万博manbetx //www.dgjiafan.com/ 为每个人烘焙和烹饪食谱 2022年9月27日星期二14:27:36 +0000 en - us 每小时 1 法式苹果挞(Tarte normande) //www.dgjiafan.com/aux-pommes-french-apple-tart-tarte-normande/ //www.dgjiafan.com/aux-pommes-french-apple-tart-tarte-normande/#万博ios客户端comments 大卫 太阳,2022年9月25日09:51:00 +0000 法式烹饪 法式糕点和甜点 水果甜点 馅饼和蛋挞 食谱 苹果 苹果馅饼 黄油 苹果白兰地酒 肉桂 奶油 normande 土豆条 蛋挞 酸面团 美味 挞挞Normande //www.dgjiafan.com/?post_type=recipe&p=42668 秋天是吃苹果挞的季节,这时候市场上出现了最丰富的苹果。我不得不了解各种其他种类的苹果,因为在法国可以买到的苹果和我在美国吃过的不一样。但这是一段奇妙的发现之旅,我发现了不同寻常的品种,有一天,它们在……


The Apple Farm这样的地方,它复活了许多品种“苹果,或者在法语中被称为–< em >土豆条没有忘掉< / em >。幸运的是,大多数都和我们当地的市场一样近。

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//www.dgjiafan.com/aux-pommes-french-apple-tart-tarte-normande/feed/ 93
德国Apple-Almond蛋糕 //www.dgjiafan.com/apfel-marzipan-kuchen-german-apple-almond-cake-recipe/ //www.dgjiafan.com/apfel-marzipan-kuchen-german-apple-almond-cake-recipe/#万博ios客户端comments 大卫 2022年9月14日星期三12:22:00 +0000 蛋糕 食谱 感恩节和假期 杏仁糊 apfel 苹果蛋糕 杏酱 典型的德国烘焙 传家宝苹果 方蛋糕 路易莎维斯 杏仁蛋白软糖 //www.dgjiafan.com/?post_type=recipe&p=23941 我认为,德国烘焙没有得到应有的评价。部分原因是糕点和烘焙食品的名字 don’t exactly roll right off the most of our tongue。Kartoffel-Käse Dinnede, Zitronenbiskuitrolle, Aachener Poschweck, Schwäbischer Prasselkuchen,和,嗯…我’我会现在辞职,因为它’s花了我太长时间去寻找所有的键在我的键盘上。我宁愿把我的舌头包在德国蛋糕和饼干上,而不是试图…… < div风格= "显示:没有”;>一个充满苹果和杏仁酱的美味蛋糕,使这个蛋糕格外湿润。来自经典德国烘焙的秋季和节日食谱!


德国烘焙,我不认为,得到它应有的。这在一定程度上是因为这些糕点和烘焙食品的名字并不是我们大多数人都能脱口而出的。Kartoffel-Käse DinnedeZitronenbiskuitrolleAachener Poschweck, Schwäbischer Prasselkuchen,而且,嗯……我现在就要辞职了,因为它’s花了我太长时间去寻找我键盘上所有的键。我宁愿把我的舌头绕在德国蛋糕和饼干上,而不是绕在它们的名字上。

Fortunately Luisa Weiss, who writes one of my favorite blogs, Wednesday Chef, has published them in a very accessible collection of recipes, Classic German Baking. This beautifully written cookbook features traditional German favorites, adapted for kitchens everywhere. (And yes, there’s a guide at the end of the book for how to pronounce everything.) It’s one of those cookbooks that you’ll bookmark several recipes in on your first glance, like I did. Then during the next few weeks, you’ll spend your way baking through them.

Luisa was born in Berlin. Her mother is Italian, and she’s lived in Germany, France, and the United States. So you’ll be happy to hear that all the cakes, cookies, tortes and kuchens are completely do-able in any kitchen, using ingredients that are easy to get. And for the few that might pose a challenge, like spiced plum butter and quark, she gives recipes on how to make them yourself.

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法国番茄挞 //www.dgjiafan.com/french-tomato-tart-recipe/ //www.dgjiafan.com/french-tomato-tart-recipe/#万博ios客户端comments 大卫 2022年8月10日星期三07:53:00 +0000 法式烹饪 食谱 美味的菜肴 黄油 山萝卜 面团 加斯科尼 凯特·希尔 很多 牛至 配方 蛋挞 百里香 番茄 //www.dgjiafan.com/newsite/2010/05/french-tomato-tart-recipe/ 这周我看到了番茄季节的第一个希望。一些颜色鲜艳的樱桃标本从当地市场带回家,还有一些更标准的品种。我去加斯科尼拜访我的朋友凯特·希尔,她的摄影师朋友蒂姆·克林奇在那里准备主持一个摄影工作坊。想要寻找诱人又色彩斑斓的食物,番茄似乎是显而易见的选择。

cherry tomatoes< span class="mi">erika

此外to the profusion of flowers plucked from the lush garden by the canal du Midi, the tomatoes had their moment in front of the camera. But once the participants stopped clicking, we grabbed them and put them where they rightfully belong: In the kitchen.

