
After returning from周一空缺,我胆怯地打开了我的电子邮件箱,并散布了几百条消息。当我扫描每个人时,我发现我被我的朋友标记了马特, who responded to梅利莎’slist for我死前吃五件事. While the last thing I wanted to think about when I got back from vacation was dying (well, until we hit le trafficbouchon返回巴黎AutorOute),它去了……

朱迪·罗杰斯(Judy Rodgers)为我做的沙拉

When we were both working atChez Panisse,一个晚上,朱迪·罗杰斯(Judy Rodgers)问我是否想要沙拉。“Why yes,”I responded, and a few minutes later she handed me the most memorable dish I’d ever eaten.

The salad was composed of a big pile of bitter, thick leaves of escarole. Tossed in with the salad was just-softened (and still slightly-warm) slices of tiny Yukon Gold potatoes, garlicchapons,切片法国面包that had been toasted and grilled, then rubbed with fresh garlic, with chunks of roasted rabbit loin. The whole salad was bathed in a mustardy油醋汁,这只是成分,口味和质地的完美融合。


Almost without warning, New York’s Second Avenue Deli closed, taking with them perhaps the best corned beef sandwich on the planet. Okay, before you get all New York on me, yes, there are other delis in New York making excellent corned beef sandwiches (Katz’s, Carnegie, etc…), but the Second Avenue Deli was my favorite spot.

A heaping mound of salty, coarsely-textured stack of sliced meat piled on soft slices of rye bread with the unmistakably scent of caraway seeds. Only a smear of spicy, dark mustard was necessary, before diving in. The seasoned waitresses were always happy to see me, like a long-lost family member, and were never failed to oblige me by bringing me an extra bowl of their crunchy half-sour pickles, which I’d polish off well before my sandwich ever hit the table.

Porcelana Chocolate from Amedei

If you’ve never tastedAmedei巧克力,这可能是因为它是如此罕见,他们无法跟上需求。我很幸运地与Alessio Tessieri度过了一个早晨,在意大利比萨附近的他的小型烤架上品尝了Amedei Chocolate的完整系列。



Sauternes是一种由葡萄制成的葡萄酒,直到它们开始腐烂为止(实际上称为“贵族腐烂”)。Although there are several other fine Sauternes made in this region, Château d’Yquem is produced in the town of Sauternes, near Bordeaux, and is situated at exactly the perfect point where the fine mist from two converging rivers blankets the grapes, forming the basis for this noble rot. The half-dried grapes are hand-picked, and each musty, funky-looking cluster produces perhaps just a tiny sip of this precious, sweet nectar.

The first time I had Château d’Yquem, I was asked to create a dessert for a dinner party where a rare vintage from the 1930’s would be presented (actually, all Château d’Yquem’s are rare vintages, since they don’t release a wine during years when the grapes are not excellent.) During dessert, the host of the party (Danny Kaye) handed me a glass of the deep amber-colored liquid, and as I drew the glass up to my face, the smell of caramel, apricots, toast, and fresh mangoes came tumbling out. By the time I tipped the first sip into my mouth, the sweet liquid totally overwhelmed me with it’s fruity complexity. I’ve had subsequent glasses of Château d’Yquem and each one is unique and rare, but that first sip was unforgettable.

Glace焦糖at Berthillon



Imagine biting into a smooth, creamy mound of frosty caramel, with lots of buttery-sweetness but with a burnt, slighty-bitter edge, totally smooth, without being cloying. Paired with a scoop ofchocolat amer, a chewy sorbet made from bitter chocolate, it’s two scoops of heaven piled into a neat little cone.My tradition is to race over to the nearby Pont Marie, so I can enjoy my短号俯瞰塞纳河和巴黎市。如果您妨碍了我,请退后一步Boules des Glaces融化。



    • Bea at La Tartine Gourmande

    ahah I like the opening line. A typical David’ texte!

      • 马特


      哦,大卫!朱迪·罗杰斯(Judy Rodgers)为您制作的沙拉?我的头已经击中了键盘。听起来绝对很棒。升华。



        • 巴黎Breakfasts

        有趣的!好吧,至少我有2个。如果没有三明治,您就不能住在纽约。这是我很好奇的巧克力。我很幸运能在花式美食表演中品尝多摩里的瓷器,我想知道它们如何比较。Domori是复杂而丰富,非常特别的IMO HMMM…

          • 梅利莎

          我可以在祖尼(Zuni)的场景中描绘出来:“朱迪(Judy),那是今天的第七个客户,他曾经为您曾经为一个名叫David Lebovitz的家伙制作的沙拉。”万博manbetx

          I know I’d be pestering her for it! Yum.


            • J. Bo

            但是,大卫,您为丹尼·凯(Danny Kaye)的晚餐聚会的甜点创作是什么?!?

              • Maureen in Oakland

              我今年第一次拥有Amadei Chocolate(奥克兰的Bittersweet Cafe采购了一些咖啡馆),而且OMG值得为一个不那么大的酒吧付出13美元。巧克力神的惊人东西。

                • 大卫


                马特: Hmmm, Matt?
                Don’t know anyone named ‘Matt’.


                梅利莎: I’m sure Judy would have no idea what you’re talking about, but I like the idea all the same.


                卡罗尔:我喜欢多摩里巧克力,作为巧克力爱好者,很高兴您有机会尝试一些。Amadei更加激烈,我认为更好。Sal E拿铁,牛奶巧克力和Fleur de Sel很好奇,但圣何塞很棒(均来自Domori。

                莫琳:如果有机会,请尝试Amedei Chuao……这也令人难以置信。

                  • Luisa


                    • Christine

                    停下来!Berthillon Glace Caramel和我无法获得它使我难过。


                    沙拉听起来很棒,几周前,我在Chez Panisse Cafe上有一个很棒的产品,那里有土豆,绿豆和白松露 - 仍然在流口水!(尽管朱迪·罗杰斯(Judy Rodgers)没有为我做到,幸运的狗。)

                      • 朱莉娅

                      Hi David!
                      (You must know I say this but actually mean: why god, why don’t I ever had Glace Caramel?? why do I live in Holland and not in Paris across the street from Berthillon???!) =)

                        • Jessica




                          • Jeanne

                          很棒的清单!从未有过d'Yquem Chateau d'Yquem,而我的财务意味着他们的身份,我没有屏住呼吸……但这是我有一天要做的事情之一。而且不要让我开始使用Berthillon冰淇淋。今年夏天,我有一只血橙色的冰糕,两天后我回来了两次……去年夏天,他们的痛苦是要死的,今年我也喜欢焦糖 - 吉姆布雷。严重上瘾的东西。

                            • 大卫

                            I love glace Berthillon and in fact, after I wrote this up, I went over to the ÃŽle St. Louis for a scoop (well, actually two.)

                            几周前,我拜访了一个非常著名的巧克力和糖果制造者Frmo Brittany,他告诉我他一生中第一次去了伯西隆,并要求4个勺子……他们不会把它交给他。他们说他必须订购2个锥体,每个圆锥有2个勺子(这并不是说他们的勺子太大,无法将4塞到一个锥体上。)

                            但是真正的踢脚是他们具有冰淇淋味,焦糖 - 贝尔 - 萨尔 - 是受他启发的!如果他们知道……不过……不过……

                              • Stephanie Rosenbaum



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