Tomme de Brebis

一种fter dinner at a friend’s apartment this weekend, they rolled out a sizable wheel of cheese to eat before dessert…which since moving to France, has become my favorite course of the meal. But usually you present one or a few selected cheeses, not a big round.

Nevertheless, they slapped it down in the middle for the table where the host took a hunting-type knife, started hacking off shards of it, and passing them around the table. As we started eating, all of the sudden the whole table went completely quiet. (Which is a real rarity in Paris.)

我们都环顾四周,每个人的眼睛都亮了。“C’est incroyable!”

确实,这是一个了不起的奶酪。相近佩科里诺,这被称为Tomme de Brebis, or sheep’s milk cheese. But it had a milky, crackly chew with a little bit of a bite, and if you’ve ever tasted something that made you stop and say—哇!, you know what I’m talking about. And in a country where good cheese is pretty commonplace, for everyone to stop and take notice…well, you’ve got something very special on your plate.





I was happy when the host cut the wheel into three chunks and handed them over to each of us as we left.





    • Stéphane

    Mysterious! If you need someone to take a wheel off your back I may be interested. Sounds like tasty stuff!

      • Stone


        • Marvin


          • 劳拉在加利福尼亚:)




            • Michelle


              • Lesley


                • 露西·凡尔(Lucy Vanel)

                It looks wonderful. When my mother and sister first came to visit, I took them to a fromagere that sells tommes of various kinds. They had tastes and bought several wheels each to take home, since tommes travel very well. They must have bought 50 euros worth of cheese. The next time I went back to that fromagere, I chose my cheese and she said – “how many will you need today”? This started a wonderful relationship.

                  • 最大限度


                    • 莎拉



                      • 伊芙琳


                        • good enough cook

                        For some reason, I’m reminded of that Seinfeld episode where George Costanza, freed from his impending nuptials, confesses his joy at being able to return to the bachelor joys of sitting around in his underwear munching on “a hunk of cheese the size of a car battery.” Is there a French equivalent to Seinfeld? Somehow it seems like a quest for the Cheese Boat has all kinds of sit-com possibilities–but is this the cheese a French George would choose to consume in mind-boggling quantities?


                          • 希拉里


                            • 小麦无生气

                            嗯。看起来像是汤姆·德·萨瓦伊(Tomme de Savoie),在我有限的经验中,它是最好的原始法国奶酪,它可以在英国非伦敦(Not-london)获得,因为作为高山奶酪,它可以很好地旅行。史蒂夫·詹金(Steve Jenkin)的奶酪底漆将Tomme de Savoie描述为最好的质朴农民奶酪,其中包括“无误的原始味道 - 肥胖,榛子,少量盐水,乳白色,乳白色”,他恰好将其击中。无论如何,看起来就像你的土地一样,但是有太多的明天,我只尝过一个(那个出口!)。祝你好运找到船员。

                              • MB


                                • Krysalia

                                hmm ! de la tomme de brebis ♥ !

                                  • 莉迪亚


                                    • 洛娜


                                    Great idea about the cheese course for entertaining in the US. Something so obvious. Many thanks.

                                      • Maryann@FindingLaDolceVita

                                      Wow, David. That was a great host to give each of you a chunk to take home. I hope you make it to that boat :)

                                        • 大卫



                                          • DrBehavior

                                          He, the Boatman, shops for you, at least that’s what it seems to me. With impeccable taste he stops at various venues and makes selections on his way to Paris. I’ll wager that he has an established clientèle whose tastes he knows well and then brings along a little something extra for those who’ve heard of him by word of mouth. The cheese in the picture appears to be a varietal of parm reggiano and, for the life of me, I don’t know why. Perhaps, it’s that ‘grainy’ quality. No matter. Whatever it is – I could quite literally taste it as I can so many of the wonderful things you choose to post.

                                            • Judith in Umbria



                                              • 妮可

                                              I love all sheeps milk cheeses. I’m not a big cheese eater, but if it’s sheeps milk, I am all over it like white on rice. The sharper and dryer the better. And sheep’s milk yogurt. My god!

                                                • Izzy的妈妈

                                                Immediately after reading your post (and after having eaten a large dinner and dessert) I had to rush to the fridge and shave off some slices ofthis..not sheep’s milk but it did the trick until Wednesday when I can get some sheep’s milk at the market. Thanks for fattening me up!

                                                  • 鲍勃

                                                  Okay, that’s not fair! You MUST divulge the secret meeting place.

                                                    • 凯特·希尔

                                                    我有朋友在驳船上制作蜂蜜,将相思森林旅行到肥皂水的葵花籽田,然后将其多色收获沿着罗纳(Rhone)运送到里昂(Lyon),然后运河到达巴黎。食物和人们在法国运河上工作和生活的悠久历史。哦,汤姆·德·萨瓦伊(Tomme de Savoie)是用牛奶制成的。这可能是Pyrenees奶酪。

                                                      • 约翰娜


                                                        • Sonia Shapiro

                                                        I went on an ad hoc sheep’s milk cheese tour of England and Scotland in 2006. I was always appreciated as a guest when I stopped by friends and family. I’m imagining organizing a more planned one with a group. What about staying in places that aren’t particularly grand or even nice (drawing the line at bed bugs but not grime) but spending lots of money on cheese? Lots. Does this sound tempting? If we promise not to come see you will you tell us where the boat cheese man stops?


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