
Pan forte Italian Christmas Cake

Even before the holidays get started, I always make sure that I’ve got all the ingredients on hand to make one of my very favorites desserts: Panforte. Honey, cocoa powder, almonds and hazelnuts I usually have around, for sure, and I make sure to make a batch of蜜糖当我在市场上找到柑橘。

Panforteis traditionally found in Tuscany. Or more specifically, in锡耶纳,我没去过的地方。但是,如果我确实去,我可能永远不会离开,因为一个朋友去了一次,给我带来了压倒性的各种各样的种类Panforte di Sienafor me to sample. And let me tell you — I was beyond thrilled to have so many to try.

Pan forte Italian Christmas Cake

从技术上讲 - 我知道你在那里 - 这是panpepato或五香面包,意大利语。说到事实检查者,人们可能会与意大利人称呼“面包”,因为它更像是一个水果蛋糕或其他类型的糖果。但是我学会了不要与意大利人争论,除非手头有无限量的红酒。

Pan forte Italian Christmas Cake

I’ve been told that Italians in some regions don’t use black pepper because it was imported, and they were upset with the people who oversaw the ports who long-ago heavily taxed imported goods. Hence folks started using red pepper, which could be grown right in their own yards and didn’t need to use the pricey black pepper. Perhaps someone was just telling me a story. So just to be on the safe side, I used both in mine. To my taste, this panforte is just right; not too spicy and not too sweet. I love it with dark coffee in the afternoon and a wedge makes a lovely holiday gift.

Pan forte Italian Christmas Cake

You can certainly take some liberties with this recipe, swapping out other kinds of nuts or candied fruit: candied orange will do nicely, and if you don’t want to make your own candied fruit, you can buy good-quality candied fruit in well-stocked grocery stores and spice markets. It’s best cut into thin wedges and because it’s长处,一把好锋利的刀可以帮助切片。


To skin hazelnuts, rub the still-warm toasted nuts in a tea towel, to get off as much of the skins as possible. The nuts can be toasted in a 350ºF/180ºC oven for about 10 minutes first. If you want to make your own蜜糖,您可以在该链接上找到我的食谱。您经常会看到Panforte在米纸上烤(或由另一只可食淀粉制成),这比羊皮纸更难获得。您可以购买晶圆纸在线,将它们剪裁到尺寸。
  • 5汤匙s (40g)unsweetened cocoa powder,(荷兰语或自然)
  • 2 1/2cups (325g)坚果;核桃的任何混合,almonds, or hazelnuts, toasted
  • 3/4杯子(110克)面粉
  • 1杯(200克)切碎的蜜糖或其他蜜饯柑橘
  • 1汤匙ground cinnamon
  • 2茶匙s姜粉
  • 1 1/2茶匙s现磨黑胡椒
  • pinch磨碎的肉豆蔻
  • 1/2茶匙红辣椒粉
  • 3盎司(85克)苦乐参半或半甜巧克力,切碎的
  • 1杯(200克)
  • 3/4杯子(210克)honey
  • 额外的可可粉,用于除尘
  • powdered sugar,用于除尘
  • 将烤箱预热至325ºF(160ºC)。
  • Spray a 9 to 10-inch (22-23cm) springform pan with nonstick spray. Dust the inside with cocoa powder, making sure to get it up the sides. Line the bottom with a round of parchment paper.
  • In a large bowl, mix together the cocoa powder, nuts, flour, candied citrus, cinnamon, ginger, black pepper, nutmeg, and red chile powder. Use your fingers to make sure all the ingredients are separate.
  • 将巧克力融化在一个小碗中,固定在一锅沸腾的水上。搁置。
  • 在装有糖果温度计的锅中,加热糖和蜂蜜,直到温度呈240ºF(115ºC)。
  • Pour the hot honey syrup over the nut mixture, add the melted chocolate, and stir well. Scrape the batter into the prepared pan and smooth the top. I start by using a spatula and as the mixture cools, once it’s cool enough to touch, I use a dampened hand to get it flat.
  • 烘烤Panforte 30 - 35分钟;中心会感觉柔软,就像刚烘烤的蛋ust。如果您触摸它,完成后,您的手指会清洁。(请勿过度煮熟,否则冷却后它会太牢固。)让Panforte在电线架上冷却15分钟,然后在边缘绕着刀从锅中放松它。小心地卸下弹簧(粘性边缘可能会撕裂,因此请注意),然后完全冷却。
  • 冷却后,取下弹簧锅的底部,将羊皮纸剥去。用糖粉撒上Panforte,然后用手将其擦入。







Panforte(Divina Cucina)


蜜饯柑桔皮(Simply Recipes)



Candied citron recipe


    • anuja


      • 日常素食收益


        • evitaa


          • 托尼


            • Jobeth_b

            Glace ginger is totally awesome in panforte. And drink amaretto with panforte. Oh yes. I am sitting in a mediocre hotel room in Sydney after working a 12 hour day with no minibar :( . I want to eat panforte to make me feel better.