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//www.dgjiafan.com/french-tomato-tart-recipe/feed/ 139 罗斯桑格利亚汽酒 //www.dgjiafan.com/rose-sangria-recipe/ //www.dgjiafan.com/rose-sangria-recipe/#万博ios客户端comments 大卫 太阳,2022年7月17日14:58:00 +0000 鸡尾酒 饮料 食谱 白兰地 静脉 鸡尾酒 白兰地 橘味白酒 cremant 饮料 水果 金万利酒 油桃 桃子 投手 Prosecco 配方 玫瑰 桑格利亚汽酒 草莓 三秒 //www.dgjiafan.com/?p=13622 夏天在法国意味着很多事情。集体度假,一个幸福的空巴黎,物价上涨(发生在8月,当所有人都出城–当然),以及在其他地方被称为跳蚤市场(跳蚤市场是人们出售各种东西的地方)的视频greniers和brocantes。如果你足够幸运去乡村旅行,那里的brocantes是令人惊叹的。但是一些……


法国的夏天意味着很多事情。集体度假,一个幸福的空巴黎,物价上涨(发生在8月,当所有人都出城–当然),以及 video -greniersbrocantes,在其他地方被称为跳蚤市场,人们在那里出售各种各样的东西。如果你足够幸运去乡村旅行, brocantes是惊人的。但法国的一些小城镇也有小古董店,总是值得一逛。如果你的另一半有一辆旅行车,那么,可能性是无穷无尽的。

peach for sangria

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樱桃Clafoutis //www.dgjiafan.com/cherry-clafoutis-recipe/ //www.dgjiafan.com/cherry-clafoutis-recipe/#万博ios客户端comments 大卫 2022年7月7日星期四12:33:00 +0000 蛋奶 法式糕点和甜点 食谱 杏仁 樱桃 樱桃 樱桃clafoutis 法国菜 果仁酒 配方 罗杰边缘 香草 //www.dgjiafan.com/?p=20630 最早让我爱上法国和法国烹饪的书之一是罗杰Vergé’的法国风格的娱乐。Vergé是他在戛纳附近的Côte d’Azur大街上开设的著名餐厅Moulin de Mougins的主厨和老板。我从来没有去过,但过去常常翻阅这本书,欣赏着轻松、友好的生活方式,似乎总是围绕着一张桌子……


与许多厨师书不同,这是n’t “烹饪,也就是你永远都不可能做出来的食物的图片和食谱。我最近买了一本书,是一位很受尊敬的厨师写的,我想分享一份食谱。 But there was only one recipe in the book that could be made in less than a day, and each recipe had at least one ingredient that I had no idea where I would get it. Don’t get me wrong. I liked the book a lot and his restaurant looks amazing, but it didn’t make me want to run to the kitchen. So I admired the book, and the food, from afar.

Cherry clafoutis recipe

There are so many pictures in Chef Vergé’s book that made me flash back to my past, decades ago, when I was learning more about French cuisine while cooking in Northern California, which shares a similar climate – and ingredients – with Provence. He had dubbed it “Cuisine of the Sun.” The much-loved chef recently passed away and I revisited the book, to relive what excited me about French cuisine, way-back-when.

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罗勒醋 //www.dgjiafan.com/basil-vinaigrette/ //www.dgjiafan.com/basil-vinaigrette/#万博ios客户端comments 大卫 2022年6月22日星期三09:33:00 +0000 食谱 沙拉 罗勒 沙拉酱 橄榄油醋 配方 沙拉 沙拉酱 剥豆子 番茄 //www.dgjiafan.com/?p=23406 我夏天的酱料是罗勒醋汁。别误会我,我喜欢香蒜沙司。但这种罗勒前叶酱有新鲜香草的强烈味道,而且不到一分钟就能混合在一起。不像它厚重的表亲,这种油醋汁可以淋在任何东西上,从新鲜的西红柿和去壳的豆子,到意大利烩饭或烤土豆,甚至是新鲜的奶酪,如马苏里拉奶酪或……



我一看到它们,就开始在市场上囤积罗勒和新鲜番茄,从不让我的供应不足。手头有一盒这种油醋汁意味着我可以很快地把午餐或晚餐端上餐桌。 But it also is a great sauce to bring along on a picnic, which we did the other night, enjoying the tranquility of Paris while most of the city clears out until the end of summer. (Although the next-door neighbors, who had a wild party that lasted until 4:30am, didn’t get the memo that they were supposed to leave. Romain reminded them the next morning…in no uncertain terms.)

