
Bulgogi chicken recipe


Bulgogi chicken recipe

韩国人似乎对授予其他美食的准则没有相同的严格性,这很棒,因为您可以烹饪,添加自己喜欢的东西,并混合在一起,看似不一致的食材而不将自己融入热水中。我在做泡菜a while back and had some stewed plums I was thinking of adding, which I mentioned on social media. Instead of getting a slew of nasty messages (like I did when I joked about making a low-fat carbonara with smoked tofu and soy cream, and people actually used the F-word), a bunch of Koreans chimed in –“去吧!”

While it’s nice to honor and adhere to tradition, as my friend Patricia the香草皇后,在一封有关所有争吵的电子邮件交流中向我注意到:“人们不断地绊倒自己并以自己的方式绊倒,这是非常可悲的。具有幽默感,玩耍和不认真对待自己的能力,对幸福有很长的路要走!”这是我要打印出来并放在墙上的东西:这是我的新座右铭。

Bulgogi chicken recipe

在许多情况下,真实性是关于菜肴的精神,不一定遵循特定成分清单。我最近在一次活动中谈论bouillabaisse,是一种贫穷的法国菜,使用剩下的鱼类碎屑在市场上未售出的鱼类。目的是不使用最稀有,最难以获得的海鲜,尽管现在餐馆将“正宗”版本作为奢侈品。不确定哪个更好 - 尊重菜肴的精神,或者是死记硬背的成分清单?


Bulgogi chicken recipe

最近关于韩国食品的书问世,Koreatown:一本食谱,引起了我的注意。由韩裔美国厨师Deuki Hong在纽约Koreatown的一家餐厅以及合作者Matt Rodbard撰写,被自称为“来自Kalamazoo的白人男孩犹太人”,根据某些人的说法,no business writing about foods from other cultures。但另一方面,这次在韩国食品上做得很大。所以那里。

(A woman in Paris came up to me at a book signing once and wondered how I could write a book about French cuisine because I wasn’t French. I wanted to say that it doesn’t matter where you were born and just because you were from somewhere, didn’t mean you were a good cook of that cuisine. I’m sure there are bad Chinese cooks in China, just like in the United States, Mexico, France, Korea, Italy, etc… But instead, I just smiled and said, “Thanks for coming!”)

无论如何,一切都很好,食物是关于维持和享受的,这就是为什么我喜欢这本书的原因。它庆祝辛辣,大蒜,果味,肉味和时髦的口味,使韩国食品如此吸引人。我也被公共饮食风格所吸引,因为人们可以通过在小配菜中添加任何东西来制作自己banchan, which could be as simple as a few pickled cucumbers, to curiosities like acorn jelly and tangles of tiny dried fish.

Bulgogi chicken recipe

可能是最著名的朝鲜菜是布尔戈吉,用作一堆切成薄片或捣碎的腌制肉,在烤架或煎锅上煮熟。(如果在室内烹饪韩国食品,我建议您一个好引人注目的风扇!)Dak bulgogi是用鸡肉制成的,有时我更喜欢牛肉版本。较厚的鸡肉大腿吸收了酱油和大蒜尖刺的腌料,然后迅速烤直到外面的腌料焦糖焦糖,但里面仍然多汁。我用这个食谱获得了一些自由,即减少了黑胡椒的含量并添加了辣酱。但是我敢肯定,大多数韩国人不会为此感到不安。

大多数食谱Koreatown:一本食谱位于单页上,只有三到四个步骤。您可能需要去韩国或亚洲市场或在线购物,以供米酒醋这样的主食,gochugaru(Korean red chile flakes), and ginger to make them, but once you have them, you’ll be able to take on many of the other recipes in the book and make Korean dishes at home, some authentic, and some that use those flavors to take dishes in unexpected directions.