              • 法国sca


                • Natasha


                  • 伊莱纳


                    • 莫琳



                      • 苏西


                        • Sarah B. Hood

                        Lucky David for having such nice things at the back of the cupboard. I mainly have pasta fragments. I adore panforte, which I get from an annual Christmas market here in Toronto, and am most pleased to know that it can be made so quickly; I had imagined it would take hours in a slow oven. Thanks for posting this!

                          • 克里斯西 @我的美食美食家


                            • Claudia

                            我从来没有用胡椒制作Panforte - 绝对必须再做一次 - T一直是圣诞节的享受。我倾向于同意黑胡椒和税收的故事 - 听起来很棒的意大利语。

                              • 大卫


                              Claudia: It sounds plausible to me, too, although I couldn’t find any direct references to it online to back up the claim. But I do know the Tuscans don’t put salt in their bread – even nowadays… when a pinch of salt costs almost nothing. I guess they hold grudges ~

                              法国sca: I used to use (edible) rice paper when I lived in San Francisco, but am not sure where to find that here in Paris. But happily, using parchment paper works well, too.

                              Chrissy: I’m learning ; )

                                • Isabella

                                I tried your panforte icecream from perfect scoop and it is amazing, I have done it many times now, I think this also will be a staying recipe!

                                  • 金·阿迪


                                    • 奇基

                                    哦,另一个赢家!我爱,爱,爱Panforte。让我告诉你,您可以在一种情况下参观锡耶纳:您的皮肤精致……。这样可以确保您离开这个绝对美好的地方,因为它变得越来越热。我曾两次,三月底和4月底的第二次结束。我差点死于像碗里一样陷入困境的热量……但是Dio Mio,这是一个绝妙的地方!
                                    我对您在橱柜中发现的东西感到惊讶 - 听起来很有趣;)

                                      • 玛格丽特

                                      我喜欢胡椒和巧克力的结合。圣安东尼奥(San Antonio)有一家餐厅,供应巧克力饼干,上面有辣椒,并在周末为早午餐提供早午餐。它们是如此柔软和湿润,几乎就像小圆蛋糕一样。Saveur Magazine在几年前的100期中为他们提供了特色,但他们更改了原始食谱。

                                        • Sharon T

                                        My first attempt at making panforte was a few years ago after returning from Italy. It was ok, but did not meet my expectations. Perhaps I will try again with this recipe. Thank you!

                                          • deborah

                                          Great way to use up the glazed citron in my icebox, which – as you say – looks a little wierd but tastes great. Still, it does need to be used.


                                            • 埃德温娜


                                              • 诺琳

                                              Okay, I’ll try the pepper. I know I like spicy gingersnaps, why not in panforte. BTW, I do love pannacotta. Is that something in your gigantic repertoire? All that cool creaminess and fruit after a heavier Italian meal. Heaven on top of heaven :-).

                                                • Amber

                                                我受到启发!我很喜欢吃Panforte(曾经在一棵开花的橙树下,同时饮柴茶 - 我认为这可能会陷入我有史以来的前五名饮食经验中),并喜欢您的食谱。我喜欢添加黑胡椒的想法。我喜欢我的甜食,然后踢一点。感谢您的另一个奇妙的厨房想法!

                                                  • 甜蜜的怪胎

                                                  I’ve never heard of panforte – sounds, and looks, like another winner! As does the Amaro pairing…

                                                    • 琳达·H


                                                      • 弗洛尔·德·玛丽亚(Flor de Maria)

                                                      Loved your posting–which sent me on a search. Do you know if we can get Citron here is in the States? And, what would you call it? Thanks

                                                          • 克里斯特

                                                          @ Flor:Market Hall Foods网站 - 出色的蜜饯Citron。

                                                          • 伯尼·黄

                                                          I am so glad you made panforte!! It looks delicious. I tried making some a few years ago and it was a total disaster, hard as a rock. I haven’t been brave enough to try again but now after seeing this, I am ready to tackle it again. I have some candied citron and orange peel lurking about in the pantry so I’m definitely going to try making this recipe soon.

