
ground ginger

食谱的起源通常很有趣,有些故事是傻瓜。许多人在更传统的地方发现,例如从朋友和亲戚那里移交,有些是在食谱中发现的,而另一些是我们自己的作品。然后有一些来自谁知道的地方,例如我在men’s room wall

And then there’s this one, which got handed to me during a book event and meet-up that I had in Paris when a lovely woman from New Zealand gave me a tube of Vegemite, along with a photocopy of the recipe, saying it was amazing. (Interesting that she said the recipe was amazing, but when she gave me the Vegemite, she only followed that with a hearty chuckle.)




当我在Australia, I was delighted by all the “slices” on offer, which are available at coffee shops and bakeries, such as caramel crunch, and their distant relative,拉明顿。This ginger crunch is pretty simple to put together, although reading through the recipe, I thought about dialing up the spices, which I’m sure folks in Australia and New Zealand would approve of because they seem to like their food highly seasoned – as do I. But then I tasted the slices and realized they were right on the mark.

To all the folks out there wondering what they can use in place of the金糖浆, I’m both happy and sorry to say, that there’s nothing else similar. The reason I’m sorry is that you have to hunt some down – many well-stocked grocers have it, or you can find it在线的 。但是我很高兴地说,您会很高兴能在人生中拥有那小绿色的锡罐,因为一旦您品尝了它,您会想知道自己一生中没有金糖浆的生活。


原始食谱要求使用20 x 30厘米的“ Lamington”锅,就像我喜欢Lamingtons一样,我不想从新西兰订购。(Which is probably the only time in my life that I couldn’t justify buying a new piece of bakeware.) So I used a rectangular French tart pan, because I live in France and I’m trying to support my local tart pan makers. You could use an 8-inch (20cm) square cake pan in its place.

When I first bit down on one, it was somewhat familiar, but it so different from any other kind of bar cookie I know of. The base is crumbly and crisp, with the characteristics of a good shortbread, but with a firmness and crunch that pairs beautifully with the buttery, spicy topping. The word “addictive” comes to mind. And if it wasn’t for the 30-hour plane ride, I’d be making plans to go to New Zealand to try more “slices.”

So to that lovely woman who brought the recipe all the way to me, a big thanks and I’m glad I finally got around to making it. You were right!


As for that tube of Vegemite? I’m getting around to that soon. Uh, I promise…

Ginger Crunch

A little sleuthing revealed that the recipe I was given was perhaps from, or inspired by, the Ginger Crunch recipe from a cookbook produced Edmonds, a New Zealand company which produces baking powder.埃德蒙兹烹饪书我于1908年首次发布。我使用了13乘4英寸(34厘米x 10厘米)的矩形蛋pan,但可以使用另一个类似尺寸的锅。例如8英寸(20厘米)方蛋糕盘或20 x 30厘米的矩形锅,原始食谱要求。如果使用蛋糕盘,一个整洁的窍门是用一块宽阔的箔纸将底部衬在底部的侧面,然后在锅的侧面悬垂,然后使侧面平滑并在内部涂黄油。杆完成后,您应该能够轻松将箔(和条形)从锅中抬起。面团可能需要一点哄骗才能将其融合在一起。如有必要,请抑制您的手并揉面团,直到将其粘在一起。(它不需要完美。)将面团转移到锅中,并用手的脚跟将其均匀地按在底部。即使您认为拍拍时看起来愚蠢,它也会烘烤好片状。
Servings 18酒吧饼干


  • 4 1/2ounces (9 tablespoons, 125g)unsalted butter,室温(应该非常柔软)
  • 1/2杯子(100克)砂糖
  • 1 1/2杯子(210克)面粉
  • 1茶匙baking powder
  • 1 1/2茶匙ground dried ginger


  • 2 1/2盎司(5汤匙,75克)牛油,咸或无盐
  • 2汤匙s金糖浆,(见说明)
  • 3/4杯子(90克)糖粉
  • 1汤匙ground dried ginger
  • Preheat the oven to 375ºF (190ºC.) Butter a 13-inch rectangular tart pan or another pan (see headnote.)
  • 在立式搅拌机的碗中,或者用手在一个大碗中,用糖给黄油奶油,直至非常轻巧,大约5分钟。在一个单独的碗中,将面粉,发酵粉和1 1/2茶匙姜一起筛选。
  • Mix the dry ingredients into the creamed butter mixture until well-combined. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured countertop and knead it until the dough is relatively smooth. (If necessary, dampen your hands to add a bit of moisture to the dough, if it’s dry.)
  • Press the dough into the prepared pan and flatted the surface, then bake the dough for 20 minutes, until it’s light golden brown.
  • Five minutes before the dough is done, making the icing by heating the 2 1/2 ounces of butter and golden syrup in a small pan, then mix in the powdered sugar and 1 tablespoon ginger, stirring until smooth.
  • 当您将锅从烤箱中取出时,将温暖的糖霜倒在饼干底座上。静置约20到30分钟,然后从锅中取出并切成薄片,同时稍微温暖。


Note:The only substitutions I could imagine that might work for this recipe might be honey, since it has the same viscosity to golden syrup. Rice syrup is another possibility. If you do try it with another liquid sweetener, please share your results in the comments.




Chocolate-Caramel Slice(RHID BAKED)


花生酱 - 巧克力切片(Chocolate Suze)


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