改编自Koreatown:一本食谱作者:Deuki Hong和Matt Rodbard如果在煎锅中烹饪鸡肉,您可以在腌制之前将鸡肉切成小块,但是较大的鸡肉可以在烤架上更好地工作,因为较长的烹饪时间会给他们带来很好的烤肉。人们经常会放一些水果泥或糖浆,例如Maesil Chung(绿色李子糖浆)或在其韩国腌料中添加磨碎或果泥的梨,甚至是一些菠萝汁,这些菠萝果汁味道会味道并嫩化肉。如果您想这样做,请加入大约2汤匙果汁,或在腌料中添加大约一半的梨子(磨碎或泥)。尽管书中的食谱没有要求它,但我在混音中添加了一些智利糊。辣椒酱是传统的韩国辣椒酱,我没有,所以使用了Sriracha。泰国智利糊状物要热得多,因此您可以添加一茶匙。韩国烤肉通常与Banchan一起食用,泡菜和泡菜,例如泡菜和其他零食。我从书中做出了Muchim泡菜,手头有一些泡菜。您可能很想使用无骨,无皮肤的鸡胸肉。由于肉切成薄片,乳房会变干:烹饪后大腿更加多汁和湿润。因此,我建议大腿,尽管如果您必须的话,骨骼无骨的乳房会起作用。
  • 1/2杯子(125毫升)酱油
  • 可选:1比2汤匙韩国辣椒酱(gochujang)或sriracha,取决于您喜欢的热
  • 1small onion,去皮,磨碎或果酱食品加工机
  • 2汤匙浅红糖
  • 1汤匙mirin或米酒*
  • 4丁香大蒜,剥皮,切碎或精细磨碎
  • 1 1/2茶匙芝麻油
  • 2茶匙磨碎的新鲜生姜,(剥皮或不毛)
  • 现磨黑胡椒
  • 2茶匙芝麻籽
  • 4-5无骨的,无皮肤鸡肉大腿(1至1 1/4磅,450-575G)
  • Mix the soy sauce, chili paste or hot sauce, onion, brown sugar, mirin or rice wine, garlic, sesame oil, ginger, a few generous turns of black pepper, and sesame seeds in a large zip-top freezer bag.
  • Lay the thighs on a cutting board, cover with a sheet of plastic wrap, and pound them so they’re about 1/3-inch (1cm) thick with a meat pounder, rolling pin, or another heavy object. (You can also pound them, a few at a time, in a separate freezer bag to make clean-up easier.) Trim off any excess fat.
  • Put the thighs in the plastic bag with the marinade, press excess air out of the bag, seal it closed, and massage it so the marinade covers the chicken. Refrigerate for several hours, or overnight. The chicken can also be marinated in a stainless steel or glass bowl, covered and turned several times while it’s marinating. (Optional: You can cut lengths of scallions and put them in the bag with the marinade, then grill them with the chicken, too.)
  • 做饭,将烤架加热到高温。将鸡肉从腌料中取出,然后将其平放在热烤架上。当底部散开时,将它们翻过来,再煮几分钟,直到大腿煮熟为止。总烹饪时间将不到5分钟。(您可以在烧烤时用任何剩余的腌料来煮大腿。)要在煎锅中烹饪,将鸡肉切成咬大小的碎片,然后将其腌制,然后将其放入一个大的,浅油的煎锅中。将鸡肉烤在底部时,搅拌鸡肉,加入任何剩余的腌料,然后在鸡肉烹饪时将其减少在锅中。


服务:Bulgogi is often eaten wrapped in lettuce or佩里拉,带有泡菜,切成薄片的生大蒜,也许是新鲜的辣椒片,一小团SSAMJANG,有时在那里有一汤匙的米饭。我喜欢家里的饭和泡菜和其他调味品。







Sweet and crispy chicken wings

Is it Safe to Cook with Plastic?(Modernist Cuisine)






    • 琳达


        • David


            • 贝贝


          • Vivian |stayaliveandcooking

          You made me laugh out loud! This sounds delicious.

