
您是否在Whole Foods上徘徊,吸收了有机,可持续和善良产品中的所有良好共鸣?


Well, you’d better不是



    • 朱迪思·翁布里亚(Judith Umbria)

    Well, the comments certainly convince me to place my trust in American youth. I would like to ban her for life from my life. And the rest of them, too. Who wants to know that next time one of them may put the meatball back into the serving bin? Their judgement doesn’t reassure me that this is not possible.

      • Meginab

      我们甚至没有全食 - 与在海滩生活有关,没有任何顾客来自该方向。他们需要更多的人来吸引。



          • J. Bo

          This (thoroughly believeable) tale seems to be an overreaction to an overreaction. Perhaps I’m naive, but, then again, I’ve NEVER had such an experience at Whole Foods. I’ve shopped at WF stores fom Chicago to San Diego, and I’ve been offered free samples of baked goods, dips, spreads, etc., and AGGRESSIVELY approached to sample deli items, including soy meatballs.

          Again, I might be naive, but I bet if you tell this story to corporate headquarters you’ll get MORE than an apology.

          At least I HOPE you’ll get more than an apology. Whole Foods has always done right by me; I’d really hate to know I’ve put my faith (and grocery dollars) in a bogus organization…

            • 四月

            我要谨慎称呼全食物为“可持续”。我有朋友在那里工作的朋友说,他们不允许他们拿走任何即将被扔掉的食物,因为那时他们不太可能购买食物,从而减少了销售。另外,它们是反工会(关于“自由”市场和竞争的好废话,除非涉及劳动力 - “相信我们,我们会尽力而为”)。

              • Eyal

              我必须说我对此有不同的看法。on the one hand it’s a bit rude to sample a food that wasn’t offered by the store (sadly, I’m familiar with this kind of conduct in my country also) on the other hand WF’s policy is inadmissible – the best deterrence is to hit one’s wallet by making him pay for what he consumed (how will they enforce the writer’s banishment?!) and it’s also bad public-relations. Whole Foods as variation / mutation of Wal-mart?

                • Laura


                  • 克里斯蒂娜


                    • Deb


                    Just to comment on the subject, the Whole Foods stores I’ve visited in NJ have specific sample stations set up so that it’s clear what’s for sampling and what’s not.

                    Maybe it’s a cultural thing, but I was taught that if you ate things that should be weighed and paid for first before you pay, that’s theft.

                    I understand the desire to have a grape to taste if they’re sweet. I get it. However, I also get that each time someone eats the produce without paying, it adds up. Then everyone pays the price when the fee per pound increases due to the loss to the store.



                    By the way, the Whole Foods in Montclair was much better when it was just Fresh Fields.


                      • David


                        • 小酒馆


                          • 惠特


                          我丈夫在区域级别从事全食品的农产品。禁止您对我来说听起来不像Whole Foods政策,但我会与他联系。我想指出两件事。1.如果您只是问,全食品将为您提供任何东西……这是公司的政策。2.大量的金钱和产品损失了随机抽样……尤其是在商店的批量部分中。由于您不是整天唯一的人,甚至还可以将其中一件与其他15-20个人结合在一起的人之一,他们可能当天对同一件事进行采样。


                          Oh and as for being anti-union… they are some of the highest paid employees around with free benefits… why would you need a union? Almost all of the companies policies are voted on by the employees.

                            • 玛德琳

                            我同意惠特。未经许可,采取不属于您的东西正在偷窃。我在5岁时拍打了它。将其称为您想要的所有可爱名字,“采样”,“放牧”甚至“ snitching”,它仍然在偷东西。

                            It is also still stealing if the person/company you are stealing from is: really, really mean, or their prices are too high, or you don’t like the way they treat their employees, or they’re a big, faceless corporation with a lot of money, or you think it’s outrageous that they pay security goons to watch you shop. Two wrongs don’t make a right.


                              • 约翰·德瓦拉(John DePaula)



                                • 杰夫

                                It’s obvious by the comments here that David attracts the most intelligent Internet users. Whit and Madeleine are right on. If she’s writing about the NYC Whole Foods, we should see if The Amateur Gourmet can track down the infamous wall of shame.

                                  • 雅克·尤斯(Jacques Yuse)


                                    • Cybele



                                      • David

                                      好吧,一方面,如果您将博客公司命名为“ Bitch”,那么您一定会吸引一定数量的讨厌人(您应该看到我收到的一些恶性信息……而且我是我“在巴黎过着甜蜜的生活”- 我天真地想到,这怎么可能是无辜的。我只是烤饼干,吃奶酪,整天吐葡萄酒,写关于它……谁知道?)

                                      但是人们称她为“ C字”的人确实没有得到满足。我的意思是,只有一半人造-Meatball,不是被盗的安然员工的全部退休金。我想在纽约市,他们觉得他们需要对这种事情采取非常艰难的立场。


                                      I am off to the market today here in Paris and will try snitching some grapes and strawberries and see what happens.