Tomato salad with basil vinaigrette

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//www.dgjiafan.com/basil-vinaigrette/feed/ 79
混合草莓松饼 //www.dgjiafan.com/mixed-berry-shortcakes-strawberry-shortcake-recipe/ //www.dgjiafan.com/mixed-berry-shortcakes-strawberry-shortcake-recipe/#万博ios客户端comments 大卫 2022年5月31日星期二09:47:00 +0000 水果甜点 食谱 浆果 蓝莓 黄油 黑醋栗甜酒 樱桃酒 柠檬汁 树莓 树莓 配方 娃娃 草莓 草莓 鲜奶油 //www.dgjiafan.com/?post_type=recipe&p=43765 最近确实是水星逆行,晚上8点20分,我们在家里吃晚饭时,我接到了一个电话,电话来自一家我预订的餐厅,问我们是否会出席晚上8点的预订。我确信我预订了第二天晚上,但是–不& # 8211;我弄错了,我们订的是那天晚上。(幸运的是,…

With my head on the verge of imploding, I decided to go for a walk, then head back a little later and get back to rewriting everything up from scratch. A few people told me mercury was in retrograde, so, of course, the moment I returned, they started doing construction upstairs, so was subjected to the sounds of jackhammering while trying to fill in all the ingredients in the recipe plug-in I use, so the recipes are printable, and to make sure I got all the ingredients and so forth in the right place, and the conversions.

By the time evening rolled around, some other neighbors decided to have a party and their voices were so loud, they could be heard all the way down the block. (So much for les américains having the loudest voices in town anymore.) What made up for it were these Mixed Berry Shortcakes, which we had for dessert that night.

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Miznon在巴黎 //www.dgjiafan.com/miznon-israeli-middle-eastern-restaurant-paris/ //www.dgjiafan.com/miznon-israeli-middle-eastern-restaurant-paris/#万博ios客户端comments 大卫 2022年5月17日星期二10:38:01 +0000 巴黎 餐厅 菜花 沙拉三明治 上著名 Miznon 皮塔饼 三明治 芝麻酱 蔬菜 素食者 //www.dgjiafan.com/?p=40313 米农是很难写的,因为一旦进入,它’s很难描述发生了什么’要弄清楚菜单或结构,可能需要一些工作。最好是带着盲目的信念和经验去做,而不是试图去控制或理解它。也就是说,我不是一个挑食的人,但我喜欢结构。所以既然我不是…


也就是说,我不挑食但我喜欢结构。因此,由于我不是Miznon的常客,第一次来的时候,我不得不弄清楚菜单上有什么’s,因为它’s是一堆乱七八糟的单词和短语。换句话说,不要期望在这篇文章中有一个精确的菜单标题列表。但如果你去了,柜台的人是有帮助的,如果匆忙的话。 And the experience is part of the fun. (If you’ve been to Tel Aviv, where Miznon originated, you know that some of the best places to eat are more free-wheeling than restaurants elsewhere.)

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香蕉倒立蛋糕 //www.dgjiafan.com/banana-upside-down-cake-recipe/ //www.dgjiafan.com/banana-upside-down-cake-recipe/#万博ios客户端comments 大卫 2022年5月09日星期一02:41:00 +0000 蛋糕 食谱 香蕉蛋糕 红糖 黄油 蛋糕 焦糖 铸铁煎锅 万博manbetx 配方 香草豆 //www.dgjiafan.com/?post_type=recipe&p=25658 在冬天,我们经常去热带地区买水果。香蕉在美国是最受欢迎的水果,在其他地方也很受欢迎。我喜欢橙子、葡萄柚和巧克力(是的,可可豆是水果–对水果爱好者来说是个好消息!)但有时加点别的东西也不错,我会抓一个菠萝,一些猕猴桃,一些…… < div风格= "显示:没有”;>


While I was waiting for my yellow bananas to ripen, a few days later I came across these red bananas at the market. I love red bananas, which have a more pronounced flavor than yellow bananas, but are hard to come by in France, and elsewhere. (They should be dead-ripe when you use them. The skin will turn quite dark when they’re ready.) So jumped at the bunch when I saw it, and put those in my fruit bowl to see who would ripen first.

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草莓酱 //www.dgjiafan.com/strawberry-jam-recipe/ //www.dgjiafan.com/strawberry-jam-recipe/#万博ios客户端comments 大卫 太阳,2022年4月24日01:48:00 +0000 果酱和果冻 食谱 果酱 樱桃酒 柠檬 保存 配方 草莓 草莓 草莓酱 //www.dgjiafan.com/?p=18455 最近,我收到了一大堆草莓:我从市场上的一个小贩那里买了四篮草莓,我经常去他的摊位购物,他免费送了我两篮,相当于巴黎的一张fidelité(忠诚卡)。所以,过去的几天里,我一直在清洗、剥壳、切肉和烹饪我的意外收获。我一直在做一些…… < div风格= "显示:没有”;>


我最近收到了一份超载的草莓:我从市场上的一个小贩那里买了四篮,我经常去他的摊位购物,他免费送了我两篮,相当于巴黎的一张carte de fidelité(忠诚卡)。所以,过去的几天里,我一直在清洗、剥壳、切肉和烹饪我的意外收获。我已经用这些漂亮的草莓做了很多东西。但我也意识到,虽然我在网站上有一个草莓大黄果酱食谱,但我没有草莓果酱。这就是它。


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