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It’s a very good sign, when I’m handed a menu in a restaurant, and everything on it looks so good to me, I can’t decide what to order. Such was the case with the menu atubuntu这是美国最受赞誉的餐厅之一,不仅以创新食品而闻名,而且还因为它完全是素食主义者。


Luckily there were six of us, so we tried almost everything on the menu, which included lots of oddities and items so unusual, we had to ask what they were.

我们的服务器和侍酒师都很棒,他们肯定地指导了我们通过厨师杰里米·福克斯(Jeremy Fox)的菜单,尽管最终,我们决定订购所有可共享的东西的两到三个,然后将其拆分。这就是要走的路ubuntu,,,,since the food is all about intriguing tastes and flavors, which make for good mealtime discussion.

sugared almonds

Some of the produce is fromubuntu’sbiodynamic garden, including most of herbs and greens, which are used in abundance as both a seasoning and to pique one’s palate, as was the case with tangy leaves of sorrel and spongy buds officoide冰川

我们的饭开始时有几个“叮咬”:olives marinated in mizuna pesto,,,,Spanish marcona almonds toasted with sea salt and lavender以及我最喜欢的,一个整洁(大量)的堆栈chickpea fries with piquillo romesco,,,,which reminded me of my belovedpanisses

chickpea fries


tomato salad



用熏制的酱汁的鱼种条纹gribichewas terrific, and I wondered how they got that smoky flavor in there. (I’m going to try something like this at home with my smoked salt.) Those little dark dots are what was described on the menu as黑大蒜。I have no idea what “black” garlic is, but it was smooth and had a gentle, yet lingering aftertaste.


一种nd the萝卜沙拉,,,,which wasn’t on the menu, was so beautiful I wanted to take it outside and photograph it for an hour. Carrots and greens were interwoven with nectarine foam and flowers, served on a slab of slate. I think this was my favorite course, although there was a long way to go before dessert, so let’s not get too hasty…

cauliflower thing

The signature dish,cauliflowerin a cast iron pot, was highly-anticipated at our table, and I almost burned the crap out of my mouth, since I couldn’t wait to eat it and shoved a spoonful in my craw too-quickly. Once the casserole, and my larynx, cooled down, I could appreciate the flavor better.


服务器告诉我们制作它的漫长过程,它是用法国瓦杜万·库里(Vadouvan Curry)调味的,该过程在法国生活了六年,我从未听说过……不得不来纳帕谷(Napa Valley)尝试。

一种nother cast iron dish came out withhomemade fregola,,,,small nuggets of pasta, with roast red zebra tomato and braised fava beans. Hot on its heels were small casseroles ofmacaroni & cheese,,,,made with silver mountain white cheddar. (Like the provenance of the French curry, I have no idea where silver mountain is.) More liquid than crusty cheese, it tasted good, but I think macaroni & cheese is one dish that’s best baked one day, and re-heated an served as leftovers the next. So I hope the kitchen makes plenty extra for staff meals. And if so, I want an invite.


我们在菜单上订购了两个披萨pizzabianco上面有一个domaine de la chanceegg (and once again, I have no idea where ‘domaine de la chance’ is, but I’m sure if I asked they would’ve helped me out on that one, too) which I just managed to tuck in a slice-and-a-half of before I begged off any more.

因为我正在等待我最喜欢的课程 - Dessert!


糕点厨师Deanie Fox,,,,who served up her creative and playfully-unusual desserts (but never silly or contrived) atManresa,,,,started us off with a cleansing goblet of watermelon granita, figs, rose geranium sabayon, and a lively dab of berry coulis at the bottom. It was the absolute perfect segue before the rest of the desserts were brought to the table.

berry dessert ubuntu

Strawberries and raspberries were presented in a controlled tumble, along with demi-scoops of ice cream, candied lemon, and dried berry powder. Crackly white shards of meringue were not just architecturally advantageous, but a nice balance with the gushingly-soft berries. But really, it was just so beautiful. I loved the presentation.


Served in a jar, thevanilla cheesecakewas layered with huckleberries, verbena cream, and crunchy almond streusel. And a witty take on a bowl offlaky feuilletinewith caramelized banana, and kaffir lime ice cream was served with a pitcher of warm coconut and rum milk, which brilliantly brought the whole thing together. It’s amazing how just a small, yet deftly-perfect touch, can change an entire dish. Isn’t it?


Even though I was still coasting on the fond memories of my公民蛋糕蛋糕从几天前开始,迷你胡萝卜纸杯蛋糕是素食主义者(许多菜肴都在ubuntu菜单指出,可以很乐意为素食主义者制作),不仅像纽扣一样可爱,带有小蜜饯的胡萝卜饰有顶部,而且它们又湿润,不太甜,只是正确的叮咬午餐。

cupcake mini

一种fterward, I was too full to head upstairs to the yoga studio and do a few poses, and next time, I’ll get in a few moves beforehand to prepare for the lengthy meal to follow. I was so full I felt like walking the forty-miles back to San Francisco, and was thankful the waitress stopped us about 2/3rds of the way through the meal to put the brakes on us, who were careening out of control in terms of ordering.

