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It’s that time of the year again. When bakers, cooks, and even bartenders, are baking, roasting, and shaking things up for the holidays. Here’s a round-up of recipes from my blog, my personal favorites, that are great for Thanksgiving and winter holiday fêtes. There are cakes, cocktails, spreads, dips, candied nuts, cheesecake, ice cream…and more! Pecan Pie with Bourbon and Ginger What’s more traditional than pecan…


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Pumpkin Cheesecake with Pecan Praline Sauce

It’s that time of year again. And that only means one thing: time to start thinking about the holiday baking. In Paris, bakery windows fill up with Bûches de Noël (Yule log cakes) and bourriches (wooden crates) of oysters are piled up at the markets. The chocolate shops are crammed with people, buying multiple boxes as gifts, and people splurge on caviar and Champagne, one of the…


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I often wonder where people will go when they tell me they want to dine somewhere “out-of-the-way” in Paris. Do they want to go to the outer reaches of the 20th or 15th arrondissements for lunch? And if they want to go somewhere where “only locals” eat, will they be happy with a standard plat du jour? Or do they want more creative cooking, with an accent…


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让人们感到惊讶的一件事是,即使每条街道上有诱人的埃克拉尔,马卡龙和痛苦的chocolat,也有多少法国人,也喜欢gâteauau au au au au au au fromage,或者通常称为:le Cheesecake。(不要与le奶酪混淆,这是芝士汉堡。)但是,由于法国人喜欢奶酪,他们喜欢蛋糕,但这并不是一个brain的奶酪。那么为什么不结合…


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dulce de leche芝士蛋糕

有时,当我为博客写帖子时,我写得如此之快,以至于我的思想几乎无法跟上手指。(因此,偶尔会出现错字。)想法飞向我的脑海,我实际上必须从椅子上跳起来并制作它们。这种Dulce de Leche芝士蛋糕食谱就是这种情况,它结合了每个人最喜欢的两种东西:奶油奶酪…


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East Side Burgers: Vegetarian Burgers in Paris

Two trends have swept across Paris over the past few years, which, paradoxically, are somewhat at odds with each other. Who would have predicted a decade ago that hamburgers and vegetarianism would both be buzzwords on the Paris food scene? One of the good things about the burger movement is that instead of the wan, overpriced (€15 and up) burgers that had been served in…


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不久前,有人给我发了一条消息,询问某种法国奶酪的可用性,该法国奶酪现在住在美国,一直在不断地狂欢。我花了一点时间才弄清楚我的名字是如何知道的,直到我意识到他们在谈论tartinage tartiner,否则被称为奶油奶酪。奶油奶酪非常…


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Helmut Newcake,巴黎的无麸质面包店

Ever since I heard word it, I’ve been anxious to try Helmut Newcake, what’s been heralded as the first gluten-free bakery in Paris. While a couple of bakeries and natural food shops offer gluten-free bread, they’re invariably made somewhere where other breads are made (risking cross-contamination with wheat flour), or the salesclerks simply stack the gluten-free breads with the regular ones, which is little comfort…


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A few things to know if you go to Berlin. Don’t cross the street unless the crosswalk light is green (you’ll likely get a scolding), hardly anywhere takes credit cards (cash works everywhere—and people are happy to give change), the coffee is great (so drink as much as you can, since you’ll need it), and the city changes quickly, from being gray and bleak at…


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