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当我在教巧克力课程时Central Marketstores across Texas last month, in my free time I would wander the aisles of the store. I don’t think I’d ever been in a place that had such a terrific selection of chocolates from around the world. It was a chocolate-lovers dream!


In the US, to be called ‘milk chocolate’, the chocolate must contain a minimum of 10% cacao solids.(Cacao solids are the ground paste made from pure cocoa beans.) In the European Union, the legal minimum hovers between 25-30%, although some companies get around it by calling their tablets ‘family chocolate’ or ‘dairy bar’, which is somewhat misleading since people often grab the bars thinking they’re getting milk chocolate when they’re getting something else.

So I’ve taken it upon me to re-name these higher-percentage bars of milk chocolate as ‘dark’ milk chocolate. Both bars shown contain about 35% cacao solids.


The first bar, the darker and thinner of the two, is桑坦德牛奶巧克力,由哥伦比亚豆制成。我发现巧克力有点花生和麦芽。它是清晰而酸性的,但几乎没有缠绵的回味。切成薄片时,它有一个不错的快照,并具有微弱的奶油效果。我想这对于在您喜欢的巧克力饼干食谱中将碎片切碎和代替巧克力片很有用。我将用我的一批深色牛奶巧克力冰淇淋。

The lighter of the two isCaro牛奶巧克力。这是“更乳”的品尝,并具有非常奶油的味道和质地。它看起来有些鞭打,它的味道有些难以捉摸且像糖果一样。我不得不承认,这是一个相当有趣的味道,我并不渴望吃更多。尽管如此,品尝这两个并排品尝还是很有趣的。

I’m going to do the David LebovitzLet-Them-Sit-In-My-Apartment-And-See-




    • 纳雷尔

    Hahahaa…ah yes…wouldn’t take long to polish off chocolate in my place….speaking of which…what’s with these people I’ve worked with who eat a half of their chocolate bar and leave the other half in their office draw for another time when they have the urge. HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY DO THIS???? My brain would be going mental knowing its in there…just wanting me.

      • 莎拉

      纳雷尔, possibly the same people who think “suggested serving sizes = 19 chips” is realistic. First off, when eating chips, who sits there and actually counts how many chips they’re eating? Secondly, what if a chip is broken? Or there are larger chips and smaller ones in one bag? Are you supposed to pull out your scales to weigh the serving in terms of grams? Do you sit there and piece together the chips like a puzzle if they originally were broken? What if the bag doesn’t have 19 chips in it? What if it has more than 19 chips in it? What if it has 22 chips in the bag? Do you leave the other 3 chips at the bottom? Or do these remaining 3 chips count for crumbs? Do you stash the 3 chips away for another time? I know I couldn’t eat just 3 chips. I’d have to buy another bag and overlap the servings….but then the chips from the previous bag wouldn’t be as fresh, and you’d feel ripped off.
      It’s obscene….we live in such a twisted world. haha!

        • Iamchanelle

        hahaha! i love the “copyrighted” candy outlast test – very clever. :0)

          • Eyal

          we have a whipped chocolate that tastes nice, but not more than that; so it looks like the Santander’s taste is better (and so it seems from the pics).
          please tell what the test results are.
          all the best.

            • 伟大的Plotnik

            I work for AOL and recently did a chocolate taste-review in San Francisco. I never knew people existed who know the farmer’s name in Ivory Coast where 12.5% of the cocoa in their ganache comes from. Still, in the end, I realized a lot has to do with what you ate when you were a child. I loved the fancy stuff, but I still love See’s Scotch Kisses.

              Fascinating, David. So much of the focus on chocolate over the past several years has been exclusively on the dark variety. Milk chocolate, in comparison, seems to be treated with disdain by a large number of chocolate enthusiasts. As a result, there is very little thoughtful tasting and discussion of a product that really can be quite wonderful. So, kudos on your tasting.



                • 功夫美食家

                Have you tried Vosges yet? I adore their milk chocolate Indian Naga curry bar, and the dark spicy Red Fire bar is also delightful.

                  • 梅丽尔

                  Speaking of Santander, have you tried their 70%? It’s fantastic.

                    • 大卫



                    Rob: I did have to overcome an aversion to milk chocolate since I’m a dark chocolate person, but I find these high-percentage milk chocolates interesting. But in the end, I have gone to the dark side (If you search my archives I’ve written more extensively about milk chocolate at the site.)

                    Great Plotnick: I love See’s Almond Buttercrunch Toffee and those amazing molasses chips. I tried to get a factory tour once so I could write about them bu the place was sealed up like Fort Knox (althought they were very nice about it…something about insurance in case I fell in a vat of chocolate or something.)


                      • 密歇根州

                      If they sit too long, then I am going to come over and eat them when you aren’t looking.

                        • 阿利卡特

                        Good luck dear David! ;o)

                          • 杰西卡“苏好吃”

                          I agree that the best test of food is how long it can survive in your kitchen. I may SAY something is good, but the behavior has to match. I’ve acutally learned a lot about myself in this way. I consciously thought that Fairway’s hazelnut gelato was acceptable, but it sat in my freezer forever!

                            • Shauna


                            Oh David, spare us all the pain — eat the chocolate!

                              • Tanvi


                                • 大卫

                                May 9th: Both chocolates still untouched…

                                  • raspil

                                  i buy my chocolate from central market. i was surprised to find their prices reasonable for the amounts i require. i used El Rey’s 70% Gran Saman tonight for some truffles. my sweet tooth is angry right now.