午餐是一个愉快的时光ubuntu,,,,with the sun streaming in the windows and a not too-jammed dining room, which meant a very relaxed pace all around. I hear dinner requires reservations a few weeks in advance. Much of that is probably due to the publicity that chef杰里米·福克斯收到的,包括被《美食》杂志称为“年度最热门的厨师”之一,在我用餐后,这是当之无愧的绰号。(不过,他们总是设法跳过厨房中最重要的人 - 糕点厨师!)


ubuntu greens

I’ll often write about places, sometimes without giving a concrete opinion, if I find them unusual or interesting enough to bring to your attention. In some cases, the food takes second-place to either the ambiance or the locale. One doesn’t necessarily eat at a hot dog cart because it’s ‘gourmet’ or especially delicious, but because it’s, as the French would say,“Très correct”。In this case,ubuntuhits all the right notes, but the fresh, immaculately-prepared food is definitely the star, which in this case, makes it“Très,Très正确。”

1140 Main Street
Napa, CA

Update:截至2010年2月,杰里米·福克斯(Jeremy Fox)和他的妻子迪恩·福克斯(Deanie Fox)离开了ubuntu分别为厨师和糕点厨师。他们的替代品或餐厅的状况没有任何消息。



    • Broderick – foto 404

    That all looks so delicious. I was reading an article in San Francisco magazine just this morning which featured Jeremy Fox and the pastry chef. I’m also proud that Jeremy is from my hometown of CLEVELAND, OH! :)

      • 索尼娅

      such miniscule carrots! the tops weren’t edible, were they? but really, that is the most divinely beautiful salad i’ve ever laid eyes on. i’d like a dress made out of it.

        • Jitterro

        即使我已经阅读了几个月的博客,并且知道这是关于食物和法国的,当我看到“ Ubuntu”的那一刻,我迅速想到,“ Zomg David关于Linux的文章!”

        Whoops ^_^;


          • 米娅

          Ubuntu很棒 - 我在八月去了那里,并喜欢我的瑜伽课和午餐。鹰嘴豆薯条完全摆脱了这个世界,但我同意食物总体上有点咸(我认为花椰菜本来可以使用更多的咖喱和少量的盐。虽然吃饭的地方……。

            • Ptinfrance


              • Sam

              That carrot salad looks fabulous, it’s a work of art!

                • Lu


                  The salad reminds me of Mirazur… and Manresa ! The dishes look beautiful.And those cupcakes…. and mac n cheese (but I totally feel you on the leftover part).


                    • 达娜·麦考利(Dana McCauley)

                    I met the owner of this restaurant last spring and have been wanting to make a trip out west to try it ever since. She was very interesting to talk to and I see from these pics that her descriptions of what Ubuntu is all about weren’t exaggerated one bit. Thanks for posting so many great pictures!

                      • jocelyn

                      YUM! I wish Napa was closer.

                        • 萨哈


                          • Susan


                            • 安德里亚



                            一种s to black garlic, there was a small piece on it in Food Stuff in The New York Times this past week. It is supposed to have good antioxidants and is sweet with licorice overtones. Apparently you can buy it in New York and California; although, I suspect some of your readers have their own sources.

                            Enjoy the rest of your trip.


                              • 一种my

                              I love the photos.


                                • Carolyn


                                  • elra

                                  we’ll definitely put this in our must visit list in Napa.

                                    • j-j

                                    I’m pleased to report that our few leftovers, which I fear we embarrassed you in taking home, were quite yummy the next day.


                                      • 帕特

                                      HI David: So nice to meet you and share a fantastic lunch at ubuntu. We all are in agreement about the over salting — especially the cauliflower. Still a great lunch.

                                      Next time you’re in California Carolyn and I hope to take you to our favorite mexican — Andale. Until then, happy eating.


                                        • Trixy

                                        How beautiful!

                                          • Stacy Linehan


                                            • Nikki

                                            How did I miss this when I was in Napa? I was too ensconced in The French Laundry, I suppose. My next trip out there will be next March. Ubuntu will be mine! :)

                                              • Wendy

                                              Everything looks amazing! I’m embarrassed to say I’m local and have never been there. We’ll definitely have to make our way there for lunch one of these days, the desserts are calling to me!

                                                • Melissa

                                                Sweet baby Jesus. As a vegetarian, and a fan of the occasional fancy-pants restaurant, I’ve made it a goal in the next 12 months to take part in the veg tasting menu at the French Laundry. I’ve heard so much about Ubuntu, and obviously, this needs to go on the Napa list as well!