            • 法国的味道

            This sounds delicious. I share and applaud your “big tent” approach to cuisine. Bravo.

              • 玛丽


                • 克里斯蒂娜

                我打算今晚制作一些Bulgogi牛肉,但切换到炖的短肋骨 - 现在我希望我能坚持自己的肠道!令人惊叹的!

                  • 凯瑟琳·玛丽·罗斯



                  We can’t be too strict here. :)


                    • Mo Soar

                    我喜欢购买李子果酱,并在许多食谱中使用它代替hoisin酱 - 听起来好像在这里也会很好。我喜欢Bulgogi牛肉的食谱,除了它是在铸铁煎锅中制成的,它使锅里造成了巨大的混乱……。


                      • Martinn Key2paris

                      您好,我是法国人,但住在国外,我的家人源于波兰和中东,我有日本朋友,墨西哥,英语,美国……。Everywhere I go I am curious about local food, go to markets and shops, I meet chefs when possible, take cooking lessons, I have a whole library of cookbooks so yes I agree with you David you don’t need to be French to cook French (see Julia Child)

                        • 贝贝


                        Those who go all “precious” over food are crashing terminal bores.

                        This chicken recipe sounds wonderful. Ends up a bit like Korean fajitas, and would be delicious wrapped in something the way one eats Peking (Ok, Beijing) Duck.

                        谢谢大卫 - 在紧张时期的食谱和急需的幽默。

                            • Oonagh

                            为了公平地说,她做了一个名为“如何烹饪完美的……”的系列,她尝试了各种著名的厨师 /食品作家的食谱,并完善了它们,并将其推理为一种终极版本。该文章中复制的Carbonara食谱来自该系列。
                            Her “perfect” recipes are generally excellent and very reliable, well worth trying.


                              • 萨拉h Woo

                              Yay, thanks for giving Korean food such thorough treatment, David!


                              Have you read Maangchi’s latest cookbook, Real Korean Cooking? I’ve cooked many of the recipes and find they taste exactly (or pretty close to) like my mom’s cooking. What I love about her and her YouTube videos are her stories about growing up in Korea. My favorite is her nearly 30-minute video of how to make doenjang (fermented soybean paste) and guk ganjang (soup soy sauce) from scratch. It takes months, and involves hanging up bricks of soybean paste in her apartment and dragging soy sauce out to the river’s edge to boil, to avoid offending the noses of neighbors (oh and to drink beer). A great watch, if you ever have time!


                                  • David

                                  我没有她的书,但我一直是粉丝多年。(她曾经在她的网站上介绍了我 -昏厥!)她做了很多视频,我喜欢她的东西很容易获得。当我发布时,我有这种感觉泰国炒鸡, from the book,简单的泰国烹饪,这会让您保证,如果您获得无法确定的成分,可以做出的替代品会引起纯粹主义者的愤怒(或眉毛)。

                                      • 萨拉h Woo

                                      我喜欢它!我也喜欢她的可访问性,并同意您在韩国美食中的灵活方法。例如,每个妈妈都有不同的方式来制作Bulgogi腌料。我妈妈使用亚洲梨的果汁来甜味,而其他人则喜欢7-Up。另一方面,我的丈夫是中国裔美国人,我们一直在做mishmash晚餐,他会把他喜欢的任何食材(通常只是耐嚼米蛋糕)扔进我制作的每炖汤或汤中。The only time I get particular about Korean food is when people insist on judging it against another culture’s food (usually Japanese), as if one is superior or is the “measuring stick” against which the others are assessed.I could go on and on about this, but that’s another rabbit hole that I am sure you are all too familiar with!

                                    • 黛比c


                                      • Martinn Key2paris


                                          • 贝贝


                                              • Martinn Key2paris

                                              Anyway I love David’s posts always inspriring, beautiful photos, a world Gourmet..