                                                            • 伯尼·黄


                                                              • Linda


                                                                • Don Jacobson


                                                                  • La Domestique

                                                                  干辣椒是La Domestique本周的成分,我喜欢这个美丽的Panforte的想法!巧克力和智利的热量是如此的结合,我喜欢用一口咖啡来追逐建筑物的热量。在寒冷的冬天,这是完美的甜点/零食,可以为您加热。

                                                                    • lien


                                                                      • Michelle

                                                                      In my imagination, I just went to Paris, and I was eating this panforte and drinking a perfect cup of coffee mid-afternoon. Looks so perfect!

                                                                        • Toby


                                                                            • 大卫

                                                                            G. Detouhas a pretty extensive selection of candied and glacéed fruit. Some of the Arab and Asian markets in Belleville and in other parts of the city sometimes carry them as well.

                                                                            • 基兰


                                                                              • 菲利斯·基里金(Phyllis Kirigin)

                                                                              The syrup is great, too.

                                                                                • 艾美木子


                                                                                  • heidipie


                                                                                    • 科琳在生活的咖喱中

                                                                                    我在与爱丽丝·梅德里奇(Alice Medrich)的一集中,从“与朱莉娅(Julia)烘烤”中快速剥离榛子的技巧。煮2杯水,加3汤匙。加入榛子,煮沸3分钟。然后将它们排干,将它们放入冰浴中,皮肤会立即摩擦!

                                                                                      • 布拉德福德·刘易斯


                                                                                        • 布拉德福德·刘易斯

                                                                                        For peeling hazelnuts quickly, I like to roast them in a hot oven, throw them in a towel and make a little bag out of it. Then i roll this towel bag around on the table until i think that i’ve been doing it for way to long. the nuts rub all of the skins off of each other. Just make sure they’re very hot when you start!

                                                                                          • 法语字母的abra


                                                                                            • 加夫里埃尔

                                                                                            Do you have any suggestions for what to wrap it in for storage, David? The last time I made panforte I wrapped it in tinfoil and ended up peeling it off scrap by scrap. It’s a sticky little devil, and I’m not sure what would be good for storage without it getting welded to the panforte.

                                                                                              • mimi



                                                                                                • 大卫

                                                                                                ABRA:塞德拉特(Cedrat)是法国人的香龙(Citron),您在法国看到的大多数Citron都来自Corsica。(我的帖子中有一张关于Le Bonbon au Palais。)Perhaps they use unripe citron, although I know in the states, a lot of the candied citron that you buy in the supermarket is tinted green for reasons I don’t understand.

                                                                                                加夫里埃尔: I wrap it in plastic film, then foil.

                                                                                                mimi: I have no experience with gluten-free flours but perhaps something like corn flour or (gluten-free) oat flour or buckwheat might work?

                                                                                                heidipie: I tried to find a reference to it for confirmation, but I couldn’t. Although the person who told me a few years ago is pretty knowledgeable about Tuscany. If anyone has any information, I’d love to know more as well.

                                                                                                  • Skye的Skye Loves…


                                                                                                    • 圣地亚哥

                                                                                                    嗯,只是我关于费尔内特的两分钱。La Cinzano说,它确实很好地享受着闪闪发光的水和新鲜的柠檬汁。当然,您可以像我们在阿根廷一样喝可乐。就我个人而言,我喜欢7份可乐,3份蕨类植物和柠檬汁刷新。喝冷,我的意思是。

                                                                                                    顺便说一句,Panforte Rocks。

                                                                                                      • Sweet Basil

                                                                                                      You have become my Guru Mr. Lebovits!
                                                                                                      “必须”是,“ Senora这里是您可以购买Pan Forte的商店”
                                                                                                      当孩子们(2)在广场上跑来跑去,他们愉快地追着他们永远无法抓住的鸽子(我的丈夫打了一个开胃酒的咖啡馆)我站在排队的是一个新冒险的情况下,mmmm….pan forte :))))))))))))))))))))))))))一些…..

