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This April marks a very special three-year anniversary.
我庆祝轿跑车of Champagne?
Do I whip out the mixer and make a celebration cake?


2003年4月,我将两箱书籍运到巴黎的地址,在这里和那里的某个地方,有人正在享受一本非常精心编辑的食谱集,这些食谱集真正居住在巴黎,这是真正想使用的。所以我在这里,三年后,sans我最喜欢的食谱,找不到其他人正在通过我的个人绘制的副本片的安慰Mastering The Art of French Cooking由朱莉娅·克里斯(Julia Child)本人(或将其用于点燃)或爱丽丝·梅德里奇(Alice Medrich)巧克力And the Art of Low-Fat Desserts((if you’re snickering, stop it. It’s an amazing book.)






When Andrew announced欧元博客邮寄, it sounded like a fun idea. Those of us living in Europe would swap packages of our favorite local foods via the post. A great idea, so I carefully spent a few days shopping, and off went my package to Kristina at克利维亚的美食在瑞典。

几周后Dinner For One。我撕开包装,发现很多撕裂的包装和一些微薄的碎屑以及一些鼠标“纪念品”。


Apparently the little euro-critters couldn’t resist participating in欧元博客邮寄#4也要,但至少他们给了我一瓶Grüner Veltliner我要节省的酒。但是我挽救了一些Mozartkugln,每个包装纸都饰有每个人最喜欢的奥地利人的照片(不,不是加利福尼亚州的州长……),而是Linzertart,橙色味的巧克力和香肠(肉?) were gone for good.


附件是Gerda的笔记,“MOZART Of course!!”but thankfully she included a book for making Austrian desserts that apparently held little interest for the mice and soon I’ll tackle some of the recipes, likeBurgenländer MarillenknödelPowidltascherln, 或者可能Weicher Marillen-Topfentommerl

((raabtaler weinbackerlSalzburger Nockerln Mit ribisel-Rotweinsosse听起来也不错,不是吗?)

Or…I could wait until the next round of Euro Blogging By Post, and take my chances….



    • 辛迪

    By the way, being in Paris I thought “great, I’m gonna go to WHSmith and buy David Lebovitz’s book The Great Book of Chocolate”. So yesterday, I went there and unfortunately they haven’t got any left :( Poor me, well I’ll order it online…

      • plum

      I was flicking through petite anglaise’s archives the other day and this seems a familiar Parisian problem …


        • TG

        oh my god! this SO messes w/ my sense of right and wrong. (and the cookbook saga is heartbreaking.)

          • James


          Send two of the same item, one with rat poison the other without. Send an email to the recepient before hand (with a heads up). Put a small mark on the one that is ok to eat, or vise versa

            • 安妮

            我会对所有欧洲啮齿动物宣战 - 这是不可原谅的。我也为您和您迷失的食谱感到。这真是可怕。

              • callipygia


                • La Tartine Gourmande的Bea

                oh no, really, you lost your fav cookbooks! M…alors!! On my hand, I learned one thing for sure from living in the USA: people are much more to be trusted, for situations when you things are left outside, in the street, unlocked etc. AS an example, apples on the road side to buy, without anyone attending them? Not possible in France. They would be gone in no time, and no $$ would be left.

                You savaging food?? ce n’est pas possible!!

                  • Meg

                  大卫,你有我的同情!这是 - 部分原因 - 为什么我这次没有参加。上一次我的包裹花了三个星期才能到达目的地。当然是我,它迟到了两个星期。我决定我再也无法应付法国邮政系统的压力。




                    • 布朗

                    Oh this is so very sad!
                    Especially the cookbooks, no fair!

                      • tian

                      I had to read twice to make sure I was reading right. It’s terrible and funny at the same time if you don’t mind my honesty.


                        • 大卫

                        Thanks for all your condolences (and the link, Plum).

                        I feel bad for Gerda, who put so much care (and cash) into shipping the package to me…and I even have a ‘guardienne’ in my building who accepts packages the dirty deed happened somewhere between the Austrian post, and La Poste in France.

                        I’ve actually had worse service from courrier services here than from La Poste. DHL is bad news, but UPS is the absolute worst…they returned 3 very large cases of appliances to the shipper. They told me they tried to deliver it just one time, but the deliveryman couldn’t find my address. Heck, I live on one of the main boulevards of Paris and if someone can’t find my street, they’re in the wrong business.

                        So I don’t know if the blame goes to La Poste, Austrian Post, or in the case of my missing cookbooks, the US Post.
                        As for my lost cookbooks, I imagine somewhere, someone is sitting down reading them all…wearing a brand-new green Lacoste shirt, and having a good chuckle at his or her good fortune. And my bad luck…

                          • J. Bo


                            • 皮勒

                            Sorry to hear about your cookbooks, David. And Gerda’s parcel, obviously. The mice can be so cheeky (I know – I’ve shared a flat with a few over the years in Edinburgh).