                                        • k

                                        I also work for Whole Foods, and the policies for sampling are such that just about anything and everything (excluding wine and beer), are to be opened for a customer if they ask for a taste. And that’s the key – *ask* for a taste. We’re always cracking open a different brand of soymilk because someone wanted to know if they’d like it as much as they’re old brand; opening a bag of cookies, giving people samples of soups, cheese, sausages, you name it.


                                        Regarding unions. Do you know the average pay for Whole Foods team members is in the neighborhood of $14 an hour? And that average excludes all non-hourly staff (e.g. managers) in it’s calculation.

                                        您是否知道,当您在工会杂货店工作时,他们不必给您福利,因为它们可以让您在所需的最低时间下工作?Whole Foods员工的每小时比工会杂货店的收益更高,获得更好的收益,而且您最近看过20/20吗?干净的工作环境怎么样?我们有一家第三方公司,每月都有大约六个小时的时间来梳理商店,以解决健康和清洁问题。使每个人都保持脚趾和我们的商店清洁。我可以继续,但这相当不合话题。

                                        顺便说一句 - 我在俄勒冈州波特兰商店工作 - 现在四年。

                                          • 四月

                                          只是想回应惠特 -
                                          我知道,据说全食品会很好地支付它的员工,有些人有很大的好处。在以下链接中,专门讨论了北卡罗来纳州教堂山的全食工人的薪水不足的文章。http://www.metroactive.com/papers/cruz/09.03.98/wholefoods1-9835.html我还要说,那些能够得到这些事情的员工是因为工会的威胁 - 工会的力量 - 他们正在收获在他们面前的工会的回报。麦基显然意识到工会真正拥有和D的力量,因此试图给工人 - 对不起 - “团队成员” - 足够的权力,工资,好处,使他们更加轻松。另外,一些WF员工想结合甚至成功http://www.scfl.org/uln8-2.htm这样做只是为了使联盟未被全食或更糟 - 被解雇。http://www.wholewerworkersunite.org/node/1445
                                          Others have been victims of some Harlan County Coal Mine-style intimidation – complete with armed guards who were supposedly “protecting the workers from the unions”.
                                          我对全食物没有问题。我什至感谢他们的表现。我只是对他们的假装存在问题 - 可持续,支持当地农民,赋予员工权力等。仅通过戴上社交责任的面孔,并不意味着他们就可以辜负自己的炒作。
                                          我是卡罗来纳州农场管理协会的成员,我们最近威胁要抵制全食品市场,以使他们拿下整个商店中自豪地展示的北卡罗来纳州农民的海报。Whole Foods实际上是在全国范围内将所有农产品运送到本地购买,即使它在季节性上也可用。

                                            • 凯利

                                            茶壶中的另一个暴风雨 - 人们不再有现实生活了吗?

                                              • David

                                              凯利: Actually, the way these things seem to be going, she’s on her way to a six-figure book deal and a sitcom.

                                                • adrenna


                                                  • 兰迪

                                                  I was approached on my way out at a whole foods in MI. They told me I was sampling too much every time I was there. The thing is, I was sampling legal samples, things they put out for customers to try. I informed them I dont even live in MI, rather I just come every 3 months and I hadnt been there for at least 6. I was outraged, I called the main office, district managers, etc. I got a letter of apology and a 100 dollar gift card. And, they said they will never say anything to me again.

                                                    • 尼基

                                                    我真的不明白这里是什么问题。如果您想要一个样本,请问。Whole Foods将愿意在理性的情况下开放任何东西(尽管他们确实提供品酒会,但没有酒精)并允许顾客品尝。因此,令我惊讶的是,人们会自己吃一半的布朗尼并“隐藏”产品中的证据,或者打开任何东西并吃掉它。一个样本就是这样,一小部分东西,而不是整个东西或少数东西。当您要求一个样品并为您打开它或为您品尝它时,它是免费的,现在,当您随心所欲地吃饭时,它是盗窃的。


                                                      他们反应过度吗?也许可以,但基本上,他们试图吓some某人,而不是在道德和道德上脱节的错误和非法。一个肉丸?看起来很小,除非每天有成千上万的顾客参加肉丸。并将他们可能未洗的手伸入您将要从午餐的自助餐酒吧里。或者也许打开一个罐子或盒子来品尝某些东西,毕竟,有什么区别?或者也许是一个非食品商品 - 为什么不在任何商店中品尝您的其他任何东西?他们像对待她一样对待她,因为她吓到她而被吓倒了,她应得的。Only problem is, it won’t stop her or any of the other folk who think they have the right to grab whatever they want without paying for it and justifying it to themselves and the world with “oh, it was just a little thing.”

                                                        • 四月

                                                        The point about unions is that Whole Foods, the corporation, should not get to decide whether or not it is unionized – Whole Foods workers should. Fine- if you don’t want a union, then no one is twisting your arm to form one. However, it is dirty to do everything possible to stop workers from forming a union when they choose, too.

                                                          • Matilda Jennings

                                                          这是荒谬和无法忍受的。可怜的孩子抽了一个肉丸。更不用说,Whole Foods雇用了卧底警察。