                                                                                                        • 桑迪·卡斯特罗(Sandy Castro)


                                                                                                          • 大卫


                                                                                                            • Gillian


                                                                                                            问题 - 您认为没有面粉的食谱会起作用吗?还是我可以添加杏仁粉?

                                                                                                              • 简在丹麦

                                                                                                              这看起来像是一种美妙的质朴享受,是一个很好的借口,可以得到更多我最喜欢的Amaro Ramazzotti。(Fernet-Branca是坑))当我们今年晚些时候在罗马时,我也会寻找Panforte - 毕竟离锡耶纳还不远。

                                                                                                                • 阿德里巴尔


                                                                                                                  • Lynn

                                                                                                                  The best panforte I ever had was while on a visit to Sienna. So fresh, absolutely delicious, and I am not a fruitcake lover at all. I am definitely going to make your version, would be fresher than the imported version I buy at Christmas!!

                                                                                                                    • Vicky


                                                                                                                      • 朱莉娅

                                                                                                                      I was so excited to read this recipe, I had to make it right away. I just ate my first slice, and it tastes just like the one I had in Siena (and like the imported ones I buy here in the US). Score one for David!

                                                                                                                        • Stacey小吃


                                                                                                                        I am going to try your version now!

                                                                                                                        只是去了W. Village(NYC)的Amaro品尝,对其中的任何一个都不热衷,其中大多数都非常有药用,例如Grappa,但也许我的调色板还不够精致,我是波旁威士忌酒的人!

                                                                                                                          • Steffi


                                                                                                                            • 琳达


                                                                                                                              • Stacey小吃





                                                                                                                                • Venessa


                                                                                                                                  • 罗伯塔


                                                                                                                                    • 凯伦·布朗(Karen Brown)

                                                                                                                                    I once had a panforte in San Gimignano that was quite different from the Sienese kind. It was bright orangey-yellow, very citrusy, packed with almonds and totally divine. The only other thing I remember about it, was that it had some kind of connection with Queen Marguerite. I have searched in vain for anything like it in every Italian grocery I have access to (not a huge number of those here in New Zealand.) Your post has set me to wondering if you or any of your readers would have a recipe for anything like this.

                                                                                                                                      • 朱莉娅{烤根}

                                                                                                                                      嘿,大卫,我是您的博客新手,如果您已经回答了这个问题,请原谅我,但是您是否曾经来美国教书?我喜欢您的技术和烘焙食品的无情完美 - 所以与我相反!我知道我将从您的博客中学到一吨。;)感谢您的灵感。

                                                                                                                                        • 乔·托尔(Jo Torr)

                                                                                                                                        我的panforte现在在烤箱里,闻起来很神圣,让我想起了G&B Maya Gold Chocolate。但是很难将糖/蜂蜜搅拌到其余的地方,而且它不想从碗里出来!而且我什至都不会尝试弄清楚我的头发如何给蜂蜜买来……。

                                                                                                                                            • 大卫


                                                                                                                                            • 丹妮丝

                                                                                                                                            Wow…I just made this and I’m in heaven, or at least back in Siena. I used up the citron from last year so there’s more room in my cupboard. Making the honey syrup and pressing it into a cake was interesting. I felt transported back to medieval times. Best of all, no creaming, whipping, separating, or rolling out! This will definitely become one of my go-to deserts.

                                                                                                                                              • 艾米


                                                                                                                                                • 艾米

                                                                                                                                                糟糕 - 我猜它不是不含麸质的,但是可以很容易地这样做……我将面粉误认为是糖粉!

                                                                                                                                                  • 凯特


                                                                                                                                                    • 科琳在生活的咖喱中

                                                                                                                                                    I left off my earlier comment: it’s 3 tablespoons of baking soda.

                                                                                                                                                      • 丹妮丝

                                                                                                                                                      我只是想知道您从美国进口了多少东西,您可以在这里购买多少?这张照片上有Scharfenberger巧克力和Rancho Gordo辣椒粉…。我带来了一些东西,但是下次我访问美国时,我似乎不得不打包一个额外的手提箱。

                                                                                                                                                        • Mireya Merritt @Healthy饮食习惯

                                                                                                                                                        This sounds delicious, but I was surprised to see there were no figs in the recipe. I was under the assumption that figs were a basic ingredient in panforte.

                                                                                                                                                          • 玛格丽特

                                                                                                                                                          It’s definitely worth the effort. Wonderful stuff.




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