
我必须承认我喜欢花生,尤其是当它们添加了一丝海盐时。多年来,我一直在制作各种蜜饯,包括这些坚果candied peanuts,,,,but this was one of the first candied nut recipes I ever came up with and I’ve been making them ever since.

从技术上讲,花生不是疯了,而是豆类,通常会用来菜肴中。越南食谱包括花生作为装饰的花生面条碗,,,,泰式垫contains crumbled peanuts, and other Asian recipes use peanuts to make花生酱。非洲菜肴Mafé使用花生,但美国人在甜蜜的一面喜欢花生,并喜欢花生蛋糕浇头to ice cream.


This is one of my favorite recipes for usingFleur de sel,脆皮盐烤花生。These are terrific with cocktails or aperitifs, but I also like to enrobe them in bittersweet chocolate and if you’re making Hot Fudge Sundaes, they’re also dynamite sprinkled over the top.


服务 2cups
  • 2cups (280g)轻轻咸或无盐的烤花生
  • 1/4cup (80g)玉米糖浆,,,,corn syrup,,,,agave nectar, or rice syrup
  • 2tablespoons (30g)浅红糖
  • 1/2teaspoonflaky sea salt,,,,例如Fleur de Sel或Maldon Salt(也可以使用钻石水晶犹太盐)
  • 将烤箱预热至350ºF(175ºC)。将烤盘上油或用羊皮纸或硅酮烤盘对其进行排列。
  • 在碗中,将花生,玉米糖浆和浅红糖混合在一起,直到花生涂得饱满。您可以使用刮铲,但用精心洗涤的手(有点潮湿)很好地工作,因为混合物可能会粘。将盐撒在花生上,仅搅拌几次,但不足以溶解盐。
  • 将花生均匀地撒在烤盘上,烘烤15分钟,在烘烤过程中搅拌两次,直到螺母变成深褐色并釉面。
  • 从烤箱中取出并冷却,使其冷却以分离花生。(我也喜欢将一些群集留在较小的群集中。)


笔记:您在杂货店购买的玉米糖浆与高果糖玉米糖浆不同。Wholesome是美国在巴黎可用的有机和无转基因玉米糖浆的一个品牌,我在韩国市场上购买了它,例如k martandAce Mart在圣徒街上。您也可以使用葡萄糖,可在G. Detou和其他糕点供应商店。


    • Narelle

    当我在Noirmoutier时,给自己带来了一袋高质量的盐 - 但也会尝试您建议的盐!听起来很魔鬼。

    So you say theres nothing like a good quality salt…and you also say the same for olive oil. Living here in Paris, and shopping at Monoprix, I just buy the brand Lugget (I think its called?)…any suggestions of a better quality David?

      • Leah

      感谢您发布此信息!有趣的时机也是如此,因为我一直在怪异的盐踢上,痴迷于各种盐,并弄清楚要购买哪种盐。这确实有帮助,我一直在努力弄清楚Guerande或Camargue的人是否更好。现在我知道!可悲的是,我将不得不在美国在这里购买,那里的数量是两倍,但值得。当我在这里时,您知道Le Paludier和M. Gilles Hervy之间是否有重大区别,还是我现在只是变得nitpicky?

      (I’ve also been in a bit of a panic over the thought that the local market may have stopped carrying what I consider to be one of the greatest foods of all time: heavenly Le Marin butter, studded with salt from Guerande. But that’s another story.)

      One other question for you, if I may, since you are the chocolate expert: is fleur de sel, or a similar sea salt like Maldon, the best salt to sprinkle on chocolate?


        • 丹·伍德福德

        我想知道您是否读过Jeffrey Steingarten在Salt上的作品?从我记得的时候,他对美食盐非常不屑一顾。


        另外,值得一提的是马克·库兰斯基(Mark Kurlansky)的《盐:世界历史》一书。

          • 阿利卡特


          我很想知道您对某事的看法。上周我第一次在威廉姆斯·索诺玛(Williams Sonoma),我注意到他们携带的几种盐(包括fleur de sel)。关于盐,我从来没有尝试过任何喜欢的东西。


            • kat

            i have made a variation of your candied peanuts with any nuts that have ventured too close to me- and they have all been lovely. also, sometimes i throw in black pepper or other spices. (simple syrup works if you dont have corn syrup.)

              • maura


                • Dianka

                Ok, after work, I’m off to get some fleur de sel! I’m in love with salt and I can’t believe I have not incorporated this into my cooking sooner. Thanks for the push!

                  • 布雷特

                  You and TK are right. Knowing how to use salt is what makes a good cook, both in the savory and pastry kitchens. It’s pretty much as simple as that. For a cheaper alternative to Maldon and Fleur de Sel, I’ve recently become a fan of Portuguese弗洛尔·德·萨尔(Flor de Sal),我可以在当地的合作社彩虹杂货店批量购买。几年前,慢食给了葡萄牙收割机,葡萄牙收割机某种奖项,科比·库默(Corby Kummer)在上面写了一篇很棒的文章。

                    • 阿利卡特


                      • Lu


                        • EQJ(巧克力女士)


                          • ab

                          Alicat只需使用Maldon Salt,您就会很高兴

                            • 特里S.


                                • David

                                Happy they were a hit and thanks for letting us know they worked well with agave!

                                • 劳里


                                    • David

                                    The French are fond of pastries and candies (hence the over 1300 bakeries and pastry shops in Paris!) I took courses in candy-making while in pastry school in France where we made nuts like this. I don’t know the origin of ‘candied peanuts’ but there are vendors on the streets in Paris that sell candied nuts, especially in the fall and winter, and some bakeries and chocolate shops sell candied nuts and similar caramelized confections.

                                    • 索尼亚

                                    谢谢,,,,David, for my newest addiction! So delicious! Just made a second batch last night and can’t wait to gobble them up. I’ll blame you in advance for the weight gain.

                                      • 劳里


                                        • 凯瑟琳


                                            • David


                                            • Sallie Altman

                                            In the 70s, my college roommate and I took a whirlwind trip to Europe one summer. We found ourselves in Paris at Bastille Day time. I remember loud jets flying over the Champs Elysee and fireworks the night before. As we wandered the crowded streets, we ran into several vendors stirring huge old iron vats of candied peanuts, served still warm in small brown paper bags. The most heavenly peanuts I had ever tasted and I distinctly remember the smell and taste of good vanilla. Do such things still exist, and could you incorporate vanilla into this recipe somehow?

                                                • David


                                                    • Sallie Altman

                                                    Wondering now if it could have been the touch of cinnamon you suggest as an option in your candied peanut recipe. It WAS 50 (!) years ago after all! …oh well. Will make them twice and try both, why not? Thank you.

                                                  • Rob

                                                  I’m fond of a slightly different version of this:

                                                    • suki

                                                    maple syrup will get crispy, fyi, if looking to sub corn syrup. I used to make candied salty cashews like this.




