿意在菜上

                                                                    I don’t add the oil until the bread is toasted. Then the rub, rub of garlic, then the oil then the sea salt…..ready, se,t go!!!


                                                                      • 巧克力

                                                                      mm i reckon i’d add some parmesan cheese before baking the bread slices yum

                                                                        • 玛吉

                                                                        One can never have too much bread…I know it’s not cool to freeze bread, but then what were they thinking when they made up that rule? Old bread has saved me more than once.


                                                                          • Pamela Heiligenthal

                                                                          Love it! Baked goat cheese or an olive tapenade make great toppings for crostini.

                                                                            • 戴尔·库肯德尔(Dale Coykendall)

                                                                            谢谢你 !爱你!

                                                                              • 闭嘴做饭


                                                                                • 贝贝

                                                                                一个碰巧是一个奇妙的面包师的朋友总是一次烘烤至少两个面包,并冷冻备用。这样做的诀窍是紧紧包裹 - 没有空气,因为这会产生冰晶 - 然后在它上盖上了双包裹。其余的诀窍是完全解冻冰箱包装中的面包。完全。


                                                                                I moisten a tiny piece of paper towel and put it in the cookie jar when soft cookies begin to crisp up. Some put in an apple slice, but I don’t want to introduce another flavor – or fruit to mold.

                                                                                The microwave idea has problems because microwaved bread (restaurants often warm their bread that way before sending it to the table) becomes very tough very soon. In these crisps it might not matter, but it’s worth considering.

                                                                                We buy a sour rye bread that we like a lot but somehow never make it to the end of the loaf for sandwiches. David, your idea is terrific!

                                                                                  • Carrie @季节已经!

                                                                                  Absolutely perfect crostini. Yum.

                                                                                    • 卡罗杰

                                                                                    Mmmmm….crostini (or bruschetta). The perfect palette for dips, spreads, and toppings. I totally agree, crispy little garlic toasts are indeed the best way to use leftover bread, and also represent my go-to for parties and entertaining. Viva la Toast!

                                                                                      • Kate


                                                                                      Exactly! Just like the phrase “leftover wine,” it’s a foreign language.

                                                                                        • Sheila


                                                                                          • Laura (Tutti Dolci)


                                                                                            • Tricia @保存甜点空间

                                                                                            您的面包很漂亮 - 我只是喜欢一个装满好橄榄油的小菜,上面放着磨碎的帕尔玛奶酪。将面包浸入油中,每口咬一点奶酪。我可以随时吃晚饭:)

                                                                                              • 卡罗琳

                                                                                              我刚刚完成了面包烘烤课程,所以我穿上了面包烤带货车,迅速最终得到了太多。感谢这个想法 - 比扔掉好得多!

                                                                                                • Anna

                                                                                                When i read your title i thought ‘bread pudding’! But this is so much more sophisticated :)

                                                                                                  • 安妮

                                                                                                  这些看起来很好吃。我最喜欢剩下的面包的用途是用于伊丽莎白·戴维(Elizabeth David)的蘑菇汤食谱 - 只是蘑菇,草药,好的鸡肉汤,一小块大蒜,而面包则用作增稠剂。我通常使用全麦酸面团,这很棒。

                                                                                                  I also love bread pudding.

                                                                                                    • 杰恩


                                                                                                      • 帕洛玛



                                                                                                        • 玛丽M.C.

                                                                                                        像许多人一样,我通常会制作牙齿,但我曾经看到过在玛莎·斯图尔特(Martha Stewart)上的一种方法 - 将您的陈旧面包切成薄片,然后用橄榄油轻轻涂上涂层。烘烤之前或之后,淡淡的帕玛森奶酪撒上淡淡的灰尘。味道就像可爱的薄饼干。我会通过将它们粘在棕色的袋中(您必须使用纸袋!)将袋子用一点水溅入烤箱,然后进入烤箱。塔达,新鲜卷。

                                                                                                          卡罗尔·菲尔德(Carol Field)在她的著作《意大利面包师》(The Italian Baker)中有一整章,内容涉及剩菜面包。
                                                                                                          There are both sweet and savory recipes and all are excellent.

                                                                                                            • The Squishy Monster


                                                                                                              • Jen Laceda |纹地和围裙弦

                                                                                                              Wonderful idea!

                                                                                                                • 安娜

                                                                                                                I am only now checking my mail and came across your post. Here is another thing we do in Portugal with bread leftovers:

                                                                                                                - 将面包分成小块(小李子的大小)
                                                                                                                -In a pan, fry garlic cloves and olive oil (2 or 3 spoonfuls)
                                                                                                                -Sqeeze the bread and fry it in the olive oil untill it has a mushy consistency and it is ready.
                                                                                                                - 有很多新鲜的香菜叶子。
                                                                                                                - 我们将此Açorda用作猪肉或鱼的一面。

                                                                                                                You can also make shrimp açorda by soaking the bread in the water used to boil the shrimp. In this case we mix thje shrimp in the açorda and add an egg after removing the pan from the fire. Mix itall together, season to taste (I allways add some chilli) and that’s it.

                                                                                                                  • 伊琳娜


                                                                                                                    • 莎莉


                                                                                                                      • Daniel



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