                                            • Italiangirlcooks


                                              • 贝贝




                                                • 芭芭拉

                                                Hi David, As usual, I enjoyed your post, & my advice to those who get wacky when one changes up stuff? Just chill out!!! This recipe looks delicious (@ least your wonderful photos), & easy enough for me to make, so I look forward to.

                                                  • 海伦

                                                  我很厌倦争论食物,食谱,烹饪等。被告知我不能创建或欣赏墨西哥菜,因为我不是来自墨西哥,德克萨斯州,日本人或意大利人或……等。我从小就长大,一生都学习食物/烹饪,想认为我知道我在说什么,并且愿意尝试任何东西并喜欢尝试。我喜欢雷蒙德·索科洛夫(Raymond Sokolov)的《自然历史》杂志的专栏文章和他的食物方法。也喜欢收到您的电子邮件和博客文章!谢谢大卫。

                                                      • David

                                                      我从来不明白为什么人们认为,因为您不在某个国家或文化中出生,所以您无法从中做食物。安迪·里克(Andy Ricker)的餐厅Pok Pok非常出色,JacquesPépin烹饪了许多美味的美食。我曾与布鲁斯·昂特(Bruce Cost)一起工作,他是一位出色的中国厨师。我认为作为美国人,我已经习惯了文化融合,因为在大多数城市中,食品和文化并存并存,并且有交叉和解释。

                                                      我正在读一本新书,讲述了让·路易斯·帕拉丁(Jean-Louis Palladin)在1979年从法国来到美国的方式,他习惯于用当地的新鲜食材烹饪,他很难做菜单。然后,他发现了美国原生的鱼类和其他东西(他以玉米汤而闻名!),并在烹饪中使用了这些品种,并取得了巨大的成功。

                                                          • Oonagh

                                                          大卫,爱尔兰人的特里什·戴恩(Trish Deseine)不是在法国烹饪中出版许多书籍吗?她得到了同样的待遇还是被接受了?

                                                            • June2


                                                          • 史蒂文·海基拉(Steven Heikkila)


                                                            • Martinn Key2paris

                                                            I am afraid that some people want so badly to stick to “traditions” that they do not accept any change in any recipe.

                                                              • 萨拉


                                                                  • 劳里

                                                                  I agree. Mom always said to follow the recipe the first time and then vary it after that. I think all regional cooking is about using what you have on hand so no food goes to waste. My Dad made the best asparagus omelets with wild asparagus he found along the road on his way home from work. The only other ingredients were olive oil and eggs in an iron skillet.

                                                                  • 丽兹


                                                                    • Coral White


                                                                        • BananaBirkLarsen



                                                                        • Jinjoo

                                                                        喜欢阅读您对真实性的想法!非常感谢您将我的Maesil Chung帖子链接在我的Kimchimari上(http://kimchimari.com) 博客。

                                                                        I have thought about authenticity a lot in my years of blogging about Korean food…for me it is the resulting flavor and the essence of the dish rather than particular ingredients. I mean, what good is it if you are not able to make it because you have no access to some ingredients?

                                                                        BTW, there is definitely a traditional Korean chicken bulgogi recipe that uses Gochujang. A bulgogi with a kick! So you are totally spot on with the recipe!!

                                                                        食谱也随着时间的流逝而改变 - 我在20多年以上回到韩国,发现多年来许多韩国菜肴的风味已经改变 - 部分是由于年轻一代的调色板变化,生活的快速步伐和想要更加健康(更少的盐,更少的香料..)..



                                                                          • 加夫里埃尔

                                                                          您在Bulgogi中使用了Sriracha?!?!?!?!?哈哈,只有开玩笑!+++的情绪和食谱 - 我喜欢韩国食品,但太吓人了,无法尝试制作任何食物。这绝对是可行的,听起来很神。I love the way you always know exactly what mistake we are about to make and try to head us off at the pass – in this case, I will go ahead anyway with the chicken breasts as I don’t like the texture of chicken thighs, but I consider myself duly warned about the dryness!

