

说真的 - 如果我不能吃面包,我会尖叫并死亡。唯一阻止我这样做的事情是不断用葡萄酒补充水分。幸运的是,这是我不需要避免的另一件事。


When I told Romain’s mom that we didn’t have bakeries in the US like they have in France, she couldn’t believe it.

哦?…” she wondered aloud, “So where does everyone get their bread every day?”

I told her that there were some dynamite bakeries in the US (although I didn’t use the word “dynamite”, as I think that would’ve confused her equating bread-making with an explosive substance), but they aren’t nearly as prevalent as they are in France. I was afraid to see her reaction if I told her there were people over there that didn’t eat bread.

Mon dieu!

但是,尽管巴黎有很多面包店,但过了一会儿,“面包店的疲劳”开始使您陷入困境,并且您开始变得挑剔。那是我去的时候du Pain etdesIdées

The famousChausson à la pomme fraîcheis resplendid, a golden cage of puff pastry enclosing a half of a baked apple. Pinwheels of pastry filled with pistachio or praline are nearby, and there’s always a seasonal thin-crusted tart, too, which might include fresh baked figs or peaches, depending on the season.


是的,有坚固的,但是当破裂时,croissants在架子上冷却痛苦的巧克力在一个慷慨的篮子里排成一列。柜台后面是一个面包架,衬有粗短的面包疼痛pagnoland rectangles ofPain Tartine, a porous loaf with a focaccia-like crust, intended for sandwich-making.

登记册旁边是玻璃屏障,保护他们的小零食面包免受急切的手(毫无疑问),称为迷你帕维斯,充满了美味的连击,例如蜂蜜 - 鸡尾酒和奇弗尔·斯皮纳奇(Chèvre-Spinach),还有一些落在甜蜜的一面,其中包括 - 当然是巧克力。(尽管我希望他们在面团中再加入盐。)


But I bike here for boulanger Christophe Vasseur’s organicBoule aux graines et céréales, packed full of seeds and crunchies. At 4€ for a quarter, hacked from a giant loaf, the price may seem eye-popping, but it’s hearty and sizable enough to last me a couple of days and I never regret my decision when it’s time to fork over the dough.

One of my absolute favorite bakeries in Paris, atde Pain etdesIdées, the service is undeniable cheerful, and the décor is a delight, rustic and charming, filled with antiques from boulangeries from days of yore, but without being “cute”.


du Pain etdesIdées
34, rue Yves Toudic (10th)
泰尔:01 42 40 44 52





du Pain etdesIdées((Croque Camille)


The Grainy Breads of Paris

Le Quignon

La Boulangerie par veronique mauclerc

The Pâtisseries of Paris



    • Matt

    Hi David,

    Thanks to posts like this and all your other posts on eating and food around Paris I am fairly confident on having a great trip there. Coming such a long way (Australia), for a short time means having to squeeze the most out of every minute. Thanks for making that a bit easier to do :)


      • David

      Matt: If you’re looking for a place to eat nearby, I recommendChez Pruneon the canal, which has become trendy, but the food is fine and the people-watching and atmosphere are great.

      And another favorite nearby isLe Verre Volé, a great wine bar.

        • 莎拉

        原谅我的无知,但是您如何要求四分之一的法语面包呢?我总是很有趣,要求四分之一公斤的奶酪,然后意识到我应该用克问。可以只要求“ un夸脱”吗?这个boulangerie提醒我,我在这个伟大的城市中尚未发现一个发现世界。谢谢,一如既往的分享。

          • Johanna

          Isn’t that the bakery with the best brioche in Paris? I remember going there last year to try their brioche, which was incredible, but I didnt get around to trying the bread.

            • 起诉

            During a recent trip to Paris, I was enthralled with all of the bakeries and partook to my heart’s content. I noticed, however, that there were no baking facilities at many of them. They seemed to be storefronts only.

            Are many of the bakeries franchises — such as Dunkin Donuts –that are supplied by a central bakery? I don’t mean this as a criticism at all. Whatever I ate was superb.

            My question is one of curiosity only. I can’t wait to go back to Paris and eat more.


              • 咪咪


              我在流浪。明天的两个星期,我将在圣安托万(Rue St. Antoine)上购买面包…

                • David

                莎拉:是的,Un Quart(像“汽车”一样发音)是您要索要四分之一的方式,或者是否已经被剪裁,un morceau,就像要一块。




                  • 丽莎


                    • Kim B.