                                                  • 玛琳

                                                  Your photographs are truly magnificent!!!

                                                  The details in your writing really capture the true “ESSENCE” of Ubuntu…WOW!!!


                                                    • 奥克兰的莫琳

                                                    I am so glad you had a chance to eat here David. This is my new favorite restaurant and in the 4 times and 4 seasons we have eaten there, I am consistently blown away by the creativity and quality of the food coming out of the kitchen. It just soars. I don’t even like to call it a vegetarian restaurant (though I am a vegetarian). I think of it as a vegetable and egg restaurant. But whatever you call it, the world is a tastier place with Ubuntu in it.

                                                      • Judith in Umbria

                                                      Inspiring! Now I am starving, too. Thanks for the visit.

                                                        • Susan

                                                        现在,我更加沮丧,因为今年八月我在纳帕时没有到达Ubuntu!食物的外观和听起来很棒。您是否认为杰里米·福克斯(Jeremy Fox)可能会哄骗分享那种花椰菜食谱????

                                                          • Cheryl

                                                          大卫,you hit the nail on the head. I drove to Ubuntu from San Jose (close to 2 hours) twice in two weeks last spring because I couldn’t get the damn castelvetrano olives or that cheesecake out of my head. Now, with your captivating photos and prose, you’ve got me obsessed again.

                                                            • 希拉里

                                                            That carrot salad is outstanding! It’s so beautiful with all the different components.

                                                              • Shira

                                                              Why oh why can we not have a vegetarian restaurant this inspiring in New York? Although many of the better known posh restaurants (like Aquavit) have vegetarian tasting menus now, I want to choose my own food – not be limited to one short list of predetermined items.

                                                                • Lucy

                                                                戴维(Whaou David)看起来很棒。您的照片看起来真的很棒。

                                                                  • Lynda

                                                                  What beautiful food, what beautiful photographs. I have not tried this restaurant yet, but now I will – soon!

                                                                    • 海伦·塔特莱特

                                                                    What a great restaurant and scrumptious meal! The desserts are spectacular and reminded I needed to use my raspberry powder!! Black garlic is fermented garlic. I was given 2 packets of black garlic juice and I still have one that I’d be happy to send your way!

                                                                      • Krysalia

                                                                      W.O.W !

                                                                      (ok, not the most clever comment ever :D, but, I mean it, WOW !)

                                                                        • Elise Moser


                                                                          • Swati Chemburkar

                                                                          Which camera do you have. The photos are so delicious. I just love all your posts.

                                                                            • David

                                                                            Swati:查看我的帖子:My Food Photography Gear,有关我的照片提示和我使用的设备的详细信息。

                                                                              • 安迪·阿布拉姆(Andy Abrham)


                                                                                • Soup of The Day

                                                                                That carrot salad is STUNNING. I haven’t seen a dish that pretty in a L-O-N-G time.

                                                                                  • Paula Warner


                                                                                  This is my first post on your blog, so I will start by saying that you are my inspiration, and I absolutely adore you (and have silently done so for a ridiculously long time, because, well, I’m shy with first introductions, okay… especially if the person I am introducing myself to is some kind of hero of mine).

                                                                                  Based on all of your posts, I am positive we have identical-twin palates with only one noted exception: you don’t appreciate Laduree’s lily of the valley macarons, and I adore them (a relatively minor detail among palate twins, really, and I won’t hold it against you, since I am a floral junkie).

                                                                                  What a stunning post, as always. But, you knew that, didn’t you?



                                                                                  一种ccording to the author, it is apparently quite hip to dip black garlic in chocolate!!!

                                                                                  Hmmm…. I predict a post on Black Garlic – Dark Chocolate Tarts in the future. Sounds sexy, doesn’t it?



                                                                                    • David

                                                                                    Paula: Thanks for the link. Now I know! : )

                                                                                      • 一种my

                                                                                      Just tried a black garlic clove this past weekend. They sell it at the check-out at The Berkeley Bowl – a little plastic container of about a dozen cloves. Interesting, different – I’d agree with the comment on licorice-related flavors. Some tang and, an indescribable flavor as well. Interesting and odd.

                                                                                        • Dani

                                                                                        我很高兴有很多人把我击败了黑大蒜!我认为,它比常规大蒜更好,因为它可以使大蒜素发育?尽管我们经常准备大蒜的方式不允许(例如将其切碎并立即将其扔在火上 - 必须先静置10-15分钟)。

                                                                                        Wouldn’t “domain de la chance” mean something like “random domain” – like, they can’t tell you where the eggs will come from for sure any given week, and they say that in French to make it sound really great? :)

                                                                                          • Randy O. Diaz