                                                                            • Green note

                                                                            我认为我一直使用“模板”食谱烹饪 - 一个常见的过程,但具有不同的成分。例如,意大利调味饭= 3杯液体 + 1.5杯米饭;液体和其他成分都完全受到一时兴起(以及需要使用的东西)。

                                                                            I live in Australia where we have embraced newcomers food, British, Italian, Greek, Vietnamese, Thai, etc. Maybe living here I have been more sheltered from the ‘authenticity’ debate as our ‘national’ cuisine is probably more based around the quality of the produce and what you do with it, than the actual recipe you follow.

                                                                            A thought provoking article with a great recipe that I’ll be trying out. I needed another chicken marinade recipe!

                                                                              • 莉莉

                                                                              当我阅读您的文章时,我在翻白眼,并认为Anericans是一个熔炉,所有人都不会对食物进行领土。然后,我记得前一段时间,当时梅利莎·克拉克(Melissa Clark)和《纽约时报》(Nytimes)写了关于在鳄梨鳄梨酱中添加绿豌豆的文章以及每个人如何不被粘着。Twitter爆炸了,甚至奥巴马都称赞了它 - 鳄梨鱼没有豌豆!传统食谱使人们不想探索的是什么?

                                                                                  • June2

                                                                                  是的,哈哈!在夏威夷,我们制作了一个杀手级的毛豆鸟 - 试试看,它是美味的

                                                                                  • Doru Persinaru

                                                                                  “In America […] I wasn’t constantly battling ingrained prejudices as I would have been in France, where doing something as simple as adding carrots to beuf bourguignon could have gotten me guillotined, not because the carrots make the dish taste bad (they are great), but because it wouldn’t be the way a beuf was supposed to be made. In France, unless a dish was prepared exactly “right”, people would know and complain. In the States, if it tasted good, then fine, the customer was happy.”

                                                                                  Jacques Pepin, The Apprentice, My Life in the Kitchen

                                                                                      • Martinn Key2paris

                                                                                      我喜欢您的评论(即使是法国人,我完全同意您和Jacques Pepin)

                                                                                      • 米歇尔·希顿


                                                                                        • 南希

                                                                                        Do you have a “print” option on your recipes? I’m not seeing it. I could copy and paste, if not – but would be so much easier if you have that feature. Let me know, Thanks!!!

                                                                                        没有一个。更多manbetx手机版 登陆 。-dl

                                                                                          • 苏珊·卡恩(Susan Kahn)


                                                                                            • Joan

                                                                                            I could repeat exactly what Susan Khan said but I won’t. What I want to know is what is accompanying the chicken and the rice in the last photo–I want that too! We grilled and the scallions were a revelation. We’ll double those next time.

                                                                                              • 安吉拉·弗朗西斯

                                                                                              我在韩国长大(70年代初)看着母亲做饭。她会把我带到市场大部分夜晚,并主要买到我们也可以吃早餐的晚餐。我们没有冰箱,所以我不知道她是如何使我们的食物保持新鲜的,但是我有一个非常美好的回忆,那时看着母亲在地面上建造的炉子上做饭。没有食谱书或测量汤匙 - 这一切都是通过在烹饪时在这里和那里品尝的。我知道这让我想起她是很好的韩国菜。感谢大卫的幽默感,当然还有饮食良好的艺术。

                                                                                                • 梅利莎

                                                                                                这个食谱的完美时机!I’ve been idly thinking about trying to cook some Asian food (I am kind of stuck in the cuisines of the Mediterranean – deliciously), but the cookbooks I have are intimidating… This looks perfect and brought back great memories of a trip to Seoul, so I raced to the store and the chicken is marinating as I type. Thanks for the inspiration, as ever.

                                                                                                  • Gbannis

                                                                                                  There was, in the 90s, a wonderful Korean restaurant on Mission Street in San Francisco. That place served up delicious, nuanced soups and other dishes. It did not do Korean BBQ, which at that time was the only form of Korean food served by other Korean restaurants.

