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Ready for Dessert Note: Using Chopped Chocolate

Am glad to hear, and read, that many of you are enjoying the Chocolate Chip Cookies from Ready for Dessert. Just a quick note that the recipe (page 188) calls for adding “…bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, coarsely chopped.” They should resemble these. I prefer hand-chopped chocolate since the chunks melt nicely in the cookies, and folks should add all the chocolate—including the tiny bits and…


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Rue Montorgueil and Les Halles, Paris

You might not remember the days before the internet, but when we used to travel somewhere, we’d ask a friend to scribble down a list of suggestions. And we’d often be asked to do the same in return. Then when computers became widely used, other ‘favorites’ lists started circulating, including suggestions posted in online forums and in blogs. So think of this list as my…


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