                    David - Du Pain etdesIdées在新的巴黎新闻《美食》中也得到了好评!以及可爱的照片。

                    My dad just lives for his visits to Paris to get good bread (a good, if mean, way to torture him is to call him while I’m walking home with a warm loaf from the bakery, tearing off the crusty end to stuff it in my face!). He always takes home a baguette with him — but has learned NOT to put it in a plastic bag. He now wraps it up in paper towels and finds that that way he has a real Parisian treat on his first morning back in Oklahoma.

                    Although I wish he (and my mom) were here to enjoy the bread more often! Miss them . . .

                      • 萝卜

                      I would be so upset if i was told I couldn’t eat bread. It’s an absolute must on my favorite things to eat. I have been contemplating a quick sojourn in Paris (i need to pick a spot to go on vacation) by myself, this bakery looks like a great place to make a stop! :)

                        • Ellen M



                          • 马里奥

                          有趣的是,在工业革命之前,是否有面包店“像美国的面包店”。我认为,这是工业化的出现,以及将当地面包店合并为Gargantuan企业集团(例如,国家饼干公司 - 纳比斯科),导致了Wonderbread的创建,以及所有其他垃圾,这些垃圾几十年来饱受了我们的喉咙。

                            • Eileen

                            This post makes me want to cry. The past few days, with a chilly nip in the air, I’m transported, whenever I grind my coffee beans, to the Left Bank in Paris (dream on Eileen). The smell conjures up memories of walking by the cafes, hearing the grinders and the steaming of milk. Here at home, I have to get in my car and drive miles, yes miles (!) to find a decent bakery! And then miles in another direction, to find a decent coffee :(

                              • Sandy



                                • 标记


                                I am with you on the bread front. But, I had to giggle when the post came up and all the “Ads by Google” were about “pain” management, “stop back pain now” etc.

                                  • Sandy


                                    • 阿曼达


                                      • 露西v

                                      Bread is wonderful. And the best kind are the multigrains from an artisan baker, fresh from the oven. It’s just killing me to think about it. Give me a glass of wine. This too shall pass.

                                        • Susan

                                        You are so lucky to have all those wonderful bakeries so close. The variety of breads and pastries is astounding. I wish we had more here. The SF Bayarea has some really good unique breads (partially because of where we are) and the bakers do wonderful things, but we lack the variety pastries available in bakeries there.


                                          • Camille

                                          Mmmm… I had a lunch that consisted of a mini pavé and a chocolate-pistachio snail just the other day! Every time I go there I try something new, and I have yet to find anything sub-par. :)

                                          Merci Beaucoup Pour La提及!

                                            • Sylvie,Rappahannock Cook&Kitchen Gardener

                                            Re: where is the bread baked? I remembered reading an article several years ago on the Poilane bakeries. Lionel Poilane and his wife designed a central manufacturing bakery facility in Bievre, complete with wood-fired ovens to be able to produce enough bread to supply his bakery stores.

                                            我非常想念可以准备好使用好的硬皮面包。由于最接近的优秀面包店距离酒店超过60英里,因此我们已竭尽所能。其中一些非常好。但是在夏天,在弗吉尼亚州,谁想加热厨房?so in summer, I am often deprived of good bread, and have to settle for decent (but not great) bread, “artisanal” and mass produced (is that an oxymoron or what? but that’s what La Brea is) and sold through the supermarket (the closet of which is 25 miles away) or my country store

                                              • Sylvie,Rappahannock Cook&Kitchen Gardener

                                              but I really really really miss the croissants. Puff pastry is definitively not my forte!

                                                • clayton

                                                how true this all is! upon your recommendation of “du pain,” i made sure it was a stop on my list this past venture to paris. oh, how i miss those pinwheels and croissants. i didn’t opt for the boule aux graines (though now i wish i had), but even just the plain baguette was fantastic. service was fantastic too, especially since the woman there easily forgave me for not having brushed up on my french bakery vocabulary!

                                                  • ohiogirl

                                                  If you are lucky, and find a good jewish bakery that still uses “clear” flour along with rye, you can get a quarter or an eighth of a loaf, sliced thick, of sour corn rye bread. Divine. But those heavy silky loaves are getting harder and harder to find.


                                                    • 迭戈


                                                      • Caleb M.

                                                      拜托,不要!我们住在密苏里州东南部的茫茫荒野中 - 除非我自己烘烤,否则绝对无法获得好面包。谁想为此加热房子呢?