                                                                                                  如今,韩国烧烤与Bulgogi和其他强烈的菜肴(想想Kim Chee的一切)一起加入,虽然美味,但似乎仍然不足以使韩国美食的范围不足。我想知道他们与韩国烹饪的关系是否类似于炸玉米饼/卷饼和墨西哥烹饪之间的关系。

                                                                                                      • David

                                                                                                      That’s an interesting thought, about the predominance of bbq for our relationship to Korean cooking. I don’t know Deuki Hong, the author of this book (who cites his main influence is his mom’s home cooking), but he has a well-regarded Korean restaurant in New York City, in Koreatown, but I have been to Koreatown in Los Angeles which is a very diverse and large community and there are things on menus in their restaurants that I’d never heard of. But perhaps we’re drawn to what’s familiar to us because a Korean menu can be rather daunting if you’re unfamiliar with some of the food. Plus we like bbq!

                                                                                                      • Sharlotte Kramer

                                                                                                      My Korean mother is all about the eyeball measurements. It is actually a little hard to learn from her because she just says,”Your tongue knows when it isn’t right,” which is true, but she does not explain how she would fix it… Oh well, I just have to have an eagle eye while she cooks to learn her intuition. She often does things differently depending on what she has in hand, so she will change the recipe each time to adapt to her ingredients. Koreans are very free-form in their cooking. One thing you could try is my mother’s trick in her bulgogi: use the concentrated poaching liquid from a can on pears in juice instead of brown sugar. Koreans often use Asian pears that are ground up for that hint of sweetness since sugar was very expensive long ago in little farming towns like where my mom grew up. In Western markets, Asian pears are the expensive ingredient, so she substitutes the pear poaching liquid for her”right” flavor. The brown sugar has a very sharp sweetness, while the pear has a more subtle profile.

                                                                                                        • Alan

                                                                                                        很棒的鸡 - 第一张照片很完美,尽管我很遗憾单击诗歌链接。

                                                                                                          • 科莱特


                                                                                                            • 凯蒂

                                                                                                            I’m a longtime Korean American reader of your blog. It hurts to read in this post that you think people concerned with cultural appropriation and exploitation are just people with their “knickers in a twist.”

                                                                                                            当非克雷亚人吃韩国食品时,没有人想到。这是非克里亚人从传统而不是自己的传统中获利的时候 - 韩国人本身无法获得同样的财务买入。那时,不是来自文化的人们被视为美食专家,而不是这种文化的人。


                                                                                                            但是,为了淡化亚裔美国人对Trillin诗感到沮丧的合理原因,或者为什么人们对文化占用感到沮丧和愤怒并不是一个好看。它不会影响您 - 请不要谈论或贬低那些谈论它的人。

                                                                                                                • Topol





                                                                                                                    • 起诉


                                                                                                                    “We are all homo sapiens, and culture is an adaptation that changes over time.”



                                                                                                                    • 起诉

                                                                                                                    I completely agree with everything you said. The conversation around authenticity is not one and the same for all cuisines, especially in the US, nor should it be for all the reasons you laid out.

                                                                                                                    • 西尔维


                                                                                                                      • 吉尔·卡特尔(Gill Catterall)


                                                                                                                        • 安妮

                                                                                                                        The pictures got my attention and the ease of the recipe won me, made this for dinner tonight. First try and came out awesome. I tripled the marinade for the amount of chicken I used and it scaled beautifully. Used both thighs and breasts, the breasts did dry out but flavor was good. Will adjust grill temp and cooking time on next attempt. Shopped, marinaded, and cooked all after work, only let marinade for 40 minutes and still got lots of flavor. It’s a keeper! Thanks David, enjoy your writings so much!

                                                                                                                          • heather


                                                                                                                            • 桑德拉姆





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