

But you’ll need ice for drinking this Vin de pêche, an apéritif made with fresh peach leaves.



Vin de Peche

I used a萨穆尔, but any inexpensive fruity red wine will work. Aperitifs like this are meant to be made with inexpensive red wine, so no need to feel like a cheapskate. You can easily increase the recipe if you’d like to take advantage of the availability of young peach leaves, which give the wine a surprisingly tasty almond flavor. Do check with your local cooperative extension or nursery first if you have any questions about whether your peach leaves are edible.
  • 40-50年轻的桃子离开,unsprayed
  • 1瓶(750毫升)水果红酒
  • 3汤匙Cognac or brandy
  • 7汤匙(90克)
  • 用湿布擦拭叶子,以清除任何砂砾或碎屑。将沸水倒入一个大型罐子中以清洁。让它静置10分钟,然后倒出水,然后倒转罐子干燥。
  • When the jar or ready, mix together the red wine, peach leaves, Cognac, and sugar. (Don’t worry if the sugar isn’t quite dissolved; it will as it sits.)
  • 将远离阳光的地方放在一个地方,静置十天,每天搅动一次。十天后,品尝。如果您喜欢杏仁的味道,请将Vin dePêche将其过滤到酒瓶中,然后将软木塞放入其中。如果不在那儿,请再过四天。


贮存:The peach leaf wine will keep for up to one year in the refrigerator or in a cool, dry place.



    • Ian

    Sounds delicious. I take it you remove the leaves after they’ve steeped for the week? Also, you’re looking for leaves that are basically still tender, right?

      • Abra


        • 当归

        Sounds like something to get plastered on during a hot and long summer’s night. I like it!

          • 凯瑟琳


            • 卡梅隆


            看起来很美味 - 明天我将不得不在农贸市场上找到一些桃叶。


              • Linda H

              The peaches on my peach trees are the size of golf balls. Does that mean the leaves are not young enough?

                • izzy’s mama

                Now I need to go raid a peach orchard. From where can ordinary people procure 40-50 organic peach leaves? I belong to a CSA so I will start there and then try Union Square (although I believe most of the peaches are not organic, just local). If I can’t find anything there, I am stumped. If they are IPM instead of organic will that do?

                  • 大卫


                  Linda H: The leaves should be tender and green, not tough and brittle.

                    • 杰西卡


                      • le petit柜子

                      in the south , we need ice cubes !! Otherwise we “die ”

                        • Randi

                        Growing up in FL and Cali, I’m used to lots of ice. I can’t live without it actually, even in Winter in Ontario, I still use tons. Canada isnt really big on ice though so I always have to ask or extra or a separate glass. I remember when I was in England in 1996, I was stunned to see the lack of ice. I took to making my own in the hostels and carrying it with me in a little cooler( told you I love ice).

                          • 柯斯汀


                            • pouria


                            Except for ‘happy hour’ when the drinks are 90% ice!

                              • 大卫

                              Ha ha! I love that—so那是where all the ice around here is going…

                                • 芭芭拉


                                I am definitely going to try the vin de peche. Thanks, David!

                                  • 克里萨利亚(法国)


                                    • 阿莱塔(巴黎)

                                    I had a delicious dessert souffle today at Le Souffle and was offered Vin de peche to drizzle on. It was aromatic without being overly alcoholic. Can’t wait to have more;

                                      • Sylvie, Rappahannock Cook & Kitchen Gardener

                                      non non David, ce n’est pas que les liquides glacés sont mauvais pour l’estomac – ils sont très mauvais pour les dents (l’émail des dents est fragile et pourrait se fêler si on mange quelque chose de chaud avec une boisson glacée!).

                                      Never mind that Americans have been drinking lots of ice for all their life and that teeth seem to be mighty fine. But that’s what one hears when growing up.

                                      Vin de Peche也是用白葡萄酒制成的。我的祖母曾经使用小“藤蔓”树的叶子制作它 - 一种种植葡萄和其他小水果的品种


                                      Sylvie R.

                                        • George Crocker

                                        The Perigourdins would say, and I agree, that it is best made in August and with a Bergerac moelleux. Delicious.

                                          • Jack Etsweiler

                                          我们旁边的物业,在田园乡村,有许多不受欢迎的桃树。由于我在假期期间照看他们的悬挂花篮子,而且由于这是一个不合时宜的夏天,所以我怀疑收获一百个左右的年轻桃子叶子并不困难。我将接受乔治·克罗克(George Crocker)对Bergerac的建议,因为它在Ann Arbor可以很容易地提供。我将使用一种阳光的船只,底部有那种可爱的插头,可以方便地食用,而不会从漂亮的冷冰箱中取出!

                                            • 梅利莎

                                            嗯,我的邻居女士曾经总是用白葡萄酒做这件事,但我记得她会把叶子放在Alcool 90中几天,然后加入葡萄酒和糖。我认为这就是她使自己的澳大利亚人澳大利亚人。而且似乎超过3汤匙。但是……她正在数量!

                                              • 莱斯利

                                              在夏天做到了这一点,它摇摆不定。我想知道您是否有建议使用一种白葡萄酒而不是红色的建议 - 只是想尝试一下并看到。

                                                • 大卫

                                                I would be wary of using white wine, as it might turn an unappealing color. Maybe try rosé? But if you do use white (or rosé), please let me know how it turns out.

                                                  • 查尔斯·福特纳(Charles Fortner)

                                                  明年春天,我一定会尝试一下。我是一个不怕食者/饮酒者。几年前,当蓝草国家的马匹莫名其妙地垂死的动物中毒而被归咎于他们吃过的樱桃叶子,这是相当大的kerfuffel。这对古老的句子有一定的信任:“……足以杀死一匹马。”但是没有人告诉我们我们能吃多少。如果用小剂量服用砷,人们似乎会建立免疫力。我认为要困扰人类将需要大量的砷或氰化物。似乎许多来自果树的叶子和仁都包含微小的。我认为我们变得太恐惧了。几个世纪以来,人们一直在做这种亲切的人,没有不利影响;实际上,它似乎对皮肤和头发的健康有益。 I am a bit wary of those cordials containing vipers you see in the country in France. That having been said (and I appologize if it blighted anyone’s day), what I would like is to find a peach tree one often encounters in France-the peche de vin-they used to plant them in vineyards. The flesh is shot through with the color of dark red wine. If anyone knows where it is obtainable in this country I’d love to know.




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