
这个星期五,我将与屡获殊荣的作家交谈Michael RuhlmanArchestratus书籍11月1日在布鲁克林,从6:30到8:30庆祝他的新书发行从头开始

Michael’s opus to home cooking extols the virtues of mastering basic cooking techniques, which means doable recipes for the perfect roast chicken, as well as traditional cassoulet, the ultimate BLT (with home-cured bacon, for those who want to give that a go), Thai curries, and chocolate profiteroles. There will be time for a Q+A with Michael, whose opinions and observations are always interesting, and sure to provoke some lively discussion. (I promised him that I would pepper him with challenging questions about everything from authenticity, to makingcrème anglaise奶油。)有关活动的更多信息并注册,请访问Archestratus书店网站

11月12日,与我一起在纽约切尔西市场的聊天中与巴黎居民Elaine Sciolino庆祝她的新书,塞纳河:制造巴黎的河, which follows the famed river’s path, which intersects, organizes, and defines the city of Paris.

塞纳河为伊莱恩(Elaine)提供了丰富的材料,以阐明河流对河流对各种巴黎人的意义的观察bouquinistes(书商)到香槟酒和塞纳河(Seine Dippers)(游泳者!),并有一个关于城市如何应对Notre Dame的大火的结尾,Notre Dame是在这座标志性的水路上呆了几个世纪的教堂。

伊莱恩(Elaine)是《纽约时报》(New York Times)的一名作家,也是前巴黎局长。她是迷人的公司,巴黎爱好者希望加入我们参加这项活动。信息是here



    • 维多利亚

    您在2016年发布的奶酪球再次是一年中的那个时候。朋友要求我将其带到星期六晚上的聚会 - 我敢肯定,这是许多要求中的第一个。

      • 布鲁斯·诺特(Bruce Knott)

      I just received my copy of My Paris Kitchen, and am loving it! Having been to Paris 30 times or more in my life, and understand and am amused by many of your observations – and I’m enjoying the recipes as well.

        • 迈克·汤普森

        鲁尔曼先生是一位伟大的作家。But ask him how he hopes to persuade readers to buy this book about how to cook when he already wrote “Ruhlman’s Twenty: 20 Techniques, 100 Recipes, A Cook’s Manifesto”, “The Elements of Cooking”, “Ratio”, along with books about salami and charcuterie, braising, sauteing, roasting. If these books weren’t enough to get the ideas across, why will the new one be any better?

            • Michael Ruhlman



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