                                                      我羡慕 - 希望您意识到自己的好运。

                                                        • Traci (Soup of The Day)

                                                        Tell me about it. A good bakery is almost impossible to find in southern California. We are really lucky however, we have an out-of-this-world French bakery (owned by a French woman) about 3 miles away – C’est Si Bon. We don’t eat bread every day though. Just on occasion. We love it, but just don’t always buy it. No special reason, I just wasn’t raised having bread with dinner every night, so I don’t usually have it.

                                                          • David


                                                          In most major cities, I’d imagine, there are good-to-excellent bakeries, but they might require a drive across town, which isn’t very practical for most people. And I, myself, don’t bake bread (admittedly, with 3 great bakeries within 2 blocks, I don’t really need to!) so can relate to people out there that don’t want to bake their own.

                                                          Some people liked theNo-Knead bread recipethat was going around, although in my opinion, 5 minutes of kneading yields a much better-tasting bread. And if you’ve never made it, pita bread is really easy, and fun to make, especially if you have kids.

                                                            • 乌姆布里亚的朱迪思



                                                              • Mu Foo

                                                              Good call! I love that beautiful place. The aptly-named ‘pain des amis’ is a great loaf to pick up on the way to a dinner party. I don’t know what makes it so special – a hint of vanilla…or is it crack?

                                                                • 咪咪

                                                                我希望Poilane面包可以在CDG的售货亭购买,例如Sourdough Bread在旧金山机场。(也许是,我从未见过)能够带回家真是太好了!

                                                                  • David


                                                                  : 0

                                                                    • 阿曼达

                                                                    I think it’s a hundred times more appalling than breadless diets is the fact that people accept “bread” in North America that comes preserved in plastic sleeves, and was baked about a year ago, and includes additives like DHA to “make you smart” and prebiotic fibre to “make you go”. ugh…the supermarket “bakery” aisles should be blasted to kingdom come. The bread in your photos looks like something I saw one time…in a dream! Jealous!

                                                                      • 凯西


                                                                      我完全同意你的看法 - 我就足以生存而没有面包。幸运的是,我住在旧金山 - 面包店的土地!仅在我附近,我们就有一家合作面包店,几家亚洲面包店,一家馅饼店和一家甜点面包店。我已经好几年没去过巴黎,但是那些面包和新鲜的羊角面包确实与这里并不一样。感谢您向一个仇恨的食物群体展示一些爱。我很乐意不时减少糖,但是请不要拿走我的面包!


                                                                        • 咪咪

                                                                        我实际上考虑过在线订购poilane。这次旅行只有两天的时间在巴黎,我将不得不在巴士尔附近的那个地方找到。我们可能不会把它归结为De Cherche Midi。



                                                                            • Anita


                                                                            Thank you for your lovely blog! :)

                                                                              • 夏琳

                                                                              Hi David!
                                                                              Do you have to torture me?? This looks like a great place, lovely bread photos & the antiques must be fun to look at.
                                                                              Maybe I will have to try Facebook since you have links there…seems to be “the thing” these days but I keep resisting it!

                                                                                • 珍妮

                                                                                哦,太好了 - 午餐后五分钟,我再次流口水!这看起来像是一个每天都可以参观的好地方 - 幸运的是您在一个充满手工面包店的城市中!

                                                                                  • NoMoreSnuggles

                                                                                  谢谢大卫,发表了我在巴黎最喜欢的面包店。我们在春天在那里呆了一个月,我搜寻了高低,但不断恢复痛苦……(我们很幸运地呆在Pl. Republice中,所以只有10分钟的步行路程)。Tartes aux Pommes et beurre demi-sale(肉饼果酱和半盐糕点上的半盐黄油)是如此的好,我坚信,他们在尝试一口咬一口的膝盖的人外面把那张野餐桌放在外面很棒。

                                                                                    • 阿曼达


                                                                                    I love bread. Sadly I am one of those who must eat low carb due to a health issue–but whenever I manage to be in Geneva I submit and eat lots and lots of bread.

                                                                                      • 黎明


                                                                                        • Lien

                                                                                        You make me want to go to Paris asap! This place is high on my list of must-go when i have a chance to visit Paris again. I would live on bread and croissant ( and cheese and brioche :-) ) if i could. Here in Los Angeles there is less than a hand full of places that could make good croissant and baguette somewhat close to the those in Paris and i have to drive more than 30 minutes to get them, my favorite croissant place was recently closed